Here's what I've accomplished so far after some 35 laps in:
I still want to improve my time if I can, I'm trying not to rotate the car too much to keep my momentum but my racing line is all over the place, not to mention I have the feeling I might be doing some corners with the wrong gear... Gold is definitely out of the equation for me, perhaps even Silver.
Despite the absurd alien lap times I'm actually enjoying this TT, it's really nice to step away from the tarmac every once in a while and try something completely different, and this comes from someone who's definitely NOT a rally racing fan!
I really need to pay more attention to some of you guy's videos... it's a constant struggle to find grip with this thing and, as usual, timing your gears and steering inputs just right is essential to maintain a good line through the track, this is true in pretty much every TT but especially on this one it makes a world of difference.
Let's see if I can climb up the ladder a bit more

EDIT: New improvement amongst the snow flakes of Lake Louise
After some more laps, I improved my time by well over 2.5 seconds

... still a Bronze, I know, but MAYBE a Silver medal might be possible now, who knows?
I'm making a better use of the gearbox now, but I still need to improve my racing line especially through those low speed corners, I'm really struggling to find grip there and therefore losing a whole lot of time.
This is really weird, this car seems to have much more grip when going at high speeds, and when I'm going slow it just slides and drifts all over the place... maybe it's drivers fault, or the physics, or the tires... or none of that, maybe it's just the way it is.