- 102
- GTP_machschnel
Now before I start let we make it perfectly clear, I would prefer damage in
GT5. But given the choice between more cars/tracks, improved car customisation, weather effects etc or damage, I'd be happy to drop damage and heres why.
A lot of people have said GT5 won't be realistic if it doesn't have a damage model. To an extent this is true and I can see where they are coming from, but in my opinion a decent driver will never use the damage model. For instance, in all my ours on Prologue I have never hit another car/wall with enough force that would have done any damage and remember, I'm not even an average driver. So all those man hours for a feature that many will never use.
The next point is that in professional competitions, damage is need so that if you come off, you will be damaged enough to slow you down, atleast til you reach the pits. Now, at the top level of Gran Turismo racing, if you come of the track far enough to hit something, I'd say your race is pretty much over anyway. How often IRL does a car that's been damaged, get back into the pits, get repaired and get back out there to win the race?
Another point I've heard is that it will discourage punters/cheaters(wall-riders). Let we make this clear. No matter what Polyphony do, there will always be cheaters, punters on the other hand is a problem you can control. Join GTPlanet and race in there series. My experience with GTP sanctioned events was absolute class. Don't get me wrong, there was rubbing, bumping etc but it was done in what I'd call a clean matter. I recall a Lotus raming my heavier, earlier braking car up the backside. The Lotus actually slowed down to let me pass after this:tup:
Do we really need damage. I think the answer is no. For a lot of us it is something that we will never see. And as shown above I don't think not having it will affect gameplay as much as some people have made out.
Just thing of all the extra things we could have if we didn't have damage. Maybe even(now I'm speculating) not having it will allow Gran Turismo to finally be graced by Porsche, Lamborghini etc. Just think about it.
GT5. But given the choice between more cars/tracks, improved car customisation, weather effects etc or damage, I'd be happy to drop damage and heres why.
A lot of people have said GT5 won't be realistic if it doesn't have a damage model. To an extent this is true and I can see where they are coming from, but in my opinion a decent driver will never use the damage model. For instance, in all my ours on Prologue I have never hit another car/wall with enough force that would have done any damage and remember, I'm not even an average driver. So all those man hours for a feature that many will never use.
The next point is that in professional competitions, damage is need so that if you come off, you will be damaged enough to slow you down, atleast til you reach the pits. Now, at the top level of Gran Turismo racing, if you come of the track far enough to hit something, I'd say your race is pretty much over anyway. How often IRL does a car that's been damaged, get back into the pits, get repaired and get back out there to win the race?
Another point I've heard is that it will discourage punters/cheaters(wall-riders). Let we make this clear. No matter what Polyphony do, there will always be cheaters, punters on the other hand is a problem you can control. Join GTPlanet and race in there series. My experience with GTP sanctioned events was absolute class. Don't get me wrong, there was rubbing, bumping etc but it was done in what I'd call a clean matter. I recall a Lotus raming my heavier, earlier braking car up the backside. The Lotus actually slowed down to let me pass after this:tup:
Do we really need damage. I think the answer is no. For a lot of us it is something that we will never see. And as shown above I don't think not having it will affect gameplay as much as some people have made out.
Just thing of all the extra things we could have if we didn't have damage. Maybe even(now I'm speculating) not having it will allow Gran Turismo to finally be graced by Porsche, Lamborghini etc. Just think about it.