Quick google search. Try these:
It goes on... and on... and on.
How is an understanding of the biochemical reaction occurring within my brain a bias? Its a statement of fact. Show me facts that update or change that theory and I will quite happily amend it.
That you are dismissing any other explanation at all out of hand (regardless of evidence) is a clear bias.
I'm not dismissing any other explanation out of hand.
I've already evaluated all of that, and personally discovered, they do not apply.
And as already mentioned, that has been, roughly a 40yr endeavor.
So is that biased? From another perspective, such as yours, Yes it is.
From my own, no its not.
Obviously, you are taking the same position.
Not without evidence to support it.
The question I asked does not require evidence.
So if you answered yes, you would not be compromising your standard.
A possibilty of something doesn't establish it evidentially.
Your mixing hypothesis, fact and theory here. Not that I'm surprised given your love of bending meaning to suit your own purpose.
I do not believe that to be the case.
All you have managed to do here is further illustrate why its a poor and unsuitable analogy.
Again, I do not believe that to be the case.
The only difference is you may appeal their(regional authority)ruling and have the payment adjusted.
But you will still have to pay.
In the other example, there is no appeal, since you will have no justifiable evidence to support your claim.
And likewise you will still be required pay.
However you personally, cannot pay that debt.
You claimed the bible was "consistent and reasonable and based on the inherent value of life".
From the perspective of the universal law of exchange, yes that is what I said.
Or that God's judgement on us is reasonable in light of that.
If its been interpreted in a manner that justifies the causing of harm then it doesn't meet that claimed standard at all.
That assumes that causing harm is never justified.
That is not the case.
So once again its not "consistent and reasonable and based on the inherent value of life"
I don't follow how you conclude that.
So the moment the masters noticed the slaves had found god they just upped and freed them!
Quite a bold (and utterly inaccurate) claim to make.
I'm actually claiming the exact opposite.
They should have realized that dictated their freedom, even if they did not believe so for other reasons.
Then please explain why its still a part of it, why christians cherry pick from it to justify all manner of things, why the 10 commandments still adorn every church I have been in?
Because they are still relevant and applicable.
Its the same God, just not the same covenant.
You stated "God gave man Dominion or authority, rule, autonomy.
Under that establishment, God cannot just come in and encroach on that, making alternate directives as he pleases.
Its very similar to a landlord/tenant arrangement."
Every one of the examples I gave shows him coming in and encroaching on that, as I said your entire faith is based on him doing exactly that. Regardless of how 'happy' she was with the whole deal its a rather major 'encroachment' to say the least, not to mention the end result was the splitting of the single Abrehamic faith into two, once again quite a significant alternative directive!
The establishment of the Abrehamic covenant, allowed God to interact.
In fact Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only covenant son, which allowed God do to the same.
So you are quite happy with genocide as long as god does it.
No, to the contrary I'm not.
However, niether am I in a position to judge what God did at that time and under those conditions.
If it was necessary to preserve and continue the plan of God, then it was justifed.
As the Bible says, the law never saved anyone, and actually had the opposite affect.
However it also says it was necessary.
And your also quite happy with genocide as long as its done under gods direct orders, not that he apparently makes alternative directions - which the orders he gave to Gideon were - bit of a contradiction that. God gives orders to kill a whole bunch of people because they went to a different religion, but that's not a directive!
Not because they were of a different religion, but because they were expressly evil, and could and would(God only knows) destroy Israel.
And again he could act to help protect them under the covenant.
Unfortunately, you are judging these things from a surface and 21st century carnal perspective, without regaurd to the spiritual aspects.