I hope he isn't using one of science's oxygen bottles, that'll teach him.
The bottle that was invented because of Gods creation of the brain, hands, and the raw materials of the earth?
Yep, that bottle.
Non-Christians aren't people? Certainly, you're not going that far...
Also, neither you nor any of your friends have demonstrated yet that morality requires religion. Care to take a crack at it?
Oh. You were going that far. Well then. You're quite an 🤬
I don't understand. Don't you believe you are an animal, or more precise, monkey / ape like?
Curse me all you need, I mean it was written afterall. I still forgive you...
Honestly, How can one who claims he is good and trying to live his life without sin and do good by his neighbors be such an asshole. You're view on homosexuality is not only disgusting, but quite literally goes completely against the loving nature you seem to act like you portray. You're a very hateful and spiteful person(like so called Father, like son, no?) no matter how much you try to disguise it.
This adds nothing to the discussion, I know, and might possibly get me in trouble but god damn the way you act towards this trump's anything that the "Devil" is doing.
You sound evil, atleast in my opinion and probably most anyone that doesn't follow your religion. I have many homosexual family members and friends, and your view is disgusting, so much so that it offends me to this point. I'm sure if they could not be "converted" to be straight, you wouldn't care less if homosexuals get wiped from this planet.
I have to add; I think it was
@Famine who brought up the theory of the Devil writing the Book, and what if he did? This religion seems to bring out a lot of hate in its followers, that seems to be overshadowed by the "good" teachings in it.
Thankfully I don't base my life and future on what if's and buts. That is each mans battle.
You have your opinion, and the free will to judge, but judging someone that is on Gods side, isn't really going to help you. It's like you worried about the spec in my eye, while you ignoring the log in your own eye.
Sometimes debating with a stray dog is a lot more productive and enjoyable than debating with some people. I'm now sure of it.
Put yourself in my shoes, and see how many stray dogs I'm genuinely concerned for, especially those fulfilling prophecy, but for the wrong reasons.
@DCP Why will you not answer my question?
Which NT verses state that you, as a devout Christian (and that you have made abundantly clear) should not be a member here?
Its frustratingly puzzling that you either will not or can not answer this.
What has this got to do with the NT anyways. This is just a material world, which will pass away inevitably.
👍 Yup. That works fine for me.
Who is to say that animals don't have a conscious anyway? Can you say for certain that they don't?
Well, if you stood before me, I would not bite you, but go and stand before a hippo. It has no sense of morality to not attack you for nothing. Remember, "Cursed are the animals".
I personally believe animals go to heaven, but whether it's all of them, I don't know. That's up to the Creator.
Oh yeah
@DCP? I thought animals do have answer to god in their ways of speech.
So, did you just say animals go to hell? So whats Noahs purpose when he saved those damn animals?
Nope, I don't think I've ever said that.
I enjoy a mean lamb curry, and Nando's chicken. Thankfully Noah let them in...
@DCP, something puzzles me here. You say that you wouldn't kill yourself for God, but the first words in this passage are "If He did, I would do it." Which you say would make you a mere Christian following a false God. So you wouldn't do it in that case even if He told you to? Doesn't that mean that you would be disobeying God? Perhaps I didn't understand this correctly?
In the Lords Prayer, or if you prefer, the instructions concerning prayer given by the Lord, I am to ask God to treat me the way I treat other people. Which I do ask, sometimes. Usually I just ask Him to keep me from embarrassing myself. Do Born-Again Christians obey this same instruction?
Edited to get it sorted out.
Read the question and answer again, but try without your worldview.
Dying is inevitable.
If God wanted me to kill people I would do it, but you see, God wants us to love people, and give them hope of eternal life. It's people who refuse to put their pride aside.
There are other religions that kill themselves for their gods, or allow their gods to tell them to kill.
Regarding the Lords prayer, from the God of the bible, here it is, so you know where us Born again Christians come from:
Matthew 6:9-13
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
In your worldview, you have no idea what this prayer is all about, but the beauty of it all is, you do have a choice, but if only you could put the scheme of man in your back pocket.
Old post, but still something that radical Christians like yourself cling on to:
Prayer is LEGAL in schools, it is not banned, however schools CANNOT force children to believe in one religion.
Ugh... how many times do I have to explain this to people...
Schools can teach all religions, just give the children choices.
Evolution is a religion, and forces children to believe in it.
Studying bones of the past mean nothing. Those bones could be anybodies. Why could bones of the past change from one animal into another, but not with animals alive today, or the last few thousand years?
No one in their right minds could ever "know" that those bones had ANY offspring.
One would have to have faith that something like that happened in the past, much the same for cosmic evolution.
So go ahead and teach evolution, but also teach the creation account of the bible.
Other religions don't have creation accounts that show scientific evidence.
Evolution has nothing to do with science, yet it is taught in science classes.
Children should be able to decide for themselves if they originally were created by God, from the soil, or if they came from nothing, to primordial soup, and a rock, else they just end up defending this like you do.