Oh my god are you being serious?
Absolutely serious. You are only here for a season (Gods season), and you should be very grateful you are still breathing each morning. Death, sin and suffering will end very soon. You are either still apart of it, or you have found Christ.
The flood is a reminder, that the Owner of this universe will destroy sin and wickedness once and for all this time.
You can follow whatever rules you desire, I mean, it is part of the free will given to you, but you must still stand accountable for your crimes, whether you like it or not, believe it or not, mock it or not.
Yes, they should. Who said "made from soil" though? That's just you offering an even crazier alternative to the one you're proposing.
Do you know anything about MRSA as asked by
@KSaiyu? If it's the case that evolution doesn't happen (it';s happening now, remember, and always will), then it must be god who made antibiotics... so it must be god who changes viruses to be immune from those antibiotics... why does he do THAT?
Look at every food item and ask yourself whether or not it traces itself back to soil: potato chips, milk, cheese, eggs, butter, pancakes, bananas, bread, cookies, grapes, apples, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, popcorn, chocolate, cereal, coffee, strawberries, etc. It takes a little bit of backward thinking, but if you take the time to give it some thought, everything traces itself back to the soil.
Let’s do it with eggs. The eggs came from the chicken. The chicken ate the wheat to make the eggs, and the wheat traces itself back to the soil.
When you were a toddler, your mother gave you milk that came from the cow that chewed the grass that came from the soil. Stated simplistically, milk is rearranged soil nutrients.
So is cheese, butter, yoghurt and ice cream. The substance of our bodies is made up of the food we ate, and all the food we ate traces itself back to the soil (Mother Earth). We are rearranged dirt.
Coincidentally, science tells us that the same trace elements that make up soil are the same elements that make up the human body--carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. When you die, your body will turn back into soil, and your soiled soul will return to the God who gave you your life.
The flood is what aids your evolution theory, but again, it's your free will to follow the scheme of man, aided by the prince of this fallen world, blindly, while lead to believe that Christians are fools.
Darwinian evolution stands in the way of the science of discovery; summed up in Einstein’s "I want to know how God created this world.”
Gods way of creating man from the ground, is much more believable, then for parents to pay tax money for teachers to tell their innocent children that they came from primordial soup, or a rock, some millions of years ago, whom no one witnessed.
I'll say it again, why pay to be taught the evolution religion only?
Children should know the scientific evidence of the bible also, if they so choose.
Here is what Jesus has to say to people that are causing little children to stumble:
'But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.
How many youngsters are leaving the churches, because someone is telling them that God doesn't exist.
Prices have to be paid in the Court of the Ultimate Judge of the Universe.
He came, as a humble lamb, slaughtered so that man could receive the free gift of salvation if they so chose to.
He is coming as a Lion pretty soon.
If you are scared of a train derailing, ISIS killing your family while you watch, aids, cancer, ebola, a nuclear explosion in your neighborhood, or a tsunami, how much more should you be when you face the One that created all you see and can't see?
Correct!!! But then neither does Christianity. None of them do.
Evolution has nothing to do with Science? Are you actually being serious? You have NO idea what your are talking about. None.
Stop replying as you are looking more and more like a troll. Perhaps learn something first. Anything. How toilets flush. A new language. Anything to prove that you are not COMPLETELY BRAINWASHED and have no free thought.
I know my replying is shaking your Godless ghosts, else you would just ignore me by now, instead of coming up with this troll pointing. There is Power in the Word of God.
I believe you are completely brain washed, since you the one that believes your greatx1000 grandfather came from soup, then a rock, and that suns are born daily, yet you've never seen that actually happen.
We will only know when we die right? That's a hell of a gamble you taking.
Guys say the youtube evidence i post is too long, or 2 hours.
Think of the pain sitting in a prison thinking, " just two hours of my time, i could have avoided this horrible place"
All choice and free will. You cannot blame anyone on that day. No one.
If it is a religion, then PROVE that it is.
The answer is simple for your question: Natural selection weeded out the weaker of the species not suited to that particular environment, and over time with genetic mutations that could either be good or bad, bones can change from generation to generation.
It. Is. Science. It shows how we came to be through natural selection, mutations, and reproduction.
So you are a mass murderer? What if you were in a room full of people that didn't believe in your religion? You have a gun with you, and you heard a "message from God" telling you to kill EVERY LAST PERSON in the room. Would you?
Here's your proof if you want to challenge the prince of this fallen world:
Your question is meaningless. Ifs and buts just don't work against Gods elect. It's facts and truth.
Jesus died so I can live. The God of the Bible has already told me not to kill the people in the room "to make you happy"
You keep talking about bones of the past, yet you can't answer, why those bones could change from a dinosaur to a bird, but today, a bird can't change to a dinosaur. You see how you willfully miss the point?
The bible says that people will become willfully ignorant "dumb on purpose". Why?
Because you don't want God telling you how to live by His rules, under His new covenant.
That's fine. You free to live how you want, but every criminal must be punished.
I think I know why there was a misunderstanding. When I said
I meant that DCP should try to understand science if he wants to know why we don't believe in god.
Oh I understand it just fine. I'm not the one brainwashed into thinking evolution is science.
It's a dangerous religion, taking youngsters away from Gods salvation plan.
Let me ask you very simple questions:
Do you really agree as fact, that you eventually came from a rock, ignoring the millions of years of rain before that?
Where did right from wrong come from?
Where did the information come from, with your big bang theory?
Why is it that when every time, you plant a seed, the root goes down into the soil, and the stem goes up, EVERY TIME? Who commanded this to happen? Can't be nothing surely.