The things you listed does not say anything about GOD doing a bad job in creating you. for example if GOD did a bad job in creating you maybe he should have put your nose in between your butt-cheeks(now thats an example of a bad job). you being alive this moment is prove that he did not do a bad job.
I'd consider a hereditary propensity towards diabetes and arthritis, as well as sleep apnea, arrhythmia and liver problems poor design. I was a runner in College. Can't do that now. Thank you God for giving me great knees.
And whose stupid idea was it to link the respiratory tract and digestive tract through the throat? Although spurting milk out your nose is probably preferable to spurting whatever comes out from between your butt-cheeks, I doubt the thousands of people who choke to death every year will agree with you that our airways are well-designed. Or they likely wouldn't agree with you if you could actually get the dead to talk.
The fact that I'm alive at this moment proves the viability of the "design". It doesn't prove it's good. Even a Yugo will make it past the factory gates. Doesn't mean it'll last more than a few years without falling apart.
Human bodies are built to last at least 35 years, after which they start falling apart. Which takes another 35-50 years, give or take, unless you're exceptionally lucky or genetically gifted.
The fact that, unlike the legendary Adam, I won't live to the ripe old age of 900 years proves that I wasn't built to last that long. And
if I am Adam's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-something-or-the-other-grandson, shouldn't I have the same basic design?
Don't you think we ought to be at least a bit tee'd off that he gave us all Yugos for bodies instead of Mercedes Benzes, like Adam apparently got?
Whether our bodies were designed as they are or whether they evolved to their current state from previous organisms (and there's lots of proof in genetics of currently occuring human evolution if you ever bother to look it up)
does not prove or disprove the existence of God.
Neither does a ham sandwich, but that's another story.
Who's to say that he didn't cause the Big Bang and create the Universe as it is? Writing coding into the fundamental laws of the Universe to encourage the development of life?
If you want to take up the Creation versus Evolution argument, take it to the appropriate (and extremely long thread).