If modesty didn’t come from Adam and Eve then why don’t animals try to cover up when you look at them in their animal nakedness?
Why don't children cover up when you look at them in their nakedness? Modesty is learned. Not inherited.
I know your making that statement because someone told you
the movie was dumb and it wasn’t worth your time to go and see it, right? So well put you down for not able to challenge the facts in
post 1921
Because there are no facts in that post. Just the same old stuff we've been discussing for years. If you really want me to answer it, that follows.
And yes Liz when the evolutionist say that we are no different than animals then why don’t they cover up when we look at them in their animal nakedness?
Biologically, a dog differs little from a rat. Why don't people play fetch with rats?
So the Exodus was a Labor issue? “knarly dude”
Why, yes, yes it was. And yet thousands of years later, Christians still used slave labor. The more things change...
Intelligent Design is a study of patterns in nature,
No it isn't. It simply ascribes that patterns in nature came about through conscious design.
A study of patterns in nature seeks to ascertain the cause and nature of these patterns. Intelligent design merely ascribes to these patterns irreducible complexity and proposes that an intelligent designer is necessary to provide for these.
It's the equivalent of the CSI team going into a room, looking at the results of a fight and stating that all the evidence was laid down artfully by a group of propsmen. Which is correct, in this case, but in a real crime investigation, would be laughably inept.
Science doesn't settle for answers for which there is no proof. Which is why Intelligent Design will never be science, no matter how many crackpots petition for it.
Darwin tried to prove that the changes within a species not only leads to new species but to every species and the evidence for that claim is totally lacking,
Do you really want us to retread stuff we've posted at least a dozen times before? We already have evidence for Evolution. There is no evidence
against. If you'd like to provide evidence that we can pick apart, go ahead. Otherwise, stop retreading old ground.
where as Darwinism has to do with some concept that orients it’s self around life starting from a spontaneous emergence from a primordial soup AKA from mud to life, or another theory was that life possibly started on the backs of crystals. Maybe it was the alien seeding method…lol…
"Darwinism" doesn't describe the emergence of life. It simply describes how organisms can develop from other organisms. What you're looking for is the origin of life.
Darwin never stated how life began, so isn’t that what has to be looked at first?
Wait, I thought you said that Darwinism theorizes that life started from crystals? Way to contradict yourself in just one post.
When Darwin talked about the common cell back in 1859 he considered it to be quite a simple design, when in fact it is as vast as the galaxy.
Direct quote? A Cell is simple compared to a man. It's complex compared to a molecule. On the scale of size, a cell
isn't as vast as a galaxy. It may be likened in its complexity to a galaxy... if a galaxy eats and reproduces. And galaxies don't.
For the world’s first single cell organism to have taken place you had to have a perfectly aligned string of 250 proteins all in the correct order for life to function, approximately one in one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion for life to have taken place on it's own. For the understanding of the cell to be dealt with, it has to be looked at in a scientific manor
manner... Scientific manner...
just like Darwinism, but because of the unimaginable complexity of it, the Darwinist have to destroy the intelligent design aspect of it by weaving it into creationism, thusly demonizing it as taboo and painting it with the complexity of a randomness luck of the draw. The founders of early modern science Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei most of these scientist not only believed in God but their belief actually made it easier to do science.
Easy, duplicitous attack against Darwin. Darwin was a devout Christian. In fact, he delayed releasing his theory because he feared persecution. he later became an agnostic because he couldn't reconcile his religion with his scientific learning, but he never denied the existence of God.
Irreducible complexity ignores the fact that organisms are only complex after the fact. They can start from simpler organisms. Some point to the incredibly long chains of proteins recorded in DNA, which have to be perfectly recorded for an organism to reproduce. What they ignore is the huge number of junk proteins in each strand of DNA which are copied from generation to generation that have no apparent effect on the growth and development of an organism. These strands of "junk" DNA are used as hereditary markers for genetic studies.
In other words... life didn't need an
exact combination. Just one that
works. That's why you and I can have vastly different genetic makeups, yet we're still both living, breathing, human beings.
A belief in Darwinism means that we live, we die, then were gone with no kind of deep meaning in life.
Darwinism is a religion? Wow. Tell that to all the Christian biologists, geneticists and paleontologists whose research contributes to Evolutionary Theory.
Case in point Hitler’s Mein Kampf, he used Darwinistic Eugenics to devalue life and we know what that meant, a decrease in the surplus population.
Hitler was a Christian. Say hello to him in Heaven for me.
Nazi Eugenics was racist in nature. Though inspired by Evolutionary Theory, it's interesting to point out that the mass killing of Jews during the Inquisition was inspired by and supported by the Vatican.
At some point you have to be a realist in this whole God thing, either you think your existence is something that is greater than a rock and has a chance that your spirit will go on after your mortality is realized or the human experience is no diffeent than a
retarded fish frog.
Retarded fish frog pt 2
Which has nothing to do with Evolution being right or not. Evolution is merely a description of how life changes over time. It says nothing about man's spirit or afterlife.
Intelligent Design is like Holy Water to a Vampire
Your simile is missing a piece.... Intelligent Design is to ______ like Holy Water is to a Vampire.
Granted, Vampires don't actually exist (Vampire bats do, but Holy Water does nothing to them), so I don't know where this one was going at all.