The problem being is that as a Christian, faith steps in and tells me that this is possible some how and some way. On the other hand logic tells me, no it is not possible for God to be all knowing, when it is obvious that man has free will. This is the tragedy with being both Christian and also a logical thinker.
Having been raised a Christian, I understand perfectly what you're describing.
What I'm most interested in is this:
We are taught not to not question certain things, but I refuse to adhere to that simply because of what I choose to identify with.
If I can be blunt, what are you going to do about this? One of those things has to give, right?
I know you want me to have a perfect answer, but I can't as it doesn't make complete sense to me either.
I actually care a lot less about your answer than I do about exploring the ways in which you think through it.
For me, in my own journey towards atheism, the cognitive dissonance that you describe was deafening. I simply couldn't ignore it.
How do you know what the three o's are and mean and can you fully understand them? We are speaking of an all knowing being, something that you are not.
So the problem lies in me not truly understanding a word that, in any other context, is quite clear and easy to understand?
It does nobody any good to move the goalposts around like that. Omniscient means what it means.
And btw that Russell quote is very relevant seeing as he was speaking of two of the o's and how he considered the idea hogwash.
I didn't say it was irrelevant. I said I didn't see how it furthered our conversation. And I still don't.
All you have to say is that the o's are not possible therefore God is not possible, that is nonsense and you know it.
I didn't make that leap. What I did ask was, if God is not omniscient, then:
(W)hy trust his commands? Why follow his will?
Start replying to me, and what I actually say, rather than the image you have in your head of the clueless, angry atheist.
It is a matter of growth and expansion of life itself, and if we stray from being a positive asset we become just as a cancer cell on that body of life. It concerns me little that I am now in the flesh or why that needs to be so. It's not a riddle either, I'm speaking of the body of life which is something I believe we are all a part of.(again immortality)
Clear enough?
No, because it leaves me wondering what constitutes being a "positive asset," and what constitutes being "a cancer." Also, it has nothing to do with omniscience, so I'm also a little unclear on how it relates to anything.