- 13,916
- Adelaide
- Neomone
A quick search of this "God" thread reveals the term "aliens" has been used on ~173 occasions...
In a 700 page thread? You don't say.
...with well-known member @Imari accounting for several.
And how many of those were me satirising your outrageous ideas?
That news increases the possibility that aliens are here and could account for UFO phenomena including apparitions of Mary and other interactions with humanity involving religious symbolism and meaning.
Er, how so? Given that there's no link between UFOs and aliens to start with, and the link between aliens and religions apparitions is, without anything further to base it on, mildly insane, how in the name of baby cheeses are you linking UFOs and religions apparitions?
Please explain your "logic", if you have any.
Although the TTSA organization releasing the recent UFO news is actively suggesting that aliens are behind the UFOs, and that the phenomena involves human interaction and spiritual elements, for the moment let's deny that aliens are here and have any involvement at all with UFOs, humanity and religion. So how do we then account for the UFOs? It seems to me there's only a few answers remaining - natural Earth processes probably involving plasma particle acceleration in clouds and van Allen belts affecting human consciousness - or supernatural entities including angels, demons, and maybe Jinn.
Last I saw they were actively suggesting that we don't understand what's behind the UFOs. That's different to aliens. You know how this thread tends to rip on theists for assigning anything unexplained to their deity? That goes double for when you do it with aliens.
Not having an explanation doesn't mean you get to make up any crap you feel like as the cause. Unexplained simply means unexplained.
One way would be to exclude discussion of science, sociology, and the explanatory potential of new discoveries and to get down to the business of insult and ridicule, as our erstwhile friend @Imari might prefer.
I'm suggesting that if you're taking the UFO story into alien territory, then perhaps the God thread isn't the right place for it. If you've got any actual sensible link between UFO phenomena and religion, and not just your usual rambling half baked ideas that wouldn't convince a moderately intelligent five year old, then you're more than welcome to throw them out and see where it goes.
But generally, your contributions to "discussion" consists of you doing a drive by with your latest brain fart of the week, and when asked about it further you'll claim that you were merely stimulating discourse or some rubbish. So far you're just throwing out buzzwords.
For my own part, I may not have what it takes to participate in the discussion unless it takes place on a more collegial and respectful level.
If you'd like to participate in the discussion, make your statement of what you think is going on and we can discuss it. If it involves gods, religions or spiritual experiences then that would seem relevant. If it's "the aliens have been here all along", perhaps you can take it somewhere more appropriate.
And yes, if you're going to stick around and continue to post dribble masquerading as intellectualism, I will continue to reserve the right to poke fun at it. If you choose to post a cogent argument or discussion topic, I'd be more than happy to engage respectfully. But I'm not your colleague, and I never will be.
No, I'm not just thinking of science. Personal Spirituality is an evolving entity and can be intertwined with science quite easily if one has an open mind.
How so? What does "personal spirituality" entail to you, and what role does it fulfill that complements science?