Many parts of modern christianity are indeed that of love, I wouldn't for a minute suggest that there aren't many nice, loving xtians, but that touchy-feely "brand" of christianity is merely a reflection how it constantly adapts to secular reality. Those christians who killed the non-believers in the last numerous centuries thought that they were doing the right thing.
And before you start to type that they weren't "true" christians, please.....don't.
Maybe spend some time
here. I know many individuals now-a-days have the attention span of a gnat, but there's lots of good reading.
Oh right, so now you want to tell me what I should and shouldn't say? Well, if you don't mind, I'll keep my free mind (something you obviously don't think I have, since I believe in the existence of God) and argue the way I want, saying whatever I want to say.
Now ... the concept of "true christians" is an interesting one. Apparently, you have your own idea on what "true christians" are, and maybe even think that those you call
"nice loving xtians", are not "true" christians. Please ... don't.
Back to the subject, I'll use examples:
Germany was a nazi country a few decades ago and its leaders commited genocide. Weren't they "true" germans? Of course they were. Will we blame it on germans for all eternity? No we won't that's retarded.
Russia was a communist country a few decades ago and its leaders commited genocide. Weren't they "true" russians? Of course they were. Will we blame it on russians for all eternity? No we won't that's retarded.
The USA were a country were segregationism existed a few decades ago. Weren't the segregationists "true" americans? Of course they were. Will we blame it on americans for all eternity? No we won't that's retarded.
Now, when you mention Christianism, and you want to find wrongdoings in their history, you have a big advantage. You not only have decades, not only have centuries, you have TWO MILLENIA to dig out.
And so you dig things from centuries ago. And I will tell you, yes, many wrongdoings were made the last 2000 years. But I know several things that people with the attention span of a gnat seem to forget or never know. Or even dismiss and ridicule because it appeals to concepts a litle beyond science.
1st - Christians are no more than men and women. Inspired by Jesus Christ's example and words, but they aren't Jesus Christ himself.
2nd - Christians are as able to do wrong as any others. If anything, they have the advantage of Christ's example that, throughout the millenia, survived even when not flattering to the rulers of the moment (even within the church). Therefore, if there is a path in society towards good, it is my belief that christianity has been the main engine pushing for it. And I am glad that it is in societies traditionally christian that such concepts as Human Rights first appeared.
3rd - One thing I am sure. The concept that each and every man is unique and equal to all others in dignity is upheld by christianity, that considers each and every man a creature from God. And such a concept has had a profound effect on how christian societies have evolved and how in christian societies , in spite of all the wrong you'll find in them, and even if many times against the powers of the moment (including the church's earthly powers, also corruptible), the concept of INDIVIDUAL liberty and dignity is cherished.
Now, were the christians from 500 years ago true christians? Were the ones from 1000 years ago true christians? Were the ones from 1500 years ago true christians? Were the ones from 2000 years ago true christians? Of course they were, as were true portuguese the guys that 1000 years ago kicked the muslims out of the Peninsula without a hint of a regret, after themselves being run over by the same muslims 400 years before until their hideouts up north in the caves.
You understand me? Don't judge people that lived 1000 years ago like they lived today. They didn't. The point is, did they act the way they thought, in the society they lived in, correct, just and good? I'll leave that judgement to God. And I will not surely humanly judge them with my XXIst century's specs.