Very common practice...Now wait - am I reading correctly that it's common practice to put milk or cream in your tea?
A: Tea. I've always liked the rather relaxing taste of any form of tea, but as I've had it, it must always have a flat-teaspoon of sugar and a reasonable amount of milk. A further, perhaps more precise reason would be that I have not 'acquired' the taste for coffee, and because the antioxidants in most natural teas themselves serve as a natural incentive to maintain one tea per day.
And, in most cases, I guess people would have 'tea' over 'coffee' simply because of the fact that they don't have to choose from 4.5 million varieties...
Famine function doesn't well coffee without.
I drink cold tea once in a while but it has to be sweat tea.
I drink hot tea quite often in the winter or hot chocolate. I drink cold tea once in a while but it has to be sweat tea.
I cant even remember the last time I had coffee.
Dictionary.comsweat (swět) Pronunciation Key
v. sweat·ed or sweat, sweat·ing, sweats
v. intr.
1. To excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; perspire.
2. To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree.
3. To condense atmospheric moisture.
1. To release moisture, as hay in the swath.
2. To ferment, as tobacco during curing.
3. To work long and hard.
4. To suffer much, as for a misdeed.
5. Informal
1. To work long and hard.
2. To suffer much, as for a misdeed.
6. Informal To fret or worry.
itgirlxx hates the fact that I can come in at 7pm and still know if she had a coffee at 10am!!!
Hot, I am partial to Earl Grey. (much like capt. Picard)
How is it, again, that Captain Picard takes his tea? I heard something about it a while back and then promptly forgot it.
Tea cause I think coffee is gay..
I can't even recall the last time I saw two coffee beans of different genders making out...
My coffee was very happy to see me today.I think coffee is gay
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.
I can't even recall the last time I saw two coffee beans of different genders making out...