No. This generation of gaming is totally ruined for me by the dominance of western developers and their identikit kill this, kill that, kill everything else games.
In Super Mario you kill goombas and koopa troopas. In Metroid you kill alien creatures. In Megaman you kill rogue robots. In Final Fantasy you kill anything that pops up in battle. In Ace Combat and Metal Gear Solid you kill enemy soldiers. In Pokémon you viciously attack your opponents' creatures until they "faint." In Street Fighter/Guilty Gear/Soul Calibur/Tekken/Virtua Fighter/Dead or Alive/King of Fighters you pummel your opponents to within an inch of their lives.
Since when have violence and killing
not been a staple of videogames??
The problem is that Japanese developers are lacking confidence in their own games and trying to mimic western games.
I think this is the crux of the issue. There are certainly great Japanese games being made (and western ones, too -- I disagree with the notion that games from either region have been "stagnant" for ~10 years), but for once Japanese developers are looking at what other people are doing, and they're timidly attempting to integrate elements of what they see.
As far as GT5 is concerned, you can see this down to such details as the Forza-like track map on the HUD; even GT5

rologue had the old GT-style map. Weather effects/rain may have been put on the to-do list after PGR4 came out. The first (popular) racing game to feature a day/night cycle was GRID. Interior views have historically been a feature of western games, not Japanese ones, and have recently become the standard based on games like PGR, Forza, TDU, and Codemasters titles. Damage, as we're all aware, was a reluctant concedence to fans, influenced by Forza 3.
As I typed that list, I hesitated because those are mostly basic things that every great racing game should have...but where were they until now?
Anyway, like
Tired Tyres, I think the problem isn't a lack of western influence, but a lack of confidence. Though I
would like to see PD and other developers pay attention to the west-developed FUEL. That method of road/terrain generation has been in use on flight sims for years, and has SO much potential for racing games. To be able to drive licensed BMWs and other roadcars on a sprawling network of public roads covering thousands of square miles...