Do you think PD should bring some "Western" influnce into the development process?

The first and foremost is listen to gamers. I mean they should not appease us for all things we yell, but search for valuable suggestions like having a feast of ideas!
This game is involved in the same sense as WoW or any job. If you want to finish get ready for hours of GRINDING. And you arent even rewarded for your GRINDING, you just increase your theoretical level number. Sure you can race new races, which are LONGER and make for even more GRINDING.

I'ts nice to be able to buy 1k cars. That seems like the real selling point to me. Too bad there is an enormous bias to Japanese cars. They have 4 or 5 tuner companies that have their own premium section. Seems almost like they dont even care to put cars that other countries might enjoy. Chevrolet has a few premium cars. Half of them are nascar and essentially the same thing though.

I think how good TDU2 is might light a fire under PDs ass.
Nope, that means we'll have 48 less Skylines+33 more Fords and BMWs

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Yes, yes and yes.

Dump B-Spec.

Streamline the car catalogue, remove duplicates and give us only "Premium" models.

Add an event/series creator.

I don't disagree on it being nice if we had more tracks, but suggesting things like "dump B-Spec" and "remove duplicates" doesn't necessarily mean you'd get what you want in place of them.

Other than creating a UI for B-spec (which is basically just the replay UI) I doubt it took much time to implement. Similarly with the duplicate cars; once you have one car modeled, a slight re-mapping to produce the other cars doesn't free-up vast amounts of time to add other things like more tracks which are quite time consuming and far more work than people think when they talk of them "just being HD updates of existing materials". I'd certainly rather have the 800 standards rather than, say, another 50 premiums at the expense of the standards.

The event creator is an idea that has come out as a solution to PD's lack of foresight to simply add more events in the first place, or at least add a wide variety of events or impose limitations on what can be entered into which race and with what upgrades etc. Unfortunately with their movement away from restrictions in the seasonal events rather than towards them, I don't see more restricted A-Spec events coming in future so maybe an event creator is our only hope.
Sorry for the late reply.
I don't disagree on it being nice if we had more tracks, but suggesting things like "dump B-Spec" and "remove duplicates" doesn't necessarily mean you'd get what you want in place of them.
You see, I think it's not about how many features you get. I think it's about what those features bring to the game.

Because sometimes, less is more.

I'm well aware that not all people have the same taste, and that some people will love features that some will hate, and vice versa. But adding a lot of features without the slightest glimpse of focus doesn't add "everything for everyone", it just clutters.

"Adding duplicates" or "adding B-spec" wasn't just a waste of game development resources, it cluttered the game with irrelevant features.

You can't please everyone and sometimes you have to make some choices, like "this is relevant" and "this is not". Whether or not you can bring "this is not relevant" features for free is irrelevant, they are still "not relevant" features. If that last sentence ever makes sense.

Well, that's my opinion anyway. And judging by what I hear here and there, I might not be the only one thinking that way.
Well, that's my opinion anyway. And judging by what I hear here and there, I might not be the only one thinking that way.

I agree with your opinion. And B-Spec is the best example.
In my opinion, the game wouldn't be any worse if B-Spec was completely missing, without any form of replacement.
The way it is now, you turn B-Spec on and just leave it alone afterwards.

For my tastes, it adds absolutely nothing to the game - aside from a few credits and free cars here and there, but nothing that's actually important.

This is just my opinion of course; I guess there are a few people here and there that actualyl like B-Spec for what it is...

Well, if by "western influence" you mean comparable to what SE did with FF13, all I have to say is..

That's not western influence, that's trying to be cool in a stereotypical anime-esque way (in my opinion) while mimicing western influence.
J-RPGS went downhill quite a few years ago, anyways...
I made a topic about all the best, but still fairly capable and do-able suggestions and changes/additions ideas that I have seen from various forums on this game, but it never got posted....:grumpy:

Anyway, I really think, in terms of adding longevity and features for us to do, these would be the best ones:

  • An Event creator(so we could then create events and championships that are similar to A-spec mode)
  • An online marketplace, kind of like in Forza 3, where we can sell, buy, and trade cars to other players
  • Tuning gear ratios separately
  • An online A-spec mode, where we can race events like the Muscle Car Championships with actual human players from around the world
  • Offline and Online actual Drag Racing
  • More ways to customize the looks of our car(liveries, different styles of hoods, more rims, etc)
  • More ways to customize what's under the hood of our cars, so not everyone's is exactly the same pretty much after upgraded. How about realistic engine swaps, like putting a Corvette engine in a 69 Camaro? Just more things we can add/tune in the engine department.
  • Add ability in Course Creator where we can "paint" how we want the track to actually be layed out, and just add some more possibilites in terms of customizing the track
  • Online contests where we can upload replays, photos, tracks, and cars for people to test out/look at, and then vote on. Add categories and stuff, and winner will receive a prize
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  • An Event creator(so we could then create events and championships that are similar to A-spec mode)
  • An online A-spec mode, where we can race events like the Muscle Car Championships with actual human players from around the world
Amen to that.

Edit: I'm actually kinda shocked that no racing game (except maybe for TDU2) has made some kind of "coop campaign". I mean, those "A-spec" events are kinda cool, so why couldn't we play them online with friends ?

Gathering enough friends for a full roster rarely happens (even a 8 players roster). But many times I have one or two buddies that would gladly take part in these kind of races. Of course we can go online, but the kind of restrictions you find in "A-spec" events can lead to really entertaining races.

I hope this will be considered for future titles.
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First of all, its no secret that Kaz didn't decide the game was done, Sony did(or we'd still be waiting), and the western influence would do just what you stated, question his decision making. Just have someone sit in on the focus groups and pow-wows just to step in and say, "I don't think thats gonna go over well with the masses."

I would have to agree that Sony said enough is enough, please release it before Christmas. Otherwise, I do feel they would have pushed the launch till Summer 2011 or (even worse) Chrismas 2011. Then realized they need the PS4 for it to run smoothly and we would all realize we haven't received a full GT game for the whole PS3 lifecycle and things would just get ugly after that.....

However, I must say I've enjoyed and am enjoying GT5 more than any GT game before. Whether it's because I'm older, have a great set up (HD, 7.1 surround, etc) or it's just more immersive I'm not really sure. Though I would bet on the latter.

As for Japan vs USA in the gaming world. I believe both countries have a lot to offer that we need a special combination of the two to create the next amazing game. I believe they offer the following positive attributes respectively and in no particular order:

- excellant marketing skills that make you really want the game...even if it's not that great. The point is they hit the right emotional buttons that make you want and feel good about the game.
- Slick, Hollywood scripts are a real possibility though you can get bad ones too.
- They make deadlines according to what they believe the market wants. (Okay it's actually based on maximizing profitability but that goes hand in hand with launching when the market wants it for the most part. It can also be ripe for abuse with sequels.... COD I'm looking at you.)

- They do come up with some of the most innovative ideas.
- They are generally perfectionists so you won't expect many bugs but expect pretty much full fledged stories (MGS) not children adaptations (CODMW2).
- The attention to the minute detail is astounding.

I really believe the Top Gear test track and license in general has been severely underused in GT5. Flying lap times should have been standard. Racing against the Stig should have also been there from the start. The presenters I guess are not really necessary as the Stig is faster than them anyway.

Would I have wanted a western developer to have this license? Hell no! As I think the Japanese aren't done innovating just quite yet. I can't wait to see what GT6 on the PS4 will have. I believe PD's innovation outpaced the power of the PS3 and they realized that they will need a lot more power and a much bigger team for the next GT series. I don't want it ruined like Need For Speed. I'm sorry but I don't like the latest NFS.👎 Why or why did they change the formula from the first NFS Hot pursiuts???? Now I have to keep ramming a 'speeder' off the road to bust him??? and I'm a cop!?? Really???:dunce: What happened to just catching up to him. I like the original arcadey but closer to simulation than the current all out fantasy handling with rechargeable nitrous etc!! :crazy: sorry for the ramble but I expected a bit of some fun when not playing GT5 but have ended up deciding to just play GT5 as far as car racing games go. Maybe NFS shift 2 will be much better than NFS HP (2010). Or even better will be Forza 4 if it doesn't only work with Kinect. :-)
This is just my opinion of course; I guess there are a few people here and there that actualyl like B-Spec for what it is...

That's not western influence, that's trying to be cool in a stereotypical anime-esque way (in my opinion) while mimicing western influence.
J-RPGS went downhill quite a few years ago, anyways...

I am one of those. I actually enjoy B-Spec. Not to the point of having to racing in B-Spec everyday mind you, but enough to where I plan on reaching level 40.

It's not perfect, but fun non the less.

I took FF13 as the first Final Fantasy to be Call of Duty-ized. In my book, COD has influenced gaming to a degree in which you can't play a FPS without drawing the comparison to it, or reading how game "X" is gunning for it.

Plus, I am not trying to start a flame war here, but prior to SE's involvement with the 360, I sure liked the FF games a lot more.

My point? I read somewhere that over 60% of Live users play COD.

You do the math.:)
What is fun about b-spec? There are not much things that are less fun - even the accounting book from university was more fun....

The one thing you need to keep in mind is that while I am doing B-Spec, I am doing other things. I'll sit there and watch a few laps all the while managing my race driver, but that's about it.

As with A-Spec, I build my car up, tune it, and then hand it over to "O. Everett" to earn some in game credits and experience points.

For example, yesterday I watched the AFC/NFC championship games all the while running B-Spec races.

I have fun with it.
The one thing you need to keep in mind is that while I am doing B-Spec, I am doing other things. I'll sit there and watch a few laps all the while managing my race driver, but that's about it.

As with A-Spec, I build my car up, tune it, and then hand it over to "O. Everett" to earn some in game credits and experience points.

For example, yesterday I watched the AFC/NFC championship games all the while running B-Spec races.

I have fun with it.

So if you're not watching it what's the point? Justifying B-spec by saying it earns xc/credits is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How about add more events, that way we can actually enjoy the game whilst earning credits?

PD need to stop working in a vault and actually put some effort into QA. If they did, we wouldn't have B-spec or any of the other filler content in GT5 and we would actually have a descent game to go with the physics model, which at the moment is its only saving grace
The one thing you need to keep in mind is that while I am doing B-Spec, I am doing other things. I'll sit there and watch a few laps all the while managing my race driver, but that's about it.

As with A-Spec, I build my car up, tune it, and then hand it over to "O. Everett" to earn some in game credits and experience points.

For example, yesterday I watched the AFC/NFC championship games all the while running B-Spec races.

I have fun with it.

Well... Dunno, but it sounds more like you're having fun despite playing B-Spec.
The fact that you're doing other stuff and bring that up as a good point of B-Spec shows actually what I meant; would watching AFC/NFC be any worse if you weren't running B-Spec because you don't need to?

I took FF13 as the first Final Fantasy to be Call of Duty-ized. In my book, COD has influenced gaming to a degree in which you can't play a FPS without drawing the comparison to it, or reading how game "X" is gunning for it.

Plus, I am not trying to start a flame war here, but prior to SE's involvement with the 360, I sure liked the FF games a lot more.

My point? I read somewhere that over 60% of Live users play COD.

You do the math.:)
I doubt CODing FF13 worked very well, though. But Sqaure has been pulling loads of dumb stuff for a while now. The way they've been milking the hell out of Final Fantasy 7.
So if you're not watching it what's the point? Justifying B-spec by saying it earns xc/credits is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How about add more events, that way we can actually enjoy the game whilst earning credits?

PD need to stop working in a vault and actually put some effort into QA. If they did, we wouldn't have B-spec or any of the other filler content in GT5 and we would actually have a descent game to go with the physics model, which at the moment is its only saving grace


That the only way to enjoy B-Spec is to do something ELSE is the most ringing indictment of the whole mode... I mean, you wouldn't say you liked cricket if the only way you enjoyed it was to watch American Football while it was on! That's insane! :crazy:

I am getting more and more ready to go back to Shift and the HELL with good physics! I just want to play a racing game that is actually about RACING, not stamp collecting, not Pokemon (gotta dupe them all!), not watching someone ELSE drive my cars around (slowly, badly!), not car photography, not baseball card collecting.

RACING. And nothing BUT racing... And ME doing it!
The one thing you need to keep in mind is that while I am doing B-Spec, I am doing other things. I'll sit there and watch a few laps all the while managing my race driver, but that's about it.

As with A-Spec, I build my car up, tune it, and then hand it over to "O. Everett" to earn some in game credits and experience points.

For example, yesterday I watched the AFC/NFC championship games all the while running B-Spec races.

I have fun with it.

What I think some people don't get is that B-Spec does tickle a certain satisfaction, reward impulse in the brain. It's like listing something on ebay, seeing the watchers take interest, bids being placed and finally selling it. It provides a certain satisfaction from gaining reward.

And I think this is ultimately why I feel B-Spec is a total waste of time. You see when I sell something on ebay, I have real money I can use in the real world. Where as my brain may be stimulated in a similar way from B-Spec, but I know none of it is real. The cr, the exp, the prize cars, they are all make believe and I could have acquired those same make believe things by using the interactive fun element of the product I've bought.
If all the XP and reward cars were available in A-Spec, few would play B-Spec at all. Especially as the B-Spec races are generally twice as long as their A-Spec equivalents (which are generally too short until you get to the Enduro's, which are usually too long!) which offers a better challenge.

B-Spec was about right in GT4. What on earth made Kaz think it needed to overwhelm A-Spec? Maybe, because he gets to drive a lot of REAL cars on tracks, he's got THAT out of his system, and wants to play something different..?

How nice that must be for HIM. :rolleyes: Sucks for US, though! :indiff:
What I think some people don't get is that B-Spec does tickle a certain satisfaction, reward impulse in the brain. It's like listing something on ebay, seeing the watchers take interest, bids being placed and finally selling it. It provides a certain satisfaction from gaining reward.

Exactly. The only good thing about B-Spec is, in my opinion, the reward. If that stuff was instead tagged onto A-Spec, B-Spec would be pointless.
I like to do A-Spec races for fun. Without any rewards. B-Spec? Not so much.
Exactly. The only good thing about B-Spec is, in my opinion, the reward. If that stuff was instead tagged onto A-Spec, B-Spec would be pointless.
I like to do A-Spec races for fun. Without any rewards. B-Spec? Not so much.

Exactly. Once we have all reached level 40 and bought all the cars we want, will anyone seriously play B-spec? I doubt it.

Gran Turismo is supposed to be about driving. While I didn't play B-spec in GT4, I think it had its place (driver swaps in endurance races etc). It certainly does not have a place as a standalone mode in GT5. Hopefully this survey that PD has been sending around brings in some descent feedback and PD get their priorities sorted for GT6. No, I don't like talking about GT6 yet but no amount of DLC can save GT5.

Not sure if it's Western influence they need or what it is, but they certainly need something to get them back on the right track for GT6. I think FM4 might be the wake up call they need...
So if you're not watching it what's the point? Justifying B-spec by saying it earns xc/credits is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How about add more events, that way we can actually enjoy the game whilst earning credits?

PD need to stop working in a vault and actually put some effort into QA. If they did, we wouldn't have B-spec or any of the other filler content in GT5 and we would actually have a descent game to go with the physics model, which at the moment is its only saving grace

Ridiculous to who, you? Seriously friend, you need to quit assuming what's good/bad for you is the same for everyone else. As I said, B-Spec is a fun thing to do to for ME (bolded for clarity). I am not trying to justify anything, for all I am doing is posting my feelings on the subject. If you don't like it, fine. Move on and find another racing game.:)

Well... Dunno, but it sounds more like you're having fun despite playing B-Spec.
The fact that you're doing other stuff and bring that up as a good point of B-Spec shows actually what I meant; would watching AFC/NFC be any worse if you weren't running B-Spec because you don't need to?

I doubt CODing FF13 worked very well, though. But Sqaure has been pulling loads of dumb stuff for a while now. The way they've been milking the hell out of Final Fantasy 7.

If that is what it sounds like to you(clarity issue once again), I'll respect that. But in turn, you need to realize that B-Spec is something I like to do.

In my book, B-Spec is the perfect compliment to watching a sports game on TV, cleaning the house, or some other item on the honey-do list. I can not only get my GT fix, I can take care of my duties at home. That's a win-win situation!

What I think some people don't get is that B-Spec does tickle a certain satisfaction, reward impulse in the brain. It's like listing something on ebay, seeing the watchers take interest, bids being placed and finally selling it. It provides a certain satisfaction from gaining reward.

And I think this is ultimately why I feel B-Spec is a total waste of time. You see when I sell something on ebay, I have real money I can use in the real world. Where as my brain may be stimulated in a similar way from B-Spec, but I know none of it is real. The cr, the exp, the prize cars, they are all make believe and I could have acquired those same make believe things by using the interactive fun element of the product I've bought.

Well said, Speck. Now while I don't watch the entire race, it's safe to say that I watch/manage at least half of it. I look at it as a challenge to build, tune, and let "O. Everett" do his thing.

Perhaps those who are negative towards B-Spec are rushing things. I personally take a car that is near it's competitors, put some parts on it, tune it to the individual track it's going to be racing on, and if it takes me an hour to do that for one five lap race, so be it. I am in no hurry to reach Level 40.
If that is what it sounds like to you(clarity issue once again), I'll respect that. But in turn, you need to realize that B-Spec is something I like to do.

In my book, B-Spec is the perfect compliment to watching a sports game on TV, cleaning the house, or some other item on the honey-do list. I can not only get my GT fix, I can take care of my duties at home. That's a win-win situation!
That's pretty much my exact point. B-Spec in and off itself doesn't offer much. It's an addition while doing something else.
But, is it any good as a standalone activity? Would you want to sit down and play B-Spec for, like, two hours straight? Actually playing it, not restarting the race to gains tuff while you do something else?

Or let me rephrase that question; if there was nothing to be won in B-Spec, would you still use it?

GT5 - The ultimate driving simulator

Not racing simulator
That excuse is bing used a little too much lately, in my opinion.
Or let me rephrase that question; if there was nothing to be won in B-Spec, would you still use it?

And I'd like to comment on that.
- excellant marketing skills that make you really want the game...even if it's not that great. The point is they hit the right emotional buttons that make you want and feel good about the game.
- Slick, Hollywood scripts are a real possibility though you can get bad ones too.
- They make deadlines according to what they believe the market wants. (Okay it's actually based on maximizing profitability but that goes hand in hand with launching when the market wants it for the most part. It can also be ripe for abuse with sequels.... COD I'm looking at you.)

- They do come up with some of the most innovative ideas.
- They are generally perfectionists so you won't expect many bugs but expect pretty much full fledged stories (MGS) not children adaptations (CODMW2).
- The attention to the minute detail is astounding.
I have far different feelings on that subject.

  1. Marketing isn't making you want a bad game, it's making a game that you will want, even if you don't think so beforehand. Marketing is a discipline going far beyond mere advertising.
  2. Meeting deadlines is a good thing. Which brings us to my next point.
  3. I don't understand why perfectionism is so often noted as a good thing. For all intent and purposes, perfectionism is a flaw. It makes you waste energy and resources on needless polishing, and it prevents from going onwards.
  4. Innovation is an overused word and concept. First, innovation is scarce, regardless of the medium or the country. Second, innovation is not necessarily a good thing. It's neither a good or bad thing as such, actually. And for what it's worth, Japan has rarely been considered being at the forefront of innovation.
  5. You will find "mature" and "childish" stories from both sides of the pacific. And note the surrounding quotes.
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That's pretty much my exact point. B-Spec in and off itself doesn't offer much. It's an addition while doing something else.
But, is it any good as a standalone activity? Would you want to sit down and play B-Spec for, like, two hours straight? Actually playing it, not restarting the race to gains tuff while you do something else?

Or let me rephrase that question; if there was nothing to be won in B-Spec, would you still use it?

Your question of asking if there was nothing to be won in B-Spec is an interesting one, albeit loaded. B-Spec is classic example of doing something to earn a reward at the end. You can't have one without the other, correct?

Now while I enjoy the driving aspect of A-Spec immensely, I have yet to actually race for 2 hours straight. I have played GT5 for three hours straight, but it was a combination of both A-Spec and B-Spec, with some tuning in the middle.

I am not sure if you know of this game, but B-Spec reminds me of "Coach Mode" in Tecmo Bowl from the 1990's. You call the plays, the AI executes it. I enjoyed that as well.

I do however wish that you could use your B-Spec drivers in A-Spec for longer races.
Your question of asking if there was nothing to be won in B-Spec is an interesting one, albeit loaded. B-Spec is classic example of doing something to earn a reward at the end. You can't have one without the other, correct?
Right, you can't have one without the other.
That's why it's a theoretical question.

Do you enjoy B-Spec for the sake of the mode, or because of other factors? If it's the latter, it's testimony to the problem that is known as B-Spec.
There is a fairly substantial architecture culture in Japan (and India and China as well) that would disagree with your 'non independent-thinking' claims. I will agree they do seem to have a more rigid society though.

I think when you dig into this you will find that these forward thinking architectural firms actually have North Americans and Europeans running their design and engineering departments.
Once design and engineering is accounted for, you are left with production.
So if you're not watching it what's the point? Justifying B-spec by saying it earns xc/credits is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How about add more events, that way we can actually enjoy the game whilst earning credits?

In high school or college I could reasonably justify playing video games for 12 hours a day. These days I have a job, a house, a girlfriend, hobbies, responsibilities, etc. I have about 4 hours a week to veg out. I play A-spec as much as I can during that time, but it's great to be able to farm credits while watching a movie with the GF, or while I'm sleeping, or running an endurance race when I go out of town for the weekend.

I just don't get why people refuse to think ANYONE likes B-Spec. I like it because it lets me progress through the game a bit faster - so I don't have to waste my limited free time grinding or doing events I'm not interested in.

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