Does anyone feel like GT5 desperately needs to add cars to stay competitve?

  • Thread starter varkom
GT5 needs LESS cars. We could do without the concepts, some of the duplicates, and the crappy cars like an 80's Honda Life Step Van. Then we could have more room for some different cars.
GT5 needs LESS cars. We could do without the concepts, some of the duplicates, and the crappy cars like an 80's Honda Life Step Van. Then we could have more room for some different cars.

Don't forget the Prius, GT5 claims its the "real driving simulator" but anyone who happens to be a car enthusiast or enjoys driving, knows the Prius is the last car they'd be caught dead in, both in the virtual and real world. Does anyone actually use the Prius(s) in GT5?
It doesn't need any more cars really but I wouldn't say no to any new ones. It could however do with a few new tracks, I really want to drive some of the worlds greatest tracks with my wheel.:)
GT5 needs LESS cars. We could do without the concepts, some of the duplicates, and the crappy cars like an 80's Honda Life Step Van. Then we could have more room for some different cars.
The Honda Life Step Van is great! They should add more vans and minivans! 👍
In my opinion PD needs to hire more staff members so it doesn't take them so damn long to do everything. For me, as long as they bring all the other tracks from ALL the previous GT's and add in a couple of new real world tracks along with converting all the standard cars to premium, then I will remain a happy fellow. I also wouldn't mind some new 2010 - 2011 models :)

Edit: And I almost forgot about the day/night transitions/weather on more track as well.
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Have you driven and tuned all 1,000 cars in the game and raced them competitively?

Have you driven all tracks in the game and raced them competitively?

If you answered "no" and "yes", then what this game needs is more tracks, or a track generator that could create realistic courses that don't have all blind off-camber corners.
I bet that if you put 2000 cars in a game, there would still be people complaining about the cars (why didn't they put XYZ when the've managed to put ZYX car etc.). Here you have 1000 cars, that can be upgraded and tuned, making them completely different. The number of combinations is impresive. I would be happy with 100 cars if they were put to a good use (game events, scenarios, tracks, etc.). The number of cars in the game is more than enough, but PD failed in using that number to it's full potential.
Don't forget the Prius, GT5 claims its the "real driving simulator" but anyone who happens to be a car enthusiast or enjoys driving, knows the Prius is the last car they'd be caught dead in, both in the virtual and real world. Does anyone actually use the Prius(s) in GT5?

It's actually quite interesting to drive, it won't set my heart on fire that's for sure but it does offer something unique (in the game) for better or for worse.
It was only logical in my view to include it being an iconic car of this time, love it or loath it, that isn't the same as saying I wouldn't be able to pick several hundreds of cars I'd rather see included though.
In fact, Alex Moulton (one of the creators of the original Mini) recently described it as a great drivers car ironically, having near perfect 50/50 weight distribution and being extremely pleasant to drive due to its silent nature, he didn't even mention CO2 figures, etc.
Reading that coming from him slightly changed my perception, if only in GT5.
They managed to get the SEAT licence and only put 1 car in, 1 car. Pfttt. Seat do some great cars. I know they are basicly VW and Audi cars but still some fancy cars. plus wouldn't you all love to drive the SEAT CUPRA GT.

Thought this was in past GT games. I'm thinking GT3 or GT4.
Have you driven and tuned all 1,000 cars in the game and raced them competitively?

Have you driven all tracks in the game and raced them competitively?

If you answered "no" and "yes", then what this game needs is more tracks, or a track generator that could create realistic courses that don't have all blind off-camber corners.
well first things first, I don't drive the standard cars, because they look like **** and you can't modify them visually short of adding a parking bench to the rear.

So that leaves a few hundred cars. And yes out of those I've driven and tuned pretty much every one of them.

But that's not the point. The point is that as a racing simulator that prides itself on the # of cars, it needs to have all the popular cars. If I want to drive an Audi S5, I should be able to.

Forza doesn't seem to have a problem adding tons of cars. Why does GT5?

What's stopping them from releasing a 5-6 premium cars every month?
It's actually quite interesting to drive, it won't set my heart on fire that's for sure but it does offer something unique (in the game) for better or for worse.
It was only logical in my view to include it being an iconic car of this time, love it or loath it, that isn't the same as saying I wouldn't be able to pick several hundreds of cars I'd rather see included though.
In fact, Alex Moulton (one of the creators of the original Mini) recently described it as a great drivers car ironically, having near perfect 50/50 weight distribution and being extremely pleasant to drive due to its silent nature, he didn't even mention CO2 figures, etc.
Reading that coming from him slightly changed my perception, if only in GT5.

The bad thing about the premium Prius in GT5 is its transmission. It behaves inconsistently and almost always keeps rpm below peak power especially after tuning the engine, delivering lower performance than the car's maximum potential. The Honda Insight on the other hand is more fun to drive, and for some reason its continuously variable transmission keeps rpm at peak power even after upgrading the engine, for added performance (and if you still aren't happy with it you can replace it with a custom standard transmission, unlike the Prius). Normal driving behavior, though, doesn't appear to be simulated as the engine always runs at too high rpm. PD could add a "normal/sport mode" selection in the overlooked RA menu for transmissions that in real life are electronically controlled, for those who like to cruise from time to time.
No no no no no. Less cars is definitely not the way to go in any sense. Getting rid of any car would have absolutely no positive effect on the game whatsoever. They do not "take up space" that could be filled with other cars. There is plenty of space for more cars considering they wouldn't even have to fit it on the CD, just add it as DLC. And getting rid of them does not magically give them more time to work on other cars. They're already in the game, the time has been used, they can't get it back.

The only positive effects removing cars could have, from what I've seen other people post, is that they'd have a less cluttered garage, or it would be easier to find better cars in the UCD. Both of those have better solutions than removing stuff that's already in the game. Especially considering the downsides, like the fact that some people already own the cars and use them, and if they were deleted from the game, they would suddenly lose a useful car from their garage with no benefits.

And if we're talking removing them from the next version of the game, the cars are already modeled. Sure, maybe they shouldn't waste time re-modeling them for a new game, but forgetting about them altogether is pointless. But we really shouldn't be worrying about GT6 yet. There is still a lot of work to be done in GT5 before they start deciding what cars are going to be in GT6.
The bad thing about the premium Prius in GT5 is its transmission. It behaves inconsistently and almost always keeps rpm below peak power especially after tuning the engine, delivering lower performance than the car's maximum potential. The Honda Insight on the other hand is more fun to drive, and for some reason its continuously variable transmission keeps rpm at peak power even after upgrading the engine, for added performance (and if you still aren't happy with it you can replace it with a custom standard transmission, unlike the Prius). Normal driving behavior, though, doesn't appear to be simulated as the engine always runs at too high rpm. PD could add a "normal/sport mode" selection in the overlooked RA menu for transmissions that in real life are electronically controlled, for those who like to cruise from time to time.

Yes, when you fit the Insight with a custom manual box it basically turns into a regular FF car in the way it drives (much like the CR-Z, in fact the CR-Z being the only real life hybrid with a manual transmission might be the reason that's also posssible to do on the Insight perhaps).
The transmission of the Prius does act odd, thanks for explaining the possible reason, I might try to detune my Prius to see if it has any effect, although to be honest I don't drive it that much.
The only positive effects removing cars could have, from what I've seen other people post, is that they'd have a less cluttered garage, or it would be easier to find better cars in the UCD. Both of those have better solutions than removing stuff that's already in the game.
I think it would be quite nice if PD removed the cars that don't exist in real life but PD pretends that they do.
What PD really need to do is add more tracks and better races and of course improve the AI. In terms of cars, they really need a better variety of cars. There are far too many Japanese cars especially stuff like Skylines/GTRs, MX5s, Fairlady's etc.
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Who's says they were pretending? What if they were requested cars?

I think the game is fine how it is. I love it for what it is and everything.
Who's says they were pretending? What if they were requested cars?
What are you talking about?

I find it hard to believe that anyone requested USDM/EDM cars with JDM-only trim levels (a.k.a. they don't exist) and incorrect performance specifications. I find it even harder to believe that that is the reason that those cars exist in GT5 rather than sheer laziness on PD's part.
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well first things first, I don't drive the standard cars, because they look like **** and you can't modify them visually short of adding a parking bench to the rear.
Are you serious? Because they look bad? This is a driving sim. Drive the cars and you'll realize the physics are every bit as interesting as the premiums. You can still paint them by the way. It would be nice to change the wheels...but all in all, your opponents see more of the cars than you do. Whining about there not being enough cars when you haven't driven 800 of them yet is ridiculous.

Also, do you have any idea how many man hours go into designing a single premium car? The fact that you get 200 for the price of the game is crazy as it is. They have crammed quite a bit of material into the game while keeping it within the price point of other games.

You want 500 more cars in the next release? You'd have to be prepared to convince the hundreds of thousands of GT5 players out there that it would be worth paying double the price.
What are you talking about?

I find it hard to believe that anyone requested USDM/EDM cars with JDM-only trim levels (a.k.a. they don't exist) and incorrect performance specifications. I find it even harder to believe that that is the reason that those cars exist in GT5 rather than sheer laziness on PD's part.

I thought you were talking about cars that only exist in the game and not real life. I didn't really understand "JDM-only trim levels." What? Don't get it. And I do believe there are people out there that requested the cars. :)
Getting all worked up and everything... it's fine how it is.
Is GT in desperate need of more cars? No. Is the car list lacking giving its size? Certainly. Forza does have the better list despite having less cars. I'd like to get more cars in GT5, hopefully for free. Premiums aren't worth anything though.

Have you driven and tuned all 1,000 cars in the game and raced them competitively?

Have you driven all tracks in the game and raced them competitively?

If you answered "no" and "yes", then what this game needs is more tracks, or a track generator that could create realistic courses that don't have all blind off-camber corners.

Thing is, there is no need to drive all 1000 cars. Especially when some of them are exactly identical. If the game has 1000 cars, but only 100 are interesting, the 900 uninteresting ones don't count towards content very much. So even though GT has a large number of cars, it doesn't provide a car list as satisfactory as it could have.

I also agree that GT could use more tracks as well, but the track list is more fleshed out despite being smaller. Just like Forza's car list compared to GT's.
I didn't really understand "JDM-only trim levels." What? Don't get it.
There is no such thing as a Mitsubishi 3000GT SR. There is a USDM/EDM Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (which in game is almost nothing like it is in real life), and a JDM Mitsubishi GTO SR (which is accurate to real life), but the 3000GT SR is a car in GT5 that PD completely made up simply because they were too lazy to go on MSN Autos and look up the specifications for the car (or, hell, ask someone at Mitsubishi). Or, perhaps even worse, because they were so intent on getting that magical "1000 cars" number that they lied to pad the roster.

And it is far from the only car that PD did that with.

it's fine how it is.
And its really not, so stop acting like it doesn't matter just because you don't care.
Thing is, there is no need to drive all 1000 cars. Especially when some of them are exactly identical. If the game has 1000 cars, but only 100 are interesting, the 900 uninteresting ones don't count towards content very much. So even though GT has a large number of cars, it doesn't provide a car list as satisfactory as it could have.
Point taken there...but I'd say there are about 400-500 interesting cars, not 100. Subtract the plethora of duplicates and you still have ~150 premiums, and a solid 250 standards.

I've cycled through hundreds of cars just in my 450pp racing alone. There are maybe 25-30 that are winners but the rest are fun for challenging yourself with driving and/or tuning.
Point taken there...but I'd say there are about 400-500 interesting cars, not 100. Subtract the plethora of duplicates and you still have ~150 premiums, and a solid 250 standards.

I've cycled through hundreds of cars just in my 450pp racing alone. There are maybe 25-30 that are winners but the rest are fun for challenging yourself with driving and/or tuning.

I used 100 only as an example. My garage is over 700 cars, probably around 300-400 unique cars.
yeah, same here...but my point basically was that there are more than just the premiums to drive and if someone refuses to use them its their loss. PD did not have the man-power to produce 1,000 premiums from scratch given the budget at hand, so they found a way to give us all the previous cars. If people want to complain about them looking ugly, so what, they are there to drive, not to look at.

There is a lot of moaning on this forum about what PD should and should not do...but the fact is, programming games takes time and money. You are asking for free hand-outs when they should just offer add-on packages that can be purchased separately. I'm not sure how that would work with online gaming though, especially when it comes to trading cars.
I just wish we had Full Race Modification for lots of the GT cars.
There are more than enough cars already in my opinion (yes, ok there are several glaring omissions, stock Diabolo for one...)
We have even too much cars talking about numbers, you can't believe that they can really add all that stuff NOW. They choose this "direction", that's the result. They can add some of course, but you understand what i mean.
The gt5 carlist is too different if you compare it to all the other modern racing games, they had a different "goal".
We all know the pros and the cons..

So, at this point, it's clear that what we really need are TRACKS.
If you look to gt4 or tourist trophy, gt5 is really weak talking about tracks, you already know this.
yeah, same here...but my point basically was that there are more than just the premiums to drive and if someone refuses to use them its their loss. PD did not have the man-power to produce 1,000 premiums from scratch given the budget at hand, so they found a way to give us all the previous cars. If people want to complain about them looking ugly, so what, they are there to drive, not to look at.

There is a lot of moaning on this forum about what PD should and should not do...but the fact is, programming games takes time and money. You are asking for free hand-outs when they should just offer add-on packages that can be purchased separately. I'm not sure how that would work with online gaming though, especially when it comes to trading cars.

They had six years, how much time did they need?
I think it would be quite nice if PD removed the cars that don't exist in real life but PD pretends that they do.
You're right that these cars shouldn't be a game, but it would suck for all those who own them to just get rid of them. It would be better to "merge" them with they're real life counterparts, fixing their stats in the process. At the very least these cars shouldn't make their way into GT in the future.
They had six years, how much time did they need?
They spent 6 years working on physics and optimizational code so that we could have a great looking game with decent frame rates with 16 cars on the track. I love how people seem to think PD was sitting around doing nothing for 6 years because the feature they want wasn't implemented. Software development is a time consuming process.