Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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I eard about Tim on wrestlezone. He'd better hope he got that size legit not through steroids though cause the WWE have their strict wellness policy, (unless you're a top guy I suspect), other places though are not so strict unfortunately.

Even though I do enjoy wrestling I am strongly against any forms of drug use. Even to things like smoking and drinking. Even caffeine now.
If Tim was anything of a competitive bodybuilder in Germany, then the size is legit. Unlike powerlifting, the goal of bodybuilding is to build mass, and even though doping is prevalent in both sports, most competitions follow anti-doping laws in their respective countries.
Saw Chris Melendez's debut on TNA earlier and was quite impressed...he moves around really well for an amputee....
So there has been a lot of news in the last 24 hours or so about Roman Reigns, in case you haven't heard he was rushed to surgery after suffering severe abdominal pains, he had successful surgery on his Hernia and no-one really knows for sure when he will return, it could be in six weeks or three months as the doctors wont clear him until they feel he is ready....he has of course been pulled from the NoC PPV yet there is no confirmed backup plan for Reigns's match tonight, he was due to face Seth Rollins but no-one knows what going to happen there right now...
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So NoC was pretty good last night, nothing special though, three out of the five titles on the line changed hands..
I wish I would have watched it just for Sheamus v. Cesaro and Ambrose v. Rollins.
The main event was ridiculous in every way possible. Instead of daring to take a new path with Cena they play it safe and have him look as he ever does - although if there's anything to be taken from it, Brock was still dominant throughout the entire match...which isn't anything at all to perceive as a positive considering nearly every Cena match plays out that way.

And they want me to resubscribe to the Network? Hah.
The undercards are what is making WWE watchable right now. The main events and storylines are laughable at best.

They need to bring up Hiedo Imati (KENTA), Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Kevin Steen, and Fergal Devitt and let them have at it. Everybody would watch because there would be some great wrestling happening.
Brock Lesnar looked like he had some heart issues. According to the Inquisitr, Brock may be suffering through the same heart condition that put the Ultimate Warrior out of business. If you look through his match at NoC you could see points in the match where he is sweaty and his skin turns purple. This, according to Louie Babcock, is a result of lack of cardio training.

To put Brock's training regiment into perspective, when Brock was in the UFC, Brock trained for matches that were five five minute rounds (for the championship). That is 25 minutes of activity with one minute of rest and hydration after every five minutes. When Brock resigned with WWE, he has been competing in 35-40 minute matches with NO rest in the action. So Brock isn't training like a pro wrestler, and it shows in the quality of his work and appearance.
I was disappointed with the main event finish too.....when Cena was closing in I sat forward and was thinking 'Oh mhy god he is actually going to do it!!'..and then Rollins comes in.....but It does set up Lensar v Cena III at HIAC and that would be awesome I think!

Nothing notable on Raw last night, Ziggler won the IC title from the Miz, why did they give it to Miz in the first place??
Nothing notable on Raw last night, Ziggler won the IC title from the Miz, why did they give it to Miz in the first place??

I've wondered the same thing. All it does is devalue the IC title paying it between these two. During a time when we have a part timer holding the WWE Heavyweight strap, the need to show off the lesser titles is at hand.
Nothing notable on Raw last night, Ziggler won the IC title from the Miz, why did they give it to Miz in the first place??
To generate heat to Miz. Hell, the mid card titles were not defended much since June (I know that someone somewhere is going to point out the fact that the US title was defended 15 times since then, but not all of them were televised), but I think that Brock is going to be a bit more active during his reign than he would have otherwise.

Here is some Taker news. Michelle McCool posted this picture on her instagram account a few days ago.

About a week ago, the lead singer of Limp Bizkit told fans that Taker wasn't doing well, but this picture debunked the myths. This picture is also telling. Taker is in no shape to be wrestling, obviously putting on some weight since his match with Brock Lesnar, and subsequent concussion. Since the WM streak has been lost, that dream match between Taker and Sting at WrestleMania 31 is a nigh impossibility now, given Taker's ring shape in the photo.
I'd rather he didn't come back to be honest. Have him come out at WM31 and be announced then as the main inductee at WM32 HOF which I believe will be in his home town.
Taker should have stopped after the second WM fight vs HHH.

As for the main belt... I just don't care. I like Lesnar, big draw, but I hate part-timers. I really do. I won't be interested in that until Lesnar drops it at Mania.

As others have said, it would be a chance to bring the IC title back to prominence like it used to, and should, be. Instead they stick it on the 🤬 Miz again. Boring. So is Roman Reigns.

It's all about Dean Ambrose. I am loving this feud with Rollins.
I really like Ambrose in general, very talented, and I love the whole unhinged lunatic thing they have got going with him.... for the main belt, you guys seem to be forgetting something and that's Daniel Bryan, he is expected to be back in time for Survivor Series and I think he could win the belt back before the end of the year...
I still think they should save him for the Royal Rumble.

Have him say on numerous occasions that he won't be there and that they have no plans for him yet as he's still not 100%. Then bam number 30.

You never seem to get any real surprises in the rumble anymore. I think was it Edge in like 2010 (?) Was the last big name surprise 30. They have a chance here with Bryan and possibly Reins at the rumble for big comebacks. Don't rush them for pointless promos 2 weeks before on raw.
Forgot to mention that the funniest thing about Raw this week was the big sign that popped up during the main event that said 'Eat Sleep Bury Repeat'...had a good chuckle at that! :lol:
I really like Ambrose in general, very talented, and I love the whole unhinged lunatic thing they have got going with him.... for the main belt, you guys seem to be forgetting something and that's Daniel Bryan, he is expected to be back in time for Survivor Series and I think he could win the belt back before the end of the year...
Source on Bryan's return? All I keep hearing is that Bryan is still on track to return to the Royal Rumble.

Besides, Bryan is going on the back burner for a while as they want to build up their own talent. Reigns, though injured, is on track to return at the same time as Bryan, and will main event WrestleMania 31. Ambrose and Rollins are set to headline Hell in the Cell that could have WrestleMania implications if the contract is up for grabs. Cena and Rusev are slated to feud over national pride. This leaves not much talent that could carry Brock Lesnar in a match.
Taker should have stopped after the second WM fight vs HHH.

As for the main belt... I just don't care. I like Lesnar, big draw, but I hate part-timers. I really do. I won't be interested in that until Lesnar drops it at Mania.

If reports are to be believed, he's effectively no longer a part-timer. He appears when required, so if he doesn't show up until, say, Survivor Series then it's on Creative's head. Not his.

Heyman didn't come out on Monday because they have no idea where to take Lesnar right now.
Actually that is not true. Creative rewrote RAW while it was on air (I still don't see how that's possible) and Heyman was written out.
Lesnar vs Orton Hell in a Cell match would be a great match at Hell in a Cell. Only so we could see Lesnar beat the living 🤬 out of Orton.
Raw was mostly enjoyable i found, They are doing another Cure for Cancer Susan Koman thing so everything is pink including the middle ring rope and most wrestlers merch....
Third year in a row now they've done it.

Can't blame them, it's for a good cause, however I've heard some really bad things about the company they partnered with for it so I've mainly kept my mouth zipped in regards over last few years.
So WWE have apologised for anyone offended by the Rusev/Big Show angle on Raw when Show tore down the Russian flag, apology most likely aimed at Russians!

Looks like its going to be Ambrose v Rollins in the Cell at HIAC, no word on whether Lesnar will fight though..

..and that Wyatt family video that aired on Raw which Luke Harper featured quite heavily was designed to start the push for Harper to be a singles competitor, apparently they have had plans to split up the group for a while, could lead to Bray turning face...
Thought that Raw was very Meh and just plodding along until a certain someone came along during the Rusev bit!..
Ambrose = Money

Also the Bray What Vignettes, freaked me out. Wish they'd let hI'm go full on cult leader. They would if it wasn't PG.

Also Damien Mizdow is hilarious. Sandow has finally found a place.
Few bits of news..

Kurt Angle's TNA contract expired on 21st September and he has said that he is in talks with WWE over a part time deal working eight days a month, WWE have not confirmed this however...

TNA have contacted CM Punk recently about coming to work for them, Punk politely declined, he has zero interest in Wrestling right now, worth a shot by TNA though..

Stipulation has been added to the Ambrose/Cena match at HIAC, it will be a contract on a pole, No Holds Barred match, contract will be for the HIAC match against Rollins later in the night...

Cena has said on Twitter that he has a big announcement to make on Raw tomorrow, saying he has kept quiet about it for a while and the truth will come out....cryptic!...