Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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It was better I thought, loved that video montage they showed of Hogan's life, perhaps the best montage they have ever put together..
SummerSlam card for tonight

Kick-off Show match
Rob Van Dam v Cesaro

Bray Wyatt v Chris Jericho (Harper and Rowan banned from Ringside)

Flag Match
Rusev v Jack Swagger

Stephanie McMahon v Brie Bella

Lumberjack Match
Seth Rollins v Dean Ambrose

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz (c) v Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton v Roman Reigns

Divas Championship
AJ Lee (c) v Paige

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena (c) v Brock Lesnar

Looks good to me, can see Lesnar winning tonight..
I watched the 2012 extreme rules vs Cena and 2013 SummerSlam vs CM Punk earlier. I must say it's got me excited for what's coming Cena's 2 at tonight. I know that it's not Cena who writes the scripts and it's not his fault they won't ok the heel turn but it sure feels good when he gets a good beat down.

I'm hoping it's Lesnar walking out champion. Heyman was right when he said that the championship being defended didn't mean as much because it was defended at least once a month. I wouldn't mind it being defended less. Let heyman come out with the belt week after week and talk on behalf of his client.
I think there will be a title change tonight, problem is though is that 'three PPV's in a year' clause in Brock's contract, this will be the third PPV he would've wrestled on this year, Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania were the first two, so unless they have done a deal where he can wrestle in the next one or two PPV's then Cena will defend it successfully tonight..
They're in a unique position with this one.

If Lesnar loses, him defeating the streak will have meant absolutely nothing and they (WWE) would have fallen victim to the exact problem everyone feared of when someone defeated the streak and that's - whether it's scripted or not - having the reputation tarnished and nothing becoming of it. Admittedly, this may be less of problem since Lesnar is involved considering he is who he is, however, it would still dampen his credibility considerably.

If Lesnar wins, it would then mean the only way he could lose (and should lose hereafter) is the same way Cena does, and that's questionably. When he loses clean it'll be this big thing (hah!) that will talked about for quite some time.

@MUSC4EVER - He's already scheduled for NoC. The only people who really know what clauses are and aren't in Lesnar's contract are him, Vince, and most likely Heyman. Everything else is conjecture.
They didn't mess it up. Fantastic.

Cena's never been squashed like that before.
That was an absolute massacre!, probably the most one sided main event I have ever seen..

..another really good PPV, they have been on fire this year with the PPV's, never saw the Nikka heel turn coming, Cena's missus turned heel before he did!
eWrestling News have reported that a new WWE Championship belt will be debuted on Raw tonight and Lesnar tweeted earlier just saying 'WWE Champion', notice the words 'World Heavyweight' are missing....
Merging the two together.

Is everyone ignoring the fact that the Paige vs AJ match was one of the best Diva matches for a good while. Hard hitting match.
All the matches were good last night I thought, even the Steph-Brie match!

Didn't see the Diva title change coming though...
I've watched the match 5 or 6 times now.

That's 2 or 3 times more than I watched Bryan win at WM30... in less than 24 hours. :lol:
Didn't see the Diva title change coming though...

The women's division is at a much better place now than it's been for a long time. They're both mega-talented which is nice, because WWE has a history of underusing its talented ladies.

Still miss Maryse though. God she was hot.
So they used the new logo for the first time on Raw last night and a few new graphics which look good, the whole thing feels fresh...

The new WWE title was a bit of a let-down, its the same one as before but with the new logo and the word 'champion' missing from the bottom....
The new WWE title was a bit of a let-down, its the same one as before but with the new logo and the word 'champion' missing from the bottom....

They don't even fight for belts anymore. Even though that's clearly what the championship is represented by.

While the in-ring product is rather good these days I simply cannot get over my hate, hate, hate for the insistent terminology WWE uses. The whole "we're not a wrestling company" and wanting to win Oscars and Emmys instead and pouring money down the drain into New York restaurants, football leagues, Z-list films and televised bobybuilding contests... fine. But please acknowledge the fact that the revenues to fund all of that and the executives' salaries comes from wrestling.

But yes, the belt was a bit disappointing. Meet the new belt, same as the old belt.
They want to be an entertainment company and not a Wrestling company and I think they will always have that ambition...

Your right about the Wrestling side of things being good lately, the Pay-Per-Views have been pretty fantastic this year IMO, Royal Rumble was crap and Battleground was a bit Meh but apart from that every PPV so far this year has been really good...
It's not that I have a problem with them wanting to be more than a wrestling company, I'd like them to at least admit that they are a wrestling company. Or at least that wrestling is their primary subsidiary.

Vince does have ambitions of being Mr. Olympia-cum-World's Greatest Entertainer and always has done. Kind of like Rupert Murdoch on steroids. Fine, he's free to pursue that but the disownership of the wrestling aspect doesn't fool the fans who care, and doesn't appeal to the public who don't care. Gosh, I've been reading far too much about Kevin Dunn lately but it actively makes the product less enjoyable the more they branch away and try to present their wrestling as not being wrestling. "Entertainers with significant athletic prowess". Puh-lease! Again, it fools nobody who cares and doesn't trick people who don't.

And, if they are so insistent about being a legitimate 'entertainment' conglomerate, it would help if their other interests were even successful or critically received. WWF New York lost $36,000,000, the XFL was at least another $35,000,000, the WBF was in the red to the tune of $15,000,000 (note - televised frigging bodybuilding, seriously?!) and that brings us to WWE Studios. So bad, it has been exclusively straight-to-DVD releases since roughly 2006-2008. WWE's film studios has never made a profit and loses money every year. $42,000,000 and counting.

All that just tickles me so much because their revenue sources are propped up by the wrestling promotion. Yet they're embarrassed to be associated with it.

If they came out of the damn closet and were open and passionate about the wrestling, and then they have these other projects on the side, I think they would make much more money. Marks mean money. However they're losing money everywhere else as it is, but if they had the smarks on their side I honestly believe they'd get more revenue coming in and better critical reception via word of mouth.

My parting shot is this; who has ever had conversations like this:

"Hey, do you want to come to mine to watch the sports entertainment tonight?"

"Do you have tickets to the sports entertainment show at the Colosseum?"

"Yeah, watching some sports entertainment sounds like a good idea."

"My favourite PPV is SportsEntertainmentMania."

I know I rant on about this a lot, and it could definitely go on a lot longer, but I do love wrestling and all this is a fundamental problem which very, very much stops be being able to suspend my disbelief. And that's before we get to the awful, awful commentary which is of course restricted by what they are told in their earpieces.


But still, Night Of Champions. Who wants to see Lesnar vs The Boston Brawler again? I'd rather it be a good chance for someone new/different to get a chance to fight Lesnar and look good on the main card. Obviously Lesnar would retain the title, but Lesnar vs Cesaro or Lesnar vs Rusev would be good matches to have. Cena got utterly destroyed. It's not like he came so close to winning, why is he getting a rematch?!

Loving this Ambrose-Rollins duel though. If they can keep this momentum up, the blowoff will be spectacular. My favourite thing to watch at the moment.
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Daniel Bryan News: Bryan to undergo Tommy John surgery. Doctors are estimating his recovery to be at 3 months. Tommy John surgery, usually reserved for MLB pitchers, was determined as best for fixing residual nerve damage in his elbow. The short recovery time can be summed up by the fact that Bryan doesn't throw fastballs for a living. Typical Tommy John recovery is usually 10-18 months for MLB pitchers.
He was expected to have more surgery after not recovering well from the first one, it was reported that he would be back for the 2015 Royal Rumble match....but lets wait and see..
But still, Night Of Champions. Who wants to see Lesnar vs The Boston Brawler again? I'd rather it be a good chance for someone new/different to get a chance to fight Lesnar and look good on the main card. Obviously Lesnar would retain the title, but Lesnar vs Cesaro or Lesnar vs Rusev would be good matches to have. Cena got utterly destroyed. It's not like he came so close to winning, why is he getting a rematch?!

Loving this Ambrose-Rollins duel though. If they can keep this momentum up, the blowoff will be spectacular. My favourite thing to watch at the moment.

It's an interesting build with Lesnar - first he squashes Cena (something no one else can lay claim even if the outcome wasn't pre-determined) and does so cleanly to boot, the only thing left to do is to make Cena submit or say "I Quit". The point where things start to fall briskly off a steep cliff is here: once that line is crossed, no one on the current roster is a credible threat to Brock after he's done that.

Hell, no one is a credible threat to him now.
I would be very surprised if they made Cena look so weak two PPVs in a row. Just hope this builds to a Cena heel turn. But that's very wishful thinking.
It's an interesting build with Lesnar - first he squashes Cena (something no one else can lay claim even if the outcome wasn't pre-determined) and does so cleanly to boot, the only thing left to do is to make Cena submit or say "I Quit". The point where things start to fall briskly off a steep cliff is here: once that line is crossed, no one on the current roster is a credible threat to Brock after he's done that.

Hell, no one is a credible threat to him now.

Have you considered Roman Reigns? Several reports are pegging him to take on Lesnar at WM for the title, however, if there is no credible challengers for Lesnar now, wouldn't Vince give Reigns a push to at least contend for the title sooner rather than later?

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