Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Been a long time since I came to this thread but I've still been watching (Rant Alert).

I hated how the last 2 RAWs went down. It makes Survivor Series to where we are Pointless making me not even bothered to get the DVD (I feel sorry for Ziggler though, he had an amazing performance but now since its pointless, I really just can't be bothered). The Authority firing, Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan was a bigger kick in the nuts as thats what The Authority would have done if they won.

I've lost all interest in the WWE World Title. Having it rarely appear makes me even forget it exists. You need impact Champions who pull off amazing matches any chance they get. Ryback/Rusev isn't getting me excited if they compete for the US title.

Am I the only one who found Rollins actions against Edge disgusting? I know Rollins was trying to be a great heel but there is a thing called too great. Trying to "kill" somebody in a non-supernatural storyline is stepping over the line, IMO.
They have changed the announce teams for the live events, on Raw its Cole, JBL and Booker T, Smackdown its Cole, Lawler and Byron Saxton and for the PPV's its Cole JBL and Lawler...
Raw was a lot better than last week, main news was the first Hall Of Fame inductee for this year, I wont spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but its very well deserved and it should have happened a LONG time ago!
Raw was a lot better than last week, main news was the first Hall Of Fame inductee for this year, I wont spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but its very well deserved and it should have happened a LONG time ago!
Way overdue for him, he should have been inducted when he was able to go accept it himself.
Apparently if you buy it on the day of the rumble you get that and Fast Lane for just £10. If you do it for WM in the same month you get Extreme rules for just £10, then the same with the next two too.
There is no point in me getting WWE Network. School is on the same days as PPVs (except Royal Rumble). So I rather look at results then highlights and if I find it good, then I get the DVD.

I'm really going to miss the Elimination Chamber PPV, it was always my favourite :(. Hopefully the match type still exists and be implemented on another PPV, maybe Battleground?
Kevin Nash has bee reinstated after his suspension for his little escapade over Christmas, he has also bee added to the Raw Reunion show tomorrow, list of people there is Hogan, HBK, Flair, Ron Simmonds, Nash, Billy Gunn and Sean 'X-Pac' Waltman...

Tough Enough is coming back....

More stars have re-signed with TNA, Manik, Kenny King, Jeff Hardy, Gail Kim and British Boot Camp 2 winner Mark Andrews has officially signed along with Awesome Kong who returned to Impact last week....
I kinda wished Awesome Kong had better success in WWE as Kharma, she had much potential.

I stopped watching TNA after The Front Line vs. Main Event Mafia storyline. I miss the Hexagon Ring and the fact that titles changed hands by DQ. Also the constant villainous groups after Main Event Mafia; Immortal, Aces & Eights then Dixie Carters group. It just got too repetitive for me.
Reports that ADR turned down $400,000 a year for minimal dates with TNA and then signed for Lucha underground.

Says a lot about TNA, apparently he wasn't earing that much in WWE per year for a near constant job and he sure as hell ain't earning that in Lucha underground.
I personally have no interest in special edition episodes of Raw because usually the storylines don't advance and the matches are usually limited or weaker in comparison to the other Raws in favour of one time onky segments. I might just skip tomorrows episode and wait for Royal Rumble, not to mention HBK is the only one in there I really knew when I first got into WWE.

Interesting news I found:
I hope this is a sign that Smackdown will be back to its glory where it was its own identity instead of just being a Raw recap.
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So I signed up to the Network yesterday, I did it after finding out that Sky have upped the price of this weeks Royal Rumble from £14.95 to £19.99, and I can get it for a tenner less on the Network so that's what I'm going to do and I'm going to try and get it on my Xbox One (its says I can) so I can watch it on the TV and not the laptop, I have been a bit busy last few days so I haven't looked at the Network much but I have seen the NXT PPV they had last month, that was really good! 👍
Raw was good last night, two more matches added to the Rumble PPV but they aren't really worth talking about..

...Oh and Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback have their jobs back and Sting made an appearance, those two are related!
If he would defend his title more often, then I would want Brock to win.

Though, I reckon Cena will pin Brock Lesnar but afterwards, Seth Rollins would cash-in and win the Title.

Aside from the 2 main matches every match is a Tag Team match (Is Teddy Long now in the creative team?)
I read a little while ago that Brock would retain and Roman Reigns wins the Rumble and beats Brock for the title at WM31, that could've changed of course but its certainly an option...
I heard they changed it.

I kinda wish it is Rollins v Reigns or Rollins v Bryan (the latter woul be more unlikely due to Bryan wanting to be featured more on Smackdown).
After being reinstated on Raw Rowan Ziggler and Ryback all have matches on Smack down to qualify for the rumble.

Not to mention the Kane vs Daniel Bryan match with Bryan's entry on the line.
hooked up the network to my Xbox One earlier like I said I was going to do, I wanted to watch the last episode of Smackdown but it wasn't there, neither was last Mondays Raw, or indeed any old episode of Raw or Smackdown, can anyone who has the network what's going on there?, pretty sure I looked everywhere on the site for iit, ended up watching two most recent episodes of NXT...
That seems like a silly thing to do.

I'm all excited for the Royal Rumble and luckily it doesn't seem like this years winner will be a recent return from 4 years ago or more.

On the network, can you watch any Raw and Smackdown from any Year?
Not that I could see of, you can watch certain highlights and titbits, but that it I think...

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