Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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WWE Network is completely free to new subscribers in the month of February, just got an email from them saying it'll be free for me next month, I joined up almost two weeks ago and I am enjoying it so far...
So in case you didn't know, Triple H will address the Royal Rumble 'controversy' and will alter the Wrestlemania main event, I seriously doubt they will add Daniel Bryan to the match like last year because its been done and Vince doesn't see him as a top star in the company, I have no idea what the announcement will be tomorrow but I do know that they are working on Bryan vs Ziggler for WM, which would be a good match....
I have a feeling tomorrow night their is going to be a Royal Rumble match again for the final four participants. Or a over the top rope. Something like that.
Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns at Fastlane. Winner to take on Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.
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No matter who wins, I feel like WWE won't get around it to make the feud memorable. They were lucky last time because Daniel Bryans mistreatment throughout the WWE Calendar Year but this year, he has mainly been injured so there won't be much power in it if he won. Seth Rollins would be the best choice but Heel vs Heel doesn't work, especially when he has the MitB contract. I don't even have to comment on Reigns.

This is looking to be my 2nd Worst WM (behind WM 29)
Maybe not, but the aftermath can basically write itself. If Bryan wins, they can pull something similar to Kurt Angle's 1996 Olympic medal win with a broken neck.
Good Raw last night, some good matches and interesting decision regarding the Wrestlemania main event, found the Rusev flag thing hilarious and I heard the Triple H/Austin podcast was good too, Trippers said he enjoys working with the younger talent on NXT as much as he did when he was a full time competitor, said Chyna deserves to be in the HOF but might be difficult because she is the Porn industry now, he said 'never say never' to CM Punk coming back and that he is training twice a day for a possible return to the ring which is most probably v Sting at WM
Rumor Roundup for 2/5/15:

H/T: Cageside Seats

- According to the [Wrestling] Observer, original plans for Fast Lane were for Roman Reigns to go over a top heel, likely Big Show in the rumored Last Man Standing match, while Daniel Bryan was going to be used to put Bray Wyatt over. That would have led to Wyatt vs. Undertaker and Bryan would have moved on to Sheamus, although that now looks to be Dolph Ziggler.

- For what it's worth, everything still points to Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar in a singles match in the main event of WrestleMania 31 with Reigns winning the title.

- If you're wondering who to blame the Royal Rumble match booking for, it's been said that Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, Pat Patterson, and Michael Hayes were all involved in putting it together and laying it out.

- The Brass Ring Club may actually end up being the tag team name Cesaro & Tyson Kidd end up with. According to the Observer, they came up with it on their own after WWE asked them to think of something.

- WWE and Tapout have apparently finally agreed on a deal and will announce it soon.

Bonus Footage: International Business Times seems to think that Wyatt's promo this past RAW (2/2/15) looks like an invitation or a challenge to the Undertaker. Wyatt is still being booked strong, with 3 wins over Dean Ambrose in high profile matches, and a very strong showing from the number 5 spot in this year's Royal Rumble, actually tying Roman Reigns record with 6 eliminations, eliminating Daniel Bryan in the process.

IBT also notes that if Wyatt does take on the Undertaker at WM, it will be the first time since 2006 that the Undertaker has a challenger that didn't fit into the world title picture. (In 2006 Taker took on Mark Henry to extend the streak to 14-0.)
Just realized I missed Smackdown tonight since it's on Thursdays now. Which is probably ok since I only watched half of RAW on Monday.
Since the world titles unified, Smackdown has been a waste of WWE Programming, Main Event and Superstars also follow in this Category. They really need to drop 2 of these shows if they're having a bit of Money Issues.
Was watching Smackdown on Friday, here's some of my thoughts on the show and what's going on right now

Not sure what to make of the whole Cena/Rusev thing right now, this match was supposed to be happing at WM so no idea why they have moved it forward, also its now a US title match which is interesting if Cena wins because its a nothing title right now and has been for a while, will it mean something if Cena wins it??

As you have probably noticed they have dropped the roman numerals from the Wrestlemania sign and are not calling it Wrestlemania 31 which stops a tradition, but I like the new sign, the ones in the last few years have looked clunky and this one seems simple and streamlined..

I'm finding it impossible to judge Erick Rowan as a singles competitor right now as he keeps on losing, he lost to Rusev on SD and he is just the Authority's whipping boy now..
I always liked the roman numerals of the logos.

I actually want to see Cena bring life to the US Championship.
Was watching Smackdown on Friday, here's some of my thoughts on the show and what's going on right now

Not sure what to make of the whole Cena/Rusev thing right now, this match was supposed to be happing at WM so no idea why they have moved it forward, also its now a US title match which is interesting if Cena wins because its a nothing title right now and has been for a while, will it mean something if Cena wins it??

As you have probably noticed they have dropped the roman numerals from the Wrestlemania sign and are not calling it Wrestlemania 31 which stops a tradition, but I like the new sign, the ones in the last few years have looked clunky and this one seems simple and streamlined..

I'm finding it impossible to judge Erick Rowan as a singles competitor right now as he keeps on losing, he lost to Rusev on SD and he is just the Authority's whipping boy now..
Actually that's not true. They called WM 16 WrestleMania 2000, so they have broken tradition once before. The decision to call WrestleMania XXXI WrestleMania 31 probably was motivated by the NFL. Next year's Super Bowl is going to be called Super Bowl 50, not Super Bowl L.
So i've heard the WM main event has been changed, they changed it a week ago apparently, if you do know what it is then please for the love of god use a spoiler tag because i want to find out when watching Raw or whatever....
Rikishi is going to the Hall of Fame. His sons, The Usos, broke the news on Twitter roughly two hours ago. Rikishi's title history includes one Intercontinental Championship, three Tag Team Championships (if I recall correctly, all of them with Too Cool), and even fought for the WWF Championship once in 2000. Despite the lack of Championship success, Rikishi remained a top performer in the company.

His induction would mark the sixth time that a member of the Anoa'i family was inducted into the Hall, behind the Wild Samoans Afa and Sika, Yokozuna, Peter Maivia, and Rocky Johnson(The Rock's Father).

The 2015 Class also includes Arnold Schwarzenegger and Macho Man Randy Savage.
Bit of a meh Raw with not a lot happening, interesting situation regarding Seth Rollins, he had his Instagram hacked last night and a nude pic of NXT Diva Zahara Schreiber was posted which was removed but not until after it was viewed several thousand times, however his fiancée has retaliated by posting a fully nude pic of Rollins on her Twitter of which now the whole world has seen! (including me! :ouch:), sparking rumours of an affair between Rollins and Schreiber, Rollins has since apologised for the whole thing and maybe punished behind the the company...
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Seth is a heel. Of course he's going to cheat on his fiancee. Someone like that would never be a one girl guy. Can't you guys spot a work when you see one (?)

Don't worry though, being a cheat is only guaranteeing his future with the company. It worked out fine for Edge.