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Royal Rumble confirmed participants list has been trimmed from 20 to 17, as Justin Gabriel and both members of Los Luchadores were removed without warning with 24 hours to go before the match. Why? There are rumors that WWE were in talks with the former world tag team champs The Dudley Boyz (Source: Wrestlezone) to come in as both wrestlers and NXT trainers. The third spot you may ask? According to Joey Styles, that slot could be going to...

A beltless Brock Lesnar who would have lost his title during the triple threat match that would be happening earlier in the night.

Keep in mind, that all of this, aside from the confirmed roster reduction is just rumor and speculation at this point in the game.
Well, I think Seth Rollins will cash in and win the title after Cena or Lesnar pin one or the other
I seriously can not wait for tonight!!! So much can and probably will happen, one of my favourite PPV's of the year!
Earmarking the Royal Rumble

All Odds are provided by International Business Times

Kickoff Show Match: The New Day 1/3 vs. Adam Rose, Cesaro, and Tyson Kidd 2/1

Divas Tag Match: The Bellas 6/4 vs Natalya and Paige 1/2

Tag Team Match: New Age Outlaws 5/1 vs The Ascenion 1/9

Tag Team Championship: The Usos (c) 1/4 vs. The Miz and Damian Mizdow 5/2

World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) 4/9 vs. John Cena 17/10 vs. Seth Rollins 6/1

The Royal Rumble Match

By Name:
Roman Reigns 4/9
Daniel Bryan 13/8
Randy Orton 12/1
Dolph Ziggler 14/1
Rusev 16/1
Bray Wyatt 16/1
Dean Ambrose 16/1
Big Show 22/1
Triple H 25/1
Kane 25/1
Ryback 35/1
Big E 50/1
Adam Rose 50/1
Sheamus 50/1
Bad News Barrett 50/1
Erick Rowan 50/1
Sting 50/1
Luke Harper 50/1
Mark Henry 50/1
Damien Mizdow 50/1
The Miz 50/1
Goldust 66/1
Stardust 66/1
Jimmy Uso 66/1
Bo Dallas 66/1
Jack Swagger 66/1
Jey Uso 66/1
Chris Jericho 66/1
Fandango 66/1
Billy Gunn 66/1
Diego 80/1
R-Truth 80/1
The Bunny 80/1
Christian 80/1
Kofi Kingston 80/1
Heath Slater 80/1
Fernando 80/1
Titus O’Neil 80/1
Hornswoggle 100/1
El Torito 100/1

By Position:
Entrant No.1 16/1
Entrant No.2 22/2
Entrant No.3-No.10 25/1
Entrant No.11-No.13 33/1
Entrant No.14-No.15 25/1
Entrant No.16 33/1
Entrant No.17 25/1
Entrant No.18 33/1
Entrant No.19 25/1
Entrant No.20 22/1
Entrant No.21-No.23 10/1
Entrant No.24 7/1
Entrant No.25-No.28 15/2
Entrant No.29 13/2
Entrant No.30 6/1

Most Eliminations:
Roman Reigns 11/10
Rusev 7/4
Daniel Bryan 6/1
Big Show 10/1
Dean Ambrose 12/1
Kane 14/1
Dolph Ziggler 14/1
Any other participant 5/1
Sick of seeing The Miz and Sandow vs The Usos. The Usos gotta` be the most boring tag team of all time, in my opinion. I hope this match tonight will be an end of an era because I`m sick of seeing the same match every single week. Not just for my sakes, just look on the WWE Facebook page when it was announced.
@GTPVenomZombie: If the Dudley's return like I think they will tonight, the whole division would be turned on its head overnight.

That, or the New Age Outlaws make a joke out of the Ascension, but that is unlikely.
Up to date Rumble Results:

1. The Miz Eliminated 1st
2. R-Truth Eliminated 2nd
3. Bubba Ray Dudley Eliminated 3rd
4. Luke Harper Eliminated 4th
5. Bray Wyatt Eliminated 25th
6. Curtis Axel Rowan Eliminated 5th
7. The Boogie Man Eliminated 6th
8. Sin Cara Eliminated 7th
9. Zach Rider Eliminated 8th
10. Daniel Bryan Eliminated 12th
11. Fandango Eliminated 11th
12. Tyson Kidd Eliminated 9th
13. Stardust Eliminated 16th
14. Diamond Dallas Page Eliminated 10th
15. Rusev Eliminated 29th
16. Goldust Eliminated 15th
17. Kofi Kingston Eliminated 14th
18. Adam Rose Eliminated 13th
19. Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Winner
20. Big E Eliminated 19th
21. Mizdow Eliminated 17th
22. Jack Swagger Eliminated 21st
23. Ryback Eliminated 20th
24. Kane Eliminated 27th
25. Dean Ambrose Eliminated 26th
26. Titus O'Neil Eliminated 18th
27. Bad News Barrett Eliminated 22nd
28. Cesaro Eliminated 23rd
29. Big Show Eliminated 28th
30. Dolph Ziggler Eliminated 24th

Elimination Standings:

Bray Wyatt with 7
Rusev with 4
Roman Reigns with 2.5
Bubba Ray Dudley with 2*
Daniel Bryan with 1*
Dolph Ziggler with 1*
Dean Ambrose with .5
Eliminations unaccounted for: 7

*Is Eliminated from the Rumble

The Crowd was not happy.
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Very disappointing Royal Rumble. Just a lot of missed opportunities and we are stuck with what was Predictable (for a THIRD time in a row). The Title match was really good however, though we'll have to wait for 2 months to see it be defended and I'll likely forget it exists again :lol:.

I swear, the only reason The Rock showed up at the end was to get people to not show negative reactions to Reigns winning

EDIT: If I had it my way, Seth Rollins would cash in after Cena pins Lesnar and become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble. Then it is Rollins vs. Bryan at Wrestlemania, if you could even take the 2 to appear more on Smackdown, that would help Daniel Bryans goal fir Smackdown as well.
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Very disappointing Royal Rumble. Just a lot of missed opportunities and we are stuck with what was Predictable (for a THIRD time in a row). The Title match was really good however, though we'll have to wait for 2 months to see it be defended and I'll likely forget it exists again :lol:.

I swear, the only reason The Rock showed up at the end was to get people to not show negative reactions to Reigns winning

EDIT: If I had it my way, Seth Rollins would cash in after Cena pins Lesnar and become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble. Then it is Rollins vs. Bryan at Wrestlemania, if you could even take the 2 to appear more on Smackdown, that would help Daniel Bryans goal fir Smackdown as well.

That's exactly why he was there.

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This seems all too familiar way too soon :lol:, I think we had this conversation last year :lol:.

Though can WWE turn it around again???
So here is my take on last night

First of all I have a confession, I like Roman Reigns, I think he has a lot of potential to be a very big star in the future and I can sort of see what Vince sees in him, that being said I'm also a big Daniel Bryan fan...but I wasn't expecting him to win the rumble, nor was I expecting him to be eliminated so early I expected him to be in the final four or five so that was a shock like it was to everyone one else..

..I totally get and understand why the crowd reacted they way they did, but the outcome was not a shock to me at all, Reigns was expected to win, I remember reading about it just before Christmas that he would win, also I think its a bit unrealistic for Bryan to win the Rumble and be number one contender so soon after coming back from serious injury, last night was only his third or fourth match since coming back

There are two things the WWE need to do now I think, if they are serious about Reigns beating Lesnar at WM (and I think they are) then they need to spend the next few months building him up because right now Reigns doesn't hold a candle to Lesnar, who went through a lot of punishment last night and had 'broken ribs' and still retained his title, thee WWE need to make us believe that Reigns can beat Lesnar, the second thing is they need to turn things around with the crowd like they did last year when they added Bryan to the title match, they could add Bryan to the match again or maybe Orton, surprised he wasn't there last night

I do have more to say about last night, but ill wait for someone to post first....
I often wonder with the Royal Rumble, how much besides the entry order and the winner is pre-planned. Cause it must be tricky to remember who's gonna eliminate you, or who you have to eliminate and when.
The whole thing is pre-planned, even how someone gets eliminated, who by and at what point during the match, its pretty complex to plan as you can imagine..

BIG BREAKING NEWS!!, Raw and Smackdown tapings this week have been cancelled due to a blizzard in the Hartford, Conneticut area, There will be some sort of show at their Headquarters tonight and Smackdown will be a live show this Thursday....
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Who were the surprise entrants on in the Rumble match? Cant find a list. All I know is that Bubba/Bully ray came back. I`m hoping full time..
All the Superstars and Divas have been told to stay in their hotel rooms tonight and not go outside due to the Winter Storm in the area, like I said Raw has been cancelled but there will be some sort of programme from their headquarters at 8pm US time, Smackdown will be a live show on Thursday....

Back to last night, just read that Vince was really surprised at the intensity of the crowd when Bryan was eliminated last night, The Rock was not happy backstage either...
So I'll admit: I haven't watched WWE since 2010. I hated the new guys, and 90% of the time I'd be seeing a Cena vs Orton match. However I looked at the results of the Royal Rumble. If it's true and Bubba Ray Dudley has returned (hopefully with D-Von), I might get back into it.
I hate how some people are putting all the Royal Rumble hate cause on Bryan. Yes they were upset that he was eliminated that early (hell even I was, as I felt like they were trying to kill his momentum) but putting every cause on him is silly. If it was all Bryan, they would have booed EVERYONE else but there was still support for Ziggler (who I wanted to win) and Ambrose. Not to mention the Boos were largely added to Reigns. Lets not forget they cheered for Rusev like how they cheered for Reigns last year, its because they didn't want to see the typical wrestler win.
I hate how some people are putting all the Royal Rumble hate cause on Bryan. Yes they were upset that he was eliminated that early (hell even I was, as I felt like they were trying to kill his momentum) but putting every cause on him is silly. If it was all Bryan, they would have booed EVERYONE else but there was still support for Ziggler (who I wanted to win) and Ambrose. Not to mention the Boos were largely added to Reigns. Lets not forget they cheered for Rusev like how they cheered for Reigns last year, its because they didn't want to see the typical wrestler win.
Its the social networks, and leaks through the internet which has ruined the WWE. If nobody knew Roman was gonna` win, he would of got cheered. But because of the internet, it was obvious who was going too win. I`m personally sick of it all, I would rather be surprised than too have something be announced. I personally don't like Reigns, never really have. But I don't hate him for it, better than last years winner that's for sure.
I hope this rumor on Bryans opponent aren't true:

Only Wyatt v Taker and HHH v Sting seem any good at all IMO. However, they seem to be relying more on old stars now than ever. We haven't had a Wrestlemanoa Main Event that didn't feature Any Part-Timers, Triple H, John Cena or Randy Orton since Wrestlemania XXVI, Over 7 Years Ago. I was glad the Ambrose v Rollins got the Main Event a PPV at Hell in a Cell because that was the first time since 2012s Hell in a Cell that none of the guys I mentioned Main Evented a PPV.
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So the show last night they played the Triple Threat title match and the Rumble match in their entirety, there was interviews with Reigns, Lesnar, Bryan, Rollins and Ambrose, there was a face to face between Reigns and Lesnar at the end which was sort of the main event

Rusev v Cena is the first match for Fast Lane after their head to head after the Royal Rumble and on Smackdown there will be a casket match between Bryan and Kane, I really hope that this match between the two will be the last for a while because its getting boring now..
Hahaha loads of people will of bought that Royal Rumble PPV for like £20 something and $40 something, then day later Raw shows the matches on there that the people basically paid too see for free! Poor sods.
So the WWE Network has officially hit 1 million subscribers, everyone is very happy about that behind the scenes as you can imagine and the WWE's share price has gone up as a result, its a bit of good news in a pretty miserable week for them thus far...

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