Does PD look at gtplanet?!?!?!

I think they do, they just put their username like 1337_AE86_Drifta or something like that. They wouldn't put their name as Polyphony Digital Team or something like that.
I think they do, they just put their username like 1337_AE86_Drifta or something like that. They wouldn't put their name as Polyphony Digital Team or something like that.

Or they don't register at all.

Does anyone remember when the guy who designed the saleen s7 and the nike one car came on here? He showed a concept of the nike car that was less detailed to be used in normal races but said it was too late to add it in.
Yep, I remember that, cool guy. He gave out loads of info on the Nike car, he even showed pics of that metal model they made that they gave to Kaz as a present.

I don't think PD will be checking here because they arn't a huge team and they have only the single office in Japan full of Japanese people that probably can't speak English, but Sony rep's will take a peek at whats going on in here on their behalf, that I'm almost certain of.
I'm sure they do look around. For example, was sued by SCEE. They were using a GT logo on a flyer, and their site, without permission.

How to do free research? Have PD surf multiple forums gleening info about what the market (us) would like to see.

You never know for certain.
I hope they do too... after all, we are their ultimate customers and critics... plus we have kick 🤬 ideas and reccomendations.
I'll look at this in a few different analytical ways. A long way around to the answer, so to speak. One side would tell me that PD looks at not only GTPlanet, but perhaps other GT sites as well. After all, we are all part of the worldwide Gran Turismo community. We are a family of GT fans. Perhaps even a cult or a clan. And for sure we consider PD as the master. Another side tells me that PD doesn't look to GTPlanet or any other deal because of the simple fact that no one person can tell PD what should and shouldn't be in the game.

Why do we take part in message boards like this one? It's because we love the Gran Turismo experience, and that we want our voice to be heard, even if confined to text. There are also people who dislike the GT series and either wished it could be better, or just want to completely give GT the boot. We already know that when a GT is in the works, we want almost everything in it. If PD can make it happen with the console and technology they are working with, then God forbid... you're going to get what you want. Just because you want something in the next GT (I can even include myself in this point) doesn't mean that your wish will be granted. I have always been on the notion that us fans only account for less than 10% of what the final product will have. Sure, our voices count. It doesn't mean, however, that we're going to get exactly that. So even if your fantasy for the next GT is to smoke European sports cars with your Saleen S7 Turbo at Fiorano, you've sounded off, but it's up to PD to see what they can do within their legal and technological limits.

Back to the original question. I can't tell you if PD actually looks to GTPlanet for advice for the next GT. We account for the small percentage of what will actually be considered and put into the next GT game. Granted the idea isn't a dumb and/or selfish idea (dumb example: horses; selfish example: no Kei cars, no used cars, more sports cars, C-Spec... press one button to win everything in the game), it may make it into the game. Remember how I said "the long way around to the answer?" Well, I am actually unsure. I want to believe PD looks to not only GTPlanet, but other websites as well as other positive mentionings of the Gran Turismo series and/or Polyphony Digital. My answer: maybe so. You can dig that, right?
Well, I distinctly recall many folks on forums like this asking for backfires in GT4 while it was under development. They weren't in GT4:P, but as soon as vids of the final build of the full game showed up, there they were! Might have just been a coincidence, but you never know...
Well, JFM_Racer, this goes back to me saying that we are all a community. As a community, we will all have different wants and needs for the GT series. Something many of us fail to realize is that many of us love the series to begin with. We can't just have one person determine what should be in GT and what should be totally neglected. If you love a certain car or certain car company, you'd love to see it no matter what anyone else thinks of you. Perhaps the key things that can be considered are if we can all agree to something and have substantial proof that it would boost the fun factor or playability of the next Gran Turismo game, then certainly we can arrange something for the next GT. This is like voting here in America. It can be a case of something you want as Congress could likely consider a new vote or something. Well, while Polyphony Digital isn't Congress or the House of Representatives (I take Government next week, so I'm getting my terms down!), but surely they will listen or read.

Since we are a community, we'd love to think that PD looks at GTPlanet for ideas for the next game. As long as they are doable and feasible and sane, the chances are high that it will be in the game. When this forum opened up, I was an idea factory for GT5. Now, I've sobered up and just await GT5's released. On GTPlanet, I don't consider myself an insider on Gran Turismo news or anything. I consider myself more as a GT insider for public opinion and following critics. You may have remembered a thread I made called "Sound Off! How to Silence the Critics," and my other Sound Off! on how to get more arcade-type racing gamers to love GT more. As part of this community, I stay true to my own ideas about the series and where it's going, but I'm also thinking about how others may agree or disagree with me. Then having taken comments from media and game players, I start thinking about what it is that would make GT better for as many people as possible. Again, I don't work for PD. I would like to also think that with the discussions I've started and with the comments I've put forth, that we can think about what would make GT a better game for us. Because after all, who makes the game what it is- PD or us gamers? Of course, it's us. I hope some of the stuff we've discussed on here could be picked up by PD so that they can sort of learn about what will silence as much negative criticism as possible and make a game many more people can be proud of after GT4 kind of was love-it-or-hate-it to many people. As anticipated as GT4 was when it was released, not many were too fond. So I've done as much of social/public opinion stuff on GTPlanet as I could to think about what would make the next GT the best ever.

The thing that would make me most happy is if PD can look at some of the things we have discussed and hope to use it in future builds of GT games. Not just my contributions, but all of us here on GTPlanet. And if they haven't looked to GTPlanet for some help, then maybe they should start. :D Because we're as much of GT fans as any other message board, and we love our Gran Turismo. So keep firing away with what you want to see in GT5. And remember, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
like xcsti already said, that the saleen s7 dude and nike one creater had a look in here, i fir sure can imagine that a few workers from PD have a look in here. But, if they dont look in here, they for sure check out there japanese GT websites.

are there any??
I'm sure at least few members from P.D. do. Even if they did check in here routinely, I don't think they can freely admit that, since that could be a basis for lawsuit(stealing ideas, etc.).

But, if they dont look in here, they for sure check out there japanese GT websites.

are there any??
Kinda hard to find, but found these: This was the best one I found. Cool avatars, similar to those cartoon cars seen in this forum. Very cool site, but looks like it's been hijacked by the PD's new game, "Tourist Trophy". :D Might be interesting for the photomode fans.

Only couple of those sites are of decent size, but they were very interesting and unique.
cool.....but....i dont speak japanese, nor i can read that....nor my computer can read it :) lol. but anyway thanks.

who knows...maybe i am a P.D Member and i am scouting for some new ideas and even new members....wuwuwuwuuu
Well - One (Jordan anyone ? :) ) could have a look at the access logs and see if anything matches Polyphonys IP address..
I do wish that Polyphony would consult with the mods of the GT boards around the net for input and suggestions, if not browse the boards themselves. Der Alta had a nice simple suggestion for an average A-Spec points stat, which if points are as questionable in GT5 as in 4, then the average would give you a better idea of how butch a racer you are.

A suggestion box at a Polyphony email addy would probably break from all the messages and take thousands of man-years to sort through, but a mod could tell a Polyphony PR person what the better discussions were on the boards and where the best suggestions were. We do have some fantastic ideas here, and I'm sure there are on the other boards around the globe.
A mod couldn't take our ideas and pass them onto staff at PD. Can you image the ammount of legalproblems both the site and PD could get into from stealing everyones idea's like that. Like it or not, but that's the reaso n Sony won't accept any idea's people send them. They won't get past the secretary. If PD want to use an idea, they have to come up with it themselves. If they do that, then it doesn't matter if it's similar to one of ours, they haven't stolen it. They can use what we say on forums to come up with ther own idea's, but PD can't just take our idea's and they won't accept them.

The bottom line is, if you have a great idea, the chances are someone at PD will think it up.
Here's a simple way PD would and can get around that. Jordan owns Which means anything posted here is Jordan's property.

All SCEA would have to do is contact Jordan for his permission. Done Deal.
Actually it's quite the opposite, in the site's terms he quite clearly has nothing to do with what's typed here, whatever is discussed, Jordan is not accountable. He could change the site's terms of registration so that he would own all the info posted, but that could cause him further problems, but as it stands, he's got nothing to do with what's posted. It'd be nice if PD could just simply take idea's, but it's not a legally sound way of doing things, and potentially, every idea could have somoen contacting them after the games lauch asking for money for the idea they never paid them to use. PD would probably win each and every case, but the whole procedings would be extrememly bad for the company.
A quick clarification. Jordan owns and all its content. You are given the right to post here based on acceptance of his terms. He is not accountable for the content due to the real time nature of the forum, but he does own it entirely.
Oh, I'll have to take another peek.

EDIT: On further investigation, I can't find a single thing on the site to remotely hint Jordan owns any posts. I can find things that say otherwise.

Thats is from the Forum Rules.
All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of GTP Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
Thats and identical comment but from the AUP.
All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of GTP Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
This is from the privacy policy. cannot be held responsible in any way for any information posted or otherwise distributed by public users via its chat or forum mediums.
These statements all distance the site from the forum content. If the site can't be held resposible for any posts, the site doesn't own any posts either. Each post is owned by it's author and the responsibility whats contained within that post rests with the autor too.
Some of the things people ask for are sufficiently generic that member of the developer team could be browsing the baord and think "hey, what a great idea". On the other hand, some would me more easily traceable, and those would be ignored.

Ultimately, it comes down to whether the aggrieved party can prove that they had prior article - in other words, could prove that they had come up with the idea and had presented it to the developer team who until that point had not considered it. Think again on that word "prove".

So, if you say "I really want to see the Lamborghini Gallardo in GT5", you're more likely to be successful than "Here's my design for a great track".
That's correct. Video game developers specifically state that they cannot and will not accept suggested ideas, no matter how good. If they do so they open themselves to an entire universe of frivolous infringement suits.
Well.... if any of my ideas were "lifted" by some programmer or designer at Polyphony, I'd have to snap my fingers, say "Dag nab it!" and enjoy one or two of my dreams brought to reality in excellent form. :D

Seriously, I'm sure we post ideas because we'd like to see them come to life someday. Mine are mostly of the grandeose variety, like Career Mode, doing everything possible to model as much of the racing world in its entirety, modelling individual racer AI, creating racing teams to compete against, things like that. And those concepts I'm sure have already been rattling around in the minds of Kazunori-sama's team, as well as designers in other companies as well, so it's not like I'd be shafted if it showed up in GT5 or 6, GTR2 or whatever. I have little doubt that every serious race game team is aiming for that ultimate realism that one day not long from now we'll be seeing on our TV screens.
I was not a member at the time but I think that IP comparing with that one dude with the nike caris a good idea.

And to any of the mods-if PD does ask for ideas/suggestions for GT5, try to give credit the best you can or what ever works best:)
Well on the whole issue of ownership of ideas I think everything posted on here becomes public property. Unless they copyrighted their idea in which case they probably wouldn't post it.
I believe that to be the case xsti. But even so, they'd still be baiting lawsuits by taking anyone's ideas, even if those people had no real grounds to sue. This is just another example of how lawsuit culture ruins almost everything.

Is it such a utopian, idealist fantasy to imagine a world where a videogame company could listen to it's patrons and take on board suggestions without fear of being sued? Stupid &^%%ing laws!
That's the point right there, even if the people with the idea's have no legal grounds for a case, there will still be some who try, and that will generate unwated attention and high legal fee's for the company, even if they won.