Does PD look at gtplanet?!?!?!

...Yeah, I guess I didnt specify there. I meant to say that Nintendo and Microsoft use their forums when designing and fixing their games and platforms...
Sony have done that too, though your right, not on ther same level as MS and Nintendo, not close.
I think PD could check out GTP and other sites, but most likely not for ideas, but rather marketing reasons. Like an internal survey or something, just to know the fanbase and how to use it. It would make sense for any international company to do research on their fanbase/buyers before releasing a new product.
What is the point of making GT? Well, to give us hours and hours of entertainment, and to make money, and how are they going to do that? By selling more copies of the game, and how are they going to do this? By knowing what the people that are going to buy the game want, how do they find out what we want? Come to places like this....simple.
I agree, but people are like that which is unfortunate. A lot of people on here for example would willingly hand over idea's, but the problem is PD doesn't know what were thinking. At least they can use our idea's if we don't give them to them, which may sound odd, but you can't prove they took your idea if they never accepted your e-mail, and you can't prove they took your idea if it's a basic outline for an idea posted on some message board. If you send an e-mail and they say thank you we'll take that, then you've got all the proof you need to threaten legal action. You'd lose in court, but so would Sony in the legal costs, bad publicity ect.

There should be some Terms of Agreement on their site with wich you can agree and then you can post a tip, providing that PD can't be punished for using tips from users who agreed on that.
For me JohnBM01 is talking a lot of sense.

However, if PD are not aware of these forums, perhaps a few of us should send them an email alerting them to our existence. There are some brilliant, wonderful and original ideas for future inclusions all over this site, ideas that the PD team may well not have contemplated themselves. They are after all a relatively small team when compared to a large community of users such as ourselves. More people can generate more ideas. Ultimately consumers will vote with their feet and if PD don't produce the improvements and/or extras that the public want, some other developer surely will.

Granted PD will have their own agenda and plans for the future development of the game. It seems unlikely somehow that they are oblivious to the existance of all the millions of people who bought and loved the game. Our postings therefore may well go on to influence the developers in some way.

Conclusion: Keep posting!
I think PD could check out GTP and other sites, but most likely not for ideas, but rather marketing reasons. Like an internal survey or something, just to know the fanbase and how to use it. It would make sense for any international company to do research on their fanbase/buyers before releasing a new product.

Also true. They'd be stupid not to know of this site for the most basic commercial reasons.