Does PD look at gtplanet?!?!?!

No, asking for a car to be included won't have any effect on what licenses they actually aquire. Things as general as that are none-issues, it's if you were to give them a specific idea, like say Der_Alta e-mailed Sony his average A-Spec points idea and they said "hey thanks, we'll use that", Der_Alta ciould in theory take them to court wanting money for the idea without asking for money when he gave it to them. PD would win the case, but it'd cost PD a lot in legal fee's time and bad press. PD could theoretically come here, read our idea's, take them and used them and just claim they came up with them themselves if approached. The grander and more specific the idea, the less likely PD would use it, but it'd have to be a big idea that they use in the same specific way you described for them to use it and for the other person to have enough grounds to take them to court. If PD accepted an idea, you could take them to court for anything, they'd win but it'd cost them.
Oh, if Polyphony has some of our ideas, it wouldn't be a big deal. They have a development roadmap for their games that stretch back before GT1 was even playtested. I'm sure that many of our ideas were on the development sketches for GT3, or maybe even 2.
Exactley, it's just a case of if you go "here's an idea" they'll turn away before you can tell them it.
When did this turn into a money issue? I dont want to speak for everyone hear but it ISpublic property unless otherwise stated. If our ideas wind up in the next GT or not, some people might know what there idea was and say to themselfs "hey, that was my idea! Cool!"
Yeah but some people are retarded and will try to get money for them using their idea. At the end of the day they could not spend much and pay the guy, if it wen't to court PD would have legal fee's that'd far outweigh just paying the guy a bit, but then you have the problem that if they pay one guy, more will take advantage of it. It's ALL about money.
Der Alta
How to do free research? Have PD surf multiple forums gleening info about what the market (us) would like to see.

Yes, then they deliberate & cogitate over what they've read - and totally ignore it, just like they have done all along.
A faint memory popped into my head today that contradicts what we've all been saying about this copyright stuff: I remeber the Japanese guy who made Metal Gear Solid (don't remember his name) created his own suggestions forum during the development of the sequel and listened intently to the fans who posted there. He even replied to lots of messages and discussed the ones he like and the logistics of implimenting them etc... It might still exist since they are still making Metal Gear games? I only faintly remember a friend of mine showing me. Probably by making the forum themselves they could easily just put "you understand that you are not entitled to any money for any contributions you post here" in their disclaimer. Bottom line is: It can be done.

This was a guy who cared about his fans. Kaz and his team are kinda the opposite I think: They have their own vision, and to hell with anyone else. I don't think they know the meaning of the words "market research". GT has never been led by the market and I'll bet it never will be. You've gotta give it to them, they created an incredible game that's still completely unrivalled in many ways.

ed- Do you reckon they even have independent playtesters? I've heard that kaz drives each car for like a zillion hours or something - Perhaps he is the sole playtester for the entire game!? I honestly wouldn't be surprised. We should really just be thankful he exists: He's an incredible guy and utterly devoted to providing the world with the perfect racing game. I guess we'll just have to live with the fact that it'll always be him and him alone behind the steering wheel. Godspeed Kaz! god bless your imperviousness
Actually I think the opposite of Kaz and the Polyphony team. I think they very much care what we think. Games are a product, and they only sell well if they give us what they want. Now that doesn't mean that there's a private forum where special invites gets you to be involved in development ideas or playtesting, but I'm sure that Kazunori-sama thinks that he has similar ideals to the rest of the racing game community. I do believe that in interviews, he said that he wants to give gamers the game of their dreams, the only limit being the hardware.

Just a minor point, and I do agree that the guy is a rare, epic game designer. :)
Well tron your comments on MGS reminded me of something. The upcoming MMO "pirates of the burning sea" has gotten forum users to contribute whole models of ships for use in the game along with random flags. They put the different contributions up to a board and reward them with access to the beta.
Theres a difference between an organised forum dedicated to providing ideas for the game where anyone taking part is willingly handing over idea's having read a disclaimer. It's like market research, you can use information gathered from market ersearch to improve a product or service, but they all have discaimers. If you fill in a market research form you sign it, it has a disclaimer on it. If you post in a web forum you've registered to, you agree to abide by that forumss rules, if they add a disclaimer covering this, it changes everything, if anyone tried to take them to court for that they'd get brushed away.

It's like that vinyl design competition EA had for NFS:MW, if anyone had a chance to see the competition ad's theres a disclaimer in it that takes away any rights to that idea/design you may otherwise have.
...It would be a shame if PD doesnt check out some of the websites and forums dedicated to the games, as it is the consumer that should decide what should/should not be going into the games at the end of the day.

Hey, Microsoft is doing it, and they take great pride in it. Why shouldnt the Sony companies be doing it as well?
Theres no loss of dignity, lookig at and listening to what your fans want.
Trouble is the games top dog creator has always put it as "I've created a racing game for me, and I hope many others can enjoy it as much as I do", so he probably feels if he's the primary 'fan' of the game as it were, if he's happy with it that's all that should matter. Of course that's just a theory I've come up with myself, and naturally I wouldn't reflect on the guy himself (unless it's true).
thats not a determined thing but who knows if they are.
if they are they should put the 06 impreza on it
Somehow, I get the feeling that you have nothing to worry about!
because PD and sony are japanese firms, and they have dignity. Microsoft doesn't.:D

What does that have to do with anything? Microsoft (and the rest of their companies related to the XBOX) are doing EXACTLY the right thing by listening to their fans, as they are the ones who are buying the platforms and the games that either make or break these companies. Bungie (the development team behind the Halo franchise, like you guys didnt know) is pretty well known for watching their boards and fixing problems as they come up, and forwarding the problems to the heads at Microsoft Games.

...If anything, Sony should be doing the same thing. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there like me who are unsatisfied with a lot of the Sony products and hardware, and our imput could be used no only to help our own products, to to help make the communities products better as a whole.
...If anything, Sony should be doing the same thing. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there like me who are unsatisfied with a lot of the Sony products and hardware, and our imput could be used no only to help our own products, to to help make the communities products better as a whole.
Does anyone know a contact email to PD that we car share ideas with? Or do you have to know some one on the inside
its kind of iffy...👎 :ill: 👍
PD, and any other part of the Sony umbrella will not accept any idea's given to them in any form other than in a controlled survey or forum. If you sent an e-mail saying "hey heres an idea" they will send a one back saying thank's but we cannot accept that and no-one higher than a secretary will ever read it.
Its pretty lame that Sony doesnt listen to their fans. Microsoft and Nintendo go on and on about how the fans decide what the products are and how they will work, and thats what has made so many of their products worth buying.

If Sony took the time to listen to the fans that are so unbelieveably devoted to the Playstation brand, I'm positive they could stay on top for many years to come...
Well, like I said... I want to believe that PD gets some ideas from us, even if not the best ideas for the series. Even if our ideas don't make it, I think the best thing is to simply sound off. I offered up my ideas, but they won't be guaranteed to be in the game. Speak up in these forums. It's the first step to having your Internet-restricted voice heard.

What if a car company in GT wanted to offer their ideas to PD for use in the next GT? Would PD or Sony even allow THEM to have some input?
Its pretty lame that Sony doesnt listen to their fans. Microsoft and Nintendo go on and on about how the fans decide what the products are and how they will work, and thats what has made so many of their products worth buying.

If Sony took the time to listen to the fans that are so unbelieveably devoted to the Playstation brand, I'm positive they could stay on top for many years to come...
I'm sure Sony does, Microsoft won't accept an e-mial for the same reasons Sony won't and I presume Nintendo are smart enough not to as well. It only opens them up for legal complications, if they don't accept any idea's but read a great idea on an internet forum that isn't a hugely detialed and specific idea, they can add it without anyone batting an eyelid because who's going to try and prove Sony took that idea. If you sendan e-mial with an idea and Sony use it then you ask for cash after the games launch for that great idea, Sony are buggered, they'll win the court case but the time and money lost will not be worth them using that idea. It's the same for MS and as I said, I presume it's the same for Nintendo. now if Sony setup a web forum where a PD rep for example will chat to fans for half an hour or so, they will pretty much always put a disclaimer in that forum that and ideas may be used by Sony or any part of Sony ect, ect blah blah blah, but that covers their backs. It's the same when you do a survey on paper, you sign and theres a little disclaimer at the bottom of it so that anything you put down can be used.
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Seiichi Ikiuo
Thats really rubbish.

Imagine I got a wonderfull idea for GT5. I really want to see it in. Then they include it and I go sue PD for including my idea:irked::odd:

I know it's just for being on the safe side but it's really......stupid.....
If PD, MS and other compaines did do that how long do you think it would take before people all started jumping on the bandwagon, not very is the answer. There a lot of people who would love to take advantage of a quick cash idea like that.
That and the fact you simply wouldn't be able to prove anything, unless you had previously posted it, even then it would be a long shot
If PD, MS and other compaines did do that how long do you think it would take before people all started jumping on the bandwagon, not very is the answer. There a lot of people who would love to take advantage of a quick cash idea like that.

IMO your a real a***ole then...:yuck:

But yeah that would ultimately explain it...cause there are alot of stupid people in the world.
I agree, but people are like that which is unfortunate. A lot of people on here for example would willingly hand over idea's, but the problem is PD doesn't know what were thinking. At least they can use our idea's if we don't give them to them, which may sound odd, but you can't prove they took your idea if they never accepted your e-mail, and you can't prove they took your idea if it's a basic outline for an idea posted on some message board. If you send an e-mail and they say thank you we'll take that, then you've got all the proof you need to threaten legal action. You'd lose in court, but so would Sony in the legal costs, bad publicity ect.