
  • Thread starter Waheed
Not posted for a while seeing as I've been off sunning myself in Thailand for the last few months but this place is kinda's quite sad really..I guess the demise of Evo has drained all the joy we had here.

@Brend and @torque99 it was a short but enjoyable time with your TT so thanks for the work you put in..
I still love the game and won't stop playing it but somehow it just don't feel the same anymore..apart from the goofballs online but that's not changing anytime soon..

Pointless post but hey's nice to see my friends list just full of guys (and girls maybe) who I met on here..
Cheers :cheers::cheers::gtpflag:
@Pearl Jam Thank you ^^ 👍 I have been meaning to do a few Sprint challenges again, but there are too many other new releases that keep coming and I am getting a backlog!:ill: DiRT Rally, Table Top racing/ PCars/R&C/NFS/Crew and photos + as mentioned on other threads I am busy downloading GT6 to keep me busy on the other console. I Love Drive Club and like you most my latest friends on my PS4/PSN are from this site & TTs (Drive Club) so the community is special on here for me too. I will keep playing as I love the game but it just won't be daily now like for the past 16 months it took over my PS4 and I needed a little break from it. Also @Brend is busy writing reports now for GTP so the season may be delayed for the time being?

If I do a few Fun Sprints is there enough interest still do you think ? As you say it has gone very quiet in here.....:cheers:
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Same for me! I've met a lot of very nice people in here and it is thanks to DC. A great game but as for Torque I as well have got a few other games which take of most of my gaming time. With The Division, Dirt Rally and pCARS I simply have enough on my hands currently.

It has been a great time in here :cheers:
This is far and away the best sub-community I've had the pleasure of being involved in since the WipEout HD days. It is outstanding how DC brought us all together.

In regard to the TT series, the participation numbes harshly dropped in Season 2 and given the onslaught of new great racing games I'm not entirely confident we'd get a good show-up. :(
In view of @Brend 's valid point, anyone who wants could still send out their own challenges to other former participants. I see that a lot of the most competitive folks are still active on DC - and with the 'friends challenge' section giving the ability to link friends of friends, the catchment area is still potentially large.

Good to see folks popping back into the sub-forum occasionally - true, it's quieter but it's all still going on under the surface, and as has already been mentioned, it's really good to still get messages from DC-ites asking about other games.
Probably not.
Yeah, but that maintenance does seem awfully long to just tweak or optimise things - hell, the guys at Evo never needed to shut the servers down for that - so that's what got me wondering.

Like you say though, probably nothing.
Man, it's been quiet here since the Evolution crossed its Finish Line.

Me on the other hand I'm halfway from getting the double platinum. Today I finally found an active lobby for a Bike race and managed to get that save the replay multiplayer.

Since I'm not getting into Uncharted 4 (for now, I guess) I see myself playing DC untill GTsport comes.

Edit: Well, mixed feelings here. Now that GTS has a release date, it's kinda the day this subforum will be shut down for good. Since the vast majority here will move to GTS.
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I remember people asking about the possibility to include Fireflies in the game; as nothing was said, I guessed that nothing came of it.

Running an event yesterday, the pack went through a cloud of glowing motes, which I thought at first were falling leaves caught in the headlights, so I saved the replay in the hope of capturing a nice shot or two. Turns out that they were the glowing motes in the pictures below. Nor were they the result of a fire, I checked - so, Fireflies at last? If so, how long have they been in the game, surely it wasn't included in the recent maintenance...

Never noticed them before. Thanks for pointing it out! 👍
Actually, I now have to apologise: I was mistaken...unfortunately there was a car that wasn't immediately apparent in the pack, grinding along the wall. I have a replay and only just saw it after about the sixth play through.

I feel so 🤬 stupid now - at least I didn't upload the vid clip; so, small mercies, eh?

It would have been a great addition though.
Actually, I now have to apologise: I was mistaken...unfortunately there was a car that wasn't immediately apparent in the pack, grinding along the wall. I have a replay and only just saw it after about the sixth play through.

I feel so 🤬 stupid now - at least I didn't upload the vid clip; so, small mercies, eh?

It would have been a great addition though.

With all of the incredible minor details they put into this game, I wouldn't be surprised if they did add fireflies at one point. Sadly, that will never happen, unless Codemasters want to make a Driveclub sequel. :(
Not sure what is going on, probably leader-board rationalisations of some sort, but before today I was floating around the 1,035th place in game ranking terms. This evening however, I am suddenly in at 896 (now 871) I had managed to work my way into the high 800s not long before Evolution Studios were 'let go' but not long after I found myself quite rapidly shunted back to the low 1000s. I put that down to my playing more of other games during that period.

Seems to me now though that the new landlords are staying active, as some of the less honest players appear to have been removed - it's the only explanation that I can think of in view of the change.
Driveclub with the season pass is now at an all-time cheapest price on the UK PS-Store - £7.39.

Buy it.

So, your clever advertising worked. The problem I've run into, though, is it looks like Sony has taken a lot of DLC off the Store. Namely, the Season Pass on its own. As someone that already owns the game, I'm not interested in buying the digital + SP pack for $20. :-/

Is this a Canada-only thing?
So, your clever advertising worked. The problem I've run into, though, is it looks like Sony has taken a lot of DLC off the Store. Namely, the Season Pass on its own. As someone that already owns the game, I'm not interested in buying the digital + SP pack for $20. :-/

Is this a Canada-only thing?

Sounds odd, still looks like it's all on there in the UK store. I vaguely recall having to select the right edition in PS store to see all the add-ons. Have you tried via the Add-ons tile in the game?
So, your clever advertising worked. The problem I've run into, though, is it looks like Sony has taken a lot of DLC off the Store. Namely, the Season Pass on its own. As someone that already owns the game, I'm not interested in buying the digital + SP pack for $20. :-/

Is this a Canada-only thing?
Huh. That's odd, I've not actually checked the store myself to see if the SP can still be purchased separately, have you tried the in-game store?
Thought I'd jump on my favourite game again.

Is it possible to max out the Elite levels without buying DLC? (To attain the stars.) I'm sitting at 1316/1325 for the next level to unlock. I have 6 stars I could still get from the finish line tour but I refuse because I never want to say I've finished all of Driveclub. :lol::(

Am I going to have to buy more Bike DLC just for an elite level?
Thought I'd jump on my favourite game again.

Is it possible to max out the Elite levels without buying DLC? (To attain the stars.) I'm sitting at 1316/1325 for the next level to unlock. I have 6 stars I could still get from the finish line tour but I refuse because I never want to say I've finished all of Driveclub. :lol::(

Am I going to have to buy more Bike DLC just for an elite level?
Pretty much, a decision I've always resented. Especially now that the game didn't get the chance to move forward as a 'service' and justify this decision either.
Thought I'd jump on my favourite game again.

Is it possible to max out the Elite levels without buying DLC? (To attain the stars.) I'm sitting at 1316/1325 for the next level to unlock. I have 6 stars I could still get from the finish line tour but I refuse because I never want to say I've finished all of Driveclub. :lol::(

Am I going to have to buy more Bike DLC just for an elite level?
If you want to take it to Elite 60 - then yes. If you don't want to finish DC though, then not completing the elite levels is also a good way of maintaining that aim.
If you want to take it to Elite 60 - then yes. If you don't want to finish DC though, then not completing the elite levels is also a good way of maintaining that aim.

It would just be nice for me not competing it to be down to me deciding not to rather than not paying. ;)