
  • Thread starter Waheed
Only 1 TH8A? Shocking!!!!! :)

Seriously though, that's a vendor who understands the importance of their wheels "just working", and is willing to make it happen proactively. Despite their well-documented QC issues, there's no denying that Thrustmaster have taken over from Logitech as the de facto wheel recommendation for mainstream sim racers.
Speaking of wheels, I just got my T150 and Wheelstand Pro today and I'm impressed with how Driveclub feels with it. I've not got many options as Codemasters broke DiRT Rally with the last update so I'm enjoying another playthrough in career. :D

Anybody else use a wheel?
Speaking of wheels, I just got my T150 and Wheelstand Pro today and I'm impressed with how Driveclub feels with it. I've not got many options as Codemasters broke DiRT Rally with the last update so I'm enjoying another playthrough in career. :D

Anybody else use a wheel?

It was adequate with the T300 and it was much more enjoyable with hardcore mode, how is the T150?.
It was adequate with the T300 and it was much more enjoyable with hardcore mode, how is the T150?.
It's decent, not as much feedback as I'd like but it's still fun enough whilst I have no other options. Really pining for Assetto now, track sim wise PS4 is pretty light.
It's decent, not as much feedback as I'd like but it's still fun enough whilst I have no other options. Really pining for Assetto now, track sim wise PS4 is pretty light.

Get PCARS if you haven't already.
Get PCARS if you haven't already.

Have you Pcars? If you haven't yet worth a try even for the cars and tracks to enjoy. The wheel does need a bit of fiddling around but you can have some pretty decent races and immersion feel from helmet cam, and the FFB is good on PCars compared to the other two ^. Another good one to try on if you still have the PS3 about Brend is to go back to GT6 as the FFB and set up for me was pretty good jumping straight in đź‘Ť
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Have you Pcars? If you haven't yet worth a try even for the cars and tracks to enjoy. The wheel does need a bit of fiddling around but you can have some pretty decent races and immersion feel from helmet cam, and the FFB is good on PCars compared to the other two ^. Another good one to try on if you still have the PS3 about Brend is to go back to GT6 as the FFB and set up for me was pretty good jumping straight in đź‘Ť

Yep, gets a lot of playing time, has lots of annoying issues and bugs(plus the crap default settings for cars)but I enjoy it none the less.
Ugh, I thought they might have fixed that whole fiddly nonsense after launch. I'll leave it for now...gonna be a long wait until GT I tell you that much!
So, bought the $20 bundle for my cousins while baby sitting... Didn't get the season pass though.

Okay, so I think I have the DLC? As far as I can tell I have all the DLC except the bikes, Japanese car pack and final one with the Regera.

Kinda annoying I have to select a car from each pack from the garage to get the DLC.
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Being trying to do the first of the tours think it's called Driveclub Tour I have got 93 stars but cannot get any more the AI are far to aggressive at beginning of races causing the lap time required impossible as they just smash you constantly even if I try and ignore them and don't touch them.
The drift ones I don't even attempt can't see the point, I know loads love it good luck to them.
Does any one know if I can change the difficulty of the game for an amateur like me I want to make the game far less difficult. It is pointless as it is as I will never be able to do it.
I am begging game makers put in difficulty sliders so ham handed buffoons like me can play and enjoy instead of trying realising it is beyond me and moaning on sites about it.
I couldn't give a gnats chuff about trophies and being first I just want to complete it even if it means I am the beginners of amateur level standard. That's my standard let me play at that level all through the game.
If any one knows of any codes cheats which will change the difficulty to simpleton mode will they please share them with me.
@justin credible , I'm glad I played through before they changed the drift scoring - now that you lose score when spinning or hitting the edge, I'm not sure if I could be bothered with it either!

There's the choice to play for Silver instead of Gold stars, and there's Hardcore mode (which would only be on if you've turned it on in the options). When in the Tour screen showing the events, one of shoulder buttons toggles which stars (prompt at the bottom of the screen might say which).

Some races you just have to be as aggressive back! And it often takes multiple plays to get the stars - one for the position/time and one for the bonuses, for example.
There's the choice to play for Silver instead of Gold stars, and there's Hardcore mode (which would only be on if you've turned it on in the options). When in the Tour screen showing the events, one of shoulder buttons toggles which stars (prompt at the bottom of the screen might say which).

This is music to my ears I am sure I am playing for gold which I presume are the harder events.
I bet my son has turned me on to hardcore thinking he is funny! I will try and find it and turn it off.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH OUTSPACER so much appreciated.

If I am already on silver and not on hardcore I think I should pack in the tour mode and stay on sprints:)
This is music to my ears I am sure I am playing for gold which I presume are the harder events.
I bet my son has turned me on to hardcore thinking he is funny! I will try and find it and turn it off.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH OUTSPACER so much appreciated.

If I am already on silver and not on hardcore I think I should pack in the tour mode and stay on sprints:)


Probably on Gold, it's the default... but it is easy to knock the button and switch without meaning to!

I found the later part of the DC Tour about right for difficulty - most events not so easy that they could be done in one try, and not many that took a lot of tries. But when I didn't know the track or car well, I had to work at it a bit... some events do demand that you know the track very well to finish first.
DC's Tour Mode holds you by the hand at the start of dc, we're talking stupid easy AI difficulty, it's not until you get to the semi-pro championship where the game kind of throws you to the lions it's by this stage that the game expects a certain amount of skill has already been acquired by the player for it to let go of your hand, with the selection of cars available now compared to when i first played through the tour mode, it really shouldn't be keeping you awake at night.

I by no means regard myself as a great racer, i'm pretty average to be honest.
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DC's Tour Mode holds you by the hand at the start of dc, we're talking stupid easy AI difficulty, it's not until you get to the semi-pro championship where the game kind of throws you to the lions it's by this stage that the game expects a certain amount of skill has already been acquired by the player for it to let go of your hand, with the selection of cars available now compared to when i first played through the tour mode, it really shouldn't be keeping you awake at night.

I by no means regard myself as a great racer, i'm pretty average to be honest.

Don't put yourself down Kenny I have seen your racing and timetrial ability you are excellent,
I think the difference in ability between me and you is like Usain Bolt and John Prescott doing the hundred meters and I am the latter.
The first about 10 events on DC Tour are not to difficult then for me anyway it goes crazy hard and I am no where near semi pro.:ouch:
...The first about 10 events on DC Tour are not to difficult then for me anyway it goes crazy hard and I am no where near semi pro.:ouch:
Hang on in there, you'll get better with more familiarity on the tracks being used, especially if you dip into the challenges and focus on trying different ways to tackle the courses and the ghosts of others - sometimes you can learn from them. The TT challenges in themselves can be quite addictive too, and you can set race events up against the AI at different levels too, so that you can get used to them at different class levels.
Just being nailing the tour on silver and I am worse than when trying for gold:eek::lol:
Went back to gold did better but no where near the required level:lol:
I am going back to sprints with cars I like it is more fun and with in the scope of my capabilities,
thanks for all the help and advice guys appreciate it đź‘Ť I am just pants old and have no patience.

I honestly think if I am struggling this bad at the first hurdle what is the point of trying go further I will never do it and only get frustrated and end up with another DC disc skimmed out of the window to join the other 2 and gt6 and all those stupid cod games which I cannot work out how to play even if mine and my kids lives depended on it (why people keep buying me them for birthdays etc I don't know I haven't got the heart to tell them I would rather be shot than play them)didn't even take the cellophane off the last two just binned them, and that project cars which was terrible. I really should trade them in but it isn't half satisfying skimming them seeing if I can get them in the pond down the garden.:lol::lol: Sad as it is but it gives me a small like moral victory if I see the disc smash off a wall or skim the pond then sink.
Jesus someone get me a shrink:ill::ill::ill::lol:
Maybe try different types of game - I mean, I'd be there beside you if someone bought me a CoD game (I never got the attraction, especially the online part.) There are some fine adventure/puzzle games out there like Journey, Flower, Flow or Unfinished Swan or Rain and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons on the PS3 (though Rain can be a bit frustrating at times, so maybe not that one.)

Me, I like RPGs when I'm not driving. Hitting zombies in Dead Island or Dying Light can be very relaxing, especially with the variety of weapons - talking of which, Borderlands 2 has the largest collection of those and plenty to do too.

EDIT: or give Driveclub's photo mode a go.
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To be honest Mean Elf the only other games I play is gt games on ps3 I have the 60gig one which plays the older discs and years back I played Driver think it was on ps2. I can't be bothered with level games like Crash Bandicoot ones where you play you die you go back to the beginning of that level Boring to the extreme of chewing the controller and falling asleep in your own slobber:lol:
Tetris was one of my favs back on the Amiga (I bet loads on here don't remember or know what an Amiga is):) I wish I could find it for ps4 but I believe it isn't available:(

Never even entered the photo mode so will give that a bash later cheers bud.

I have got Space Invaders game with lots of different modes of space invaders on I think ps2 disc might be3 but it works in the ps3. I am rubbish at it but I think the nostalgia element gives me a buzz when playing it.
A golf game on my PC which I have mastered and regularly can hit a 20 under par with a bit of draft from the tee makes all the difference.

My ps4 collection consists of DriveClub and that's it. I did have Project Cars and GT6 and a Golf game but they have gone by the wayside with the awful war games.

I am off to have a look at CEX see if they have any of the games you mentioned maybe my addiction to driving games needs to be put on hold.:) :cheers:
Yup - there are Tetris bundle versions on PS2; 3 and 4 as @KennyL74 kindly pointed out. I think I still have the Amiga bundle for PS2 - something like a hundred games and it all fits on one disc :lol:
Hey Justin, how bout video pinball? Zen Pinball on the PS4 is good fun. I love the driving games and I enjoy a good first person shooter once in a while (not the COD type though...more the DOOM classic type) ...but when I just want to relax and not get stressed out by a game I find video pinball does the trick. You can literally just put yr brain in neutral and bash the ball around...
Hey Justin, how bout video pinball? Zen Pinball on the PS4 is good fun. I love the driving games and I enjoy a good first person shooter once in a while (not the COD type though...more the DOOM classic type) ...but when I just want to relax and not get stressed out by a game I find video pinball does the trick. You can literally just put yr brain in neutral and bash the ball around...

Cheers pal but now I know I can get Tetris I am sorted played the bugger for hours years back and no doubt I am going to batter it again.

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