
  • Thread starter Waheed
Ok this Photo Mode I know there is a thread on it so I know it exists but can I find it on my game? no I have searched every where, is it a separate download? or where is it hiding please.
No need to download anything just press the touch pad during either your race or during a replay, i spend as much time in photo mode as i do driving.:D


Is there any way of seeing what world records I hold on Drive club without streaming through every sprint available and seeing where I came in it?
I don't think you can for sprints, only full tracks where you can sift accordingly by vehicle and conditions once you have run that track.
Being trying the Mazzanti again on that Japan track to try and complete the level 2.
1.21.500 is the time I saw Kenny do a 1.17. I can't do it my best is 122.something.
Going to bed now as I am getting tempted to put the ps4 the DC disc and all in the wheelie bin that mazzanti was dreadful when I first used it I have tamed it a bit and now I class the relationship I have with it as unruly vile and I hate it so much I would like to set fire to it so progress is slow but steady.:lol:
Being trying the Mazzanti again on that Japan track to try and complete the level 2.
1.21.500 is the time I saw Kenny do a 1.17. I can't do it my best is 122.something.
Going to bed now as I am getting tempted to put the ps4 the DC disc and all in the wheelie bin that mazzanti was dreadful when I first used it I have tamed it a bit and now I class the relationship I have with it as unruly vile and I hate it so much I would like to set fire to it so progress is slow but steady.:lol:

There's no such word as CAN'T.:banghead:

💡 Try the sprint challenges for AHR V2 to get you familiar with the tricky sections of this track, then have another go at that Elite Level turn off your ghosts:nervous: they can be a distraction, go into it with the mindset not to beat the time but to get your Manufacturer and Level Accolades, your thinking about the target time too much and drive within yourself, one last thing stay out of 1st and 2nd gear until you get more comfortable with the old girl.:D
I have done quite a bit on the track with other cars it's a nice track to race.
It is the car which is the problem and me I have again been doing it for a few more hours and cannot better 25.439 secs today.
I ignore the clock and just drive around and around, I don't have ghost cars on for two reasons when I get close to them they distract me but mainly because they are gone after the first section of the track and it annoys me when I try go that fast I just slide into walls etc.
The old saying is when it stops being fun anymore then Stop.
I really appreciate everyone's help and advice and thank you with all my heart but I can't be bothered with it anymore and the kid next door is desperate for a ps4 so I am giving up and giving it to him (little buggers done well out of me having stuff I get fed up with:lol:)
He is a decent polite always willing to help with chores lad though and I know he will enjoy it he is only 11 and his dad left a long time back and his mum works hard but struggles with finances.
I am going set it up for him when he gets back from school.
Just hoping he can carry on using the online ps name/id I used save trying to set that minefield up again.
I think it will be ok I just need to swap it to his internet connection mind you I bet it will still work from mine I am sure it will reach that far.
Thank you again all. God Bless.
With a time trial you are trying to master 2 things.The car and the track.What I used to do was run through the car classes on the track in question trying to set a fairly competitive time with each one.By the time you've run through a bunch of the slower,easier to handle cars you should have your lines pretty much worked out and this just leaves you to concentrate on the handling of the chosen vehicle.One thing I would advise is that if you have minimap on screen,turn it off for TT's,it can be a distraction and you should know the track well enough to not be be glancing at it for guidance.
Being trying the Mazzanti again on that Japan track to try and complete the level 2.
1.21.500 is the time I saw Kenny do a 1.17. I can't do it my best is 122.something.
Going to bed now as I am getting tempted to put the ps4 the DC disc and all in the wheelie bin that mazzanti was dreadful when I first used it I have tamed it a bit and now I class the relationship I have with it as unruly vile and I hate it so much I would like to set fire to it so progress is slow but steady.:lol:

This trial seems hard at first, but it gets easier as you get acquainted with the Evantra. Here it goes my 2 cents:

- when doing a time trial, try to understand what section you do best and that's the section of the track where you'll be gaining most of your time.

- the Evantra is quite handful at first, take your time to understand and get the timing about this sequence of events: - enter the braking zone, hit the brakes, steer the wheel to point the car trhough the corner exit, hit the trhotle.

- what I found helpful about the Evantra is trying to brake the car in a straight line rather than steering the wheel.

- about the track. The S after the first corner is best taken flatout. You may get some penalties before you find the driving line there. The left hand corner after this one is a fine example of breaking in a straight line rather than steering. There's a lot of time to be found in the last corner if you find the right exit.
...I am going set it up for him when he gets back from school.
Just hoping he can carry on using the online ps name/id I used save trying to set that minefield up again.
I think it will be ok I just need to swap it to his internet connection mind you I bet it will still work from mine I am sure it will reach that far.
Thank you again all. God Bless.
An honourable and good solution. I would just let him set up his own PSN ID though (most kids can work stuff like that out in four seconds flat) and you can delete yours from the machine. Unless you have no debit/credit card associated with your account on the PSN Store, he's going to be tempted, no matter how good, grateful and helpful he's been...

I'm probably very wrong, but...just in case, eh?
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An honourable and good solution. I would just let him set up his own PSN ID though (most kids can work stuff like that out in four seconds flat) and you can delete yours from the machine.

Your right the kid is 11 and more switched on to the ways of doing things on a console than I ever will, He said last night he is keeping my ID as he wants my progress (it's up to him I don't mind) and he is creating one of his own.
I think when he gets other games my ID will disappear in to the background as he progresses.
Just seen his mum out side I asked if he was enjoying it she said "to much he promised to switch it off at 9pm but at 9.15 I had to ask again" He did without questioning so all good. :)
Just noticed about the card details MeanElf it was on there but that card is no longer in us so he could try but get no where.
To be honest he seems the kinds lad who would knock on my door and tell me my details are still there or ask if he can buy a game with it and stand holding the cash in his hand to justify me letting him.
Far and few between I know.
His mother and his grandad who I know are excellent role models to him.
Just noticed about the card details MeanElf it was on there but that card is no longer in us so he could try but get no where.
To be honest he seems the kinds lad who would knock on my door and tell me my details are still there or ask if he can buy a game with it and stand holding the cash in his hand to justify me letting him.
Far and few between I know.
His mother and his grandad who I know are excellent role models to him.
Fair enough - good to know that he represents a type of young one that is still around :) I owe him an apology.
So the lad next door whom I gave my ps4 to and the copy of dc kept my user name/progress on dc.
Tonight he popped around and asked me if I would help him with a tricky bit on it, being the gent and trying to do my best I went to see dreading if he wanted help on that Mazzanti TT on level 2.
The little git has done that stupid TT in the Mazzanti god knows how I gave up on that pile of s---, and he's done the next one in an Audi and is now on level 4 in a ruf gtr8 which is where he is struggling he asked me to show him how to make the car steer better or how to stop it sliding, I had a look had ten mins giving it a go around the track in Norway I think could of being japan. I managed a time of 1.48.745 sliding well in to barriers to help me around corners he has done 1.43.something the time to beat is 1.41.500 I just laughed and said good luck son I couldn't do the Mazzanti one and you have I never tried the Audi one and you have done it and you expect me do well in a car with no steering, brakes from a Raleigh grifter and will not accelerate unless the wheels are dead straight and whilst I am at it trying to stop it sliding uncontrollable in every direction but the one you want it in.
Well he seemed a bit upset at me but didn't say anything I picked up on it instantly I said listen son I couldn't do it I tried I failed, I felt guilty but he understood when I told him I had spent in total about 750 hours on the Mazzanti TT and only got 1.22.000 and he had spent maybe a day on it and done it, I said it is an age thing my reactions are not as quick as his, I told him to keep trying to ignore the clock and drive it slow then build up from there and if he hasn't done it in a month or so give the ps4 to his neighbour like I did.
He said no way I am keeping it so I left him trying his heart out driving slow and building on it.:)
Just goes to show I am way past it when it comes to driving games when an 11 year old does in a week twice as much as I have in over a month:lol::lol::lol:
Now pass me my slippers and pipe and put on antiques roadshow.:lol:
Over and out.
So the lad next door whom I gave my ps4 to and the copy of dc kept my user name/progress on dc.
Tonight he popped around and asked me if I would help him with a tricky bit on it, being the gent and trying to do my best I went to see dreading if he wanted help on that Mazzanti TT on level 2.
The little git has done that stupid TT in the Mazzanti god knows how I gave up on that pile of s---, and he's done the next one in an Audi and is now on level 4 in a ruf gtr8 which is where he is struggling he asked me to show him how to make the car steer better or how to stop it sliding, I had a look had ten mins giving it a go around the track in Norway I think could of being japan. I managed a time of 1.48.745 sliding well in to barriers to help me around corners he has done 1.43.something the time to beat is 1.41.500 I just laughed and said good luck son I couldn't do the Mazzanti one and you have I never tried the Audi one and you have done it and you expect me do well in a car with no steering, brakes from a Raleigh grifter and will not accelerate unless the wheels are dead straight and whilst I am at it trying to stop it sliding uncontrollable in every direction but the one you want it in.
Well he seemed a bit upset at me but didn't say anything I picked up on it instantly I said listen son I couldn't do it I tried I failed, I felt guilty but he understood when I told him I had spent in total about 750 hours on the Mazzanti TT and only got 1.22.000 and he had spent maybe a day on it and done it, I said it is an age thing my reactions are not as quick as his, I told him to keep trying to ignore the clock and drive it slow then build up from there and if he hasn't done it in a month or so give the ps4 to his neighbour like I did.
He said no way I am keeping it so I left him trying his heart out driving slow and building on it.:)
Just goes to show I am way past it when it comes to driving games when an 11 year old does in a week twice as much as I have in over a month:lol::lol::lol:
Now pass me my slippers and pipe and put on antiques roadshow.:lol:
Over and out.

Here's my 1:39.9xx it might help.

Here's my 1:39.9xx it might help.

Kenny showing off again:lol::lol:
Well done pal I will tell him to become a member here then he can see for himself.
I just watched it and where you go around corners I just slid off when I had a go with young un earlier so that's the difference. So glad I not doing it anymore I am so much more relaxed, Still find the thread interesting though.
He might well be already doing this, but feathering the throttle and braking only when going in a straight line will help gain those seconds back. Also, tell him to try different lines of approach to corners - that can make a difference too.
What time of day was it?

15:30 i think.

I've just revisited that elite level, while this run is filled with mistakes so getting the target time should be easy enough, i spent a good hour on this run, my 1:36.605 was good enough for 38th.


DS4 with Manual Gears.
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Thought I'd share my experience with DC; So, I've had DC since release, actually, about 2 days prior to release I picked this game up a few days early (I have my ways :D) I remember when orignally this was going to be released at launch alongside the PS4. Anyway, First 2 weeks or so of this game, I went hard. Had Top 50's on nearly every single in the tour, 175 stars, LvL 40 or so. Played the hell out of this game. And then I went back to some good ol GT6 on PS3 just because I was a more serious, wheel user, endurance races, etc.

So I dropped this game for a while, occasional hour-ish sessions with my club on MP, but no more than that. Just recently started to get back into it, few days ago or so, I've been so busy with work never really bothered. So, finally finished the tour :D 245 stars or so, did an event in every DLC, haven't picked up bikes yet either. I'm now LvL 53 or so and I'm sure glad I got back into DC 👍 It's a fantastic game & the Devs over at Evo (or what used to be evo I guess) did an amazing job with this game.
I'm getting back again, had the mood for it a few days ago and it's scratching an itch I have. Lovely to be back again, forgot how gorgeous and fun it is.

@harrison1476 Go for the platinum.
For the more experienced players, what would you say is the most rewarding car to master? The Koenigsegg One:1 is a brute, but it can definitely be tamed with practice.

Wow great job, and with that car :bowdown: I remember trying that car once and just saying NOPE :) In-fact i having touch the Koenigsegg One:1 since then, not even to take pictures of it

Thx bro
Yeah the koenigsegg one:1 is a beast but u can controll it with using the handbrake and good throttle controll :D
Then this car makes a lot of more fun than it used to be before ^^