Doubtful. Any money saved from one department (Police, FBI, ICE, DEA, etc.) would just be pissed away somewhere the IRS.
That depends on how you do it. If you can buy it like cigarettes the tax is part of the sales tax/sin tax and wraps into all the other tax info sent out by the stores. But I firmly believe that you wan't see truly legalized marijuana, or any other drug use without other changes occurring first.
Cigarettes are over $10/pk in Chicago. Kinda hard to grow your own tobacco, process it, and make it into something you can inhale. Especially if you live in a condo.
A plant can be grown in the same size pot as a ficus tree. They grow them like that for displays at the Kentucky State Fair every year. Chicago climate isn't ideal though.
Pot, on the other hand, is a weed right?
Define weed. More like an herb. But mint is a weed too. Very intrusive stuff. I know, I grow my own.
You can grow it on a balcony or porch right? Well, what's to stop people from growing their own instead of paying high prices at the tobacco shop/gas station? Taxes.
Nothing would stop it if it were legalized to the same point as tobacco.
If there was a rampant problem with people growing and smoking their own tobacco, you can be damn sure the IRS would shut people down.
IRS doesn't have that authority. It would fall under an interstate commerce trade issue.
And I do know tobacco farmers that chew/smoke their own. Heck, Kentucky farmers even got together and formed their own brand of cigarettes.
You'd need permits, licenses, and have to adhere to OSHA and who knows what other regulations. The government will do this in the name of 'safety', yet it will just cause similar problems.
OSHA, for home use? Not their jurisdiction. Permits, licenses? I can buy a cow, use its raw milk, or its beef (different kinds of cows, I know) for personal use without USDA inspection. If I have it butchered by a commercial butcher then his work will have to be inspected. But I know people who raise their own food without inspection and are nearly self-sufficient. Heck, I have bought rabbit, chicken, and eggs from them. They offered to split a cow with me. No inspection seals, no government markings, and the way this guy is, if they tried it they may be trying to inspect around flying bullets.
You are applying business regulations to home use. It doesn't work like that. Also, ever heard of a farmer's market? Seen a guy selling fruit on the side of the road? Regulations over-reach, but you took it farther than that in your description. Do you think the USDA or OSHA is knocking on my door to examine my vegetable garden, or all my herbs?
Think legalized pot will be cheap? No...not even close. Remember, cigarettes are over $10/pk in Chicago. Imagine what the taxes would be on a pack of pot.
$3.50 here. The home of Obama would over-tax tobacco.
They'll be expensive. You'll probably need a doctor's note or a 'form' of some sort to buy and do whatever potheads do with pot. This just creates a new market where the old players, gangs/cartels, will adapt and still make money. There will be no decrease in crime and any increased revenues from taxation of pot will be pissed away before it has even been collected (just like tobacco).
Just like what happens when we legalize tobacco, alcohol, and gambling? My state is in the gambling debate now. I hear all about the crime that follows gambling, but when I go to the legal casinos in other states I don't see this over flow of prostitutes and gangsters that you would in backroom casinos.
Legalized pot, in the minds of many, is a utopian fiction as it would not solve any current problems and may even create new ones.
Pot won't be legalized until after government is shrunk. By then your few legitimate fears will mostly be a thing of the past.
The question isn't really if pot should or shouldn't be legal, the question is does the government have the 'right' to make my decisions for me.
Same question, just one is more focused than the other.
But with legalization many changes would have to occur. If you are going to legalize it but over-regulate it to the point where it was better when it was illegal then you have failed to gain from it and have just set yourself up to chase down more problems than you had before.
But you do have to ask, as I know how well that stuff grows in Kentucky (unofficial #1 cash crop), would a pothead take the time to set up a hydroponics system, grow and cultivate, and so on his own when entire farms, with hundreds of acres, could grown, harvest, and sell to market marijuana? You grab a pack of doobies with your munchies, dood!
It grows better here than tobacco. Taxes removed from the equation, it would actually be more profitable than tobacco, soy, or corn.
But the likelihood of it happening is slim. We can't even get industrial hemp farming legalized.