This thread is unbelievable...
Anyone who promotes drug legalization is either short-sighted or EXTREMELY selfish.
I don't want to get started off on the wrong foot here, the air already seems pretty tense from reading over the most recent posts. However, I have to say I disagree with this remark along with some other points brought up. I'm still unsure on whether or not to full out legalize any and all illegal drugs, but I do think many things should change.
I don't see why we should get rid of everything. I can see how some people say, "Well if this is okay, then this should be!", I don't think it always works that way. For instance, comparing marijuana to tobacco or alcohol for a comparison isn't the most convincing. While your showing that alcohol is much worse than marijuana, however your proving that both of these substances are bad. However, there are bad things around us all the time. I'm sure if we had
only public transportation driving deaths would decrease and polution would slow down a bit. However, thats not going to happen. Same thing for say... McDonalds. Everyone knows their food isn't the best for you, but we're not going to get rid of it. And yes, alcohol and gambling does cause many bad things, but they're not going anywhere. Also, I think there would be
major economical downfalls if we shut down every tobacco and alcohol plant.
Still on that same topic, how could you eliminate everything? You can't simply go through the entire world and take out every marijuana leaf, every grain used in alcohol, and everything that contributes or is a drug. No way is it possible! I don't think we can go into South or Central America and say, "We're killing all of these cannabis plants.". I just don't see how its possible. Besides, hippies would tie themselves to the plants.
Also, why did America decide it was good practice to send drug users to jail? Jail and prison, in my eyes at least, are for people who rob, steal, kill, rape, and beat. Its not for drug users. First off, the justice system is only looking to punish them, which may work for robbers, murderers, etc. However, what about people who have a physical or psyiological dependency on these drugs? Sending them to prison doesn't help! These people are sick and they need help, regardless of whether or not they're dabbling in illegal or legal drugs. If someone is mentally insane, but kills someone gets help from the courts. They're sent to psychological facilities, right? Why aren't we helping these other people? Of course this is assuming they're arrested for possession and not trafficking or some sort of violent crime. However, America does have an easy solution for this problem.
I believe in 1998 or 1999 Arizona passed a law that made it treatment mandatory for people caught using drugs. Instead of being sent to prison (for first and second offenses), they were forced to go to treatment sessions. Amazing results. First off, it was effective; I believe over 70% of participants were tested for drugs and after a year and were still clean. It made more room for people who commited violent crimes by sending roughly 2,600 people away from prison and into treatment. Finally, by switching to treatment, it saved Arizona tax payers roughly
2.5 million. I've yet to see one reason why not to impliment treatment country wide.
Finally, before I pass out, I want to state my final opinion.
Drugs are not to blame, people are. Marijuana, LSD, heroin, mushrooms are not waved in front of our face by some large business looking to turn a profit. We only have ourselves to blame. Our children turn other children to do drugs because someone elses child pressured the first one to do it. In the same manor, we only have ourselves to blame when we abuse these things. If you think about it, every specific drug already has its effects already worked out before anyone ingests it. The problem is, people don't know themselves or their limits. They think because their friend can drink responsibly every weekend, they can, when they really can't. While each drug has the same effects, each person reacts to each drug differently.
I have met a number of people, who I consider friends who can act responsibly while high, or have consumed a good number of alcoholic beverages. They know when enough is enough. Its people like these who make me think that drugs are not a big problem and why I lean more towards legalizing them. However, at the same time I know a number of people who are the opposite, and they make me think differently. Thats where I get stuck. Should we take away drugs, or even anything from everyone, so that a group of people won't be tempted to use or have them? Or, should we allow everyone everything, and try to help those who may become addicted, or in trouble, or whatever the negative case may be?
I don't know.