DTM VI - Interest/Ideas Thread - Starts Late Jan 2012

I'm gonna be on 2night if anyone wants to do a few dtm races. I'll post the room number and all when its open.

Yeah ill be up for it we need to get this series rolling :tup
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Hi guys, im still here. Turned GT5 on for 1st time for ages yesterday. I'll be trying to get the series running again in the next couple of weeks. Might not actually race myself though. Manly due to the fact i just cant compete and i still dont have reliable broadband. (Im beginning to think +2MB is a myth anywhere in the uk having lived in 4 different areas of the country and still not getting it ... :( )
I will admin it but will need someone to do replays and host etc.
Well I am online constantly, I screwed up a romance with Anders in Dragon Age 2, the charms of Skyrim are beginniing to get repetitive and my F1 2011 co-op partner is only on 3 times a week. This all totals up to me being very likely to return to full time GT5 gaming.... with some college work on the side of course.

If nobody else will, then I will step up to take the reigns of DTM (because I obviously am the worst best possible candidate) and will start on creating a thread page the moment I get confirmation.
Well I am online constantly, I screwed up a romance with Anders in Dragon Age 2, the charms of Skyrim are beginniing to get repetitive and my F1 2011 co-op partner is only on 3 times a week. This all totals up to me being very likely to return to full time GT5 gaming.... with some college work on the side of course.

If nobody else will, then I will step up to take the reigns of DTM (because I obviously am the worst best possible candidate) and will start on creating a thread page the moment I get confirmation.

Yeah man you sound like the real deal 👍
DTM racing, room open if anyone is about!

1472 - 6118 - 3830 - 2743 - 6974

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Yeah man you sound like the real deal 👍

Well if not playing other games is all you need for the job then it could be mine. Aaaah I see now. We are doing this by number of posts. Sorry for the cynical attitude I'm just abit surprised that you thought I was good for running the series based on that post but I am series about running it though. And with a golfer style OP, nothing can go wrong.

Check out my created threads to see some of my other racing series errr success stories we'll call them.
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Tony I don't think there will be a race tuesday as symp doesn't have the time to run this at the moment. I would like to try running a series but I don't have the time or energy to race/organise things during the week and I'm in 2 other series on Saturday. So I'll say if no one has this up and running by April, I will try get things going again but would have to move it to a weekend time slot.
How about having a pre-season time attack on the selected cars that we will be using for DTM6. It would give an idea on how equal the cars are for the new season.

Need to get things rolling ;)
Think we are going back to the old rules Tony. Weight 1120kg and a bhp limit of 473hp (597max pp) I think! Makes for closer racing hopefully.
This was Symps plan, I think it is the best.

The Cars
Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car ’00
Audi Abt TT-R Touring Car ’02
BMW M3 GTR Race Car ’01

Technical regulation
Engine: 473 BHP
Weight: 1120 kg
Max. PP: 597 PP
Tyres: All tyre compounds allowed

Sprint race
Grid: According to qualifying session
Tyres Start: Racing Medium
Time: ~20 minutes
(Drivers are allowed to change compound after race is started during the whole race)

Feature race
Grid: Reverse grid from results sprint race
Tyres Start: Racing Hard
Time: ~40 minutes
(Drivers are allowed to change compound after race is started during the whole race
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we need to have both because of the extra high downforce the clk can have. The pp keeps it in check just
I have test today verry good.
Audi tt audi a4 and clk.
In Fuji and Spa all with 600 pp.

I must say the a4 is 7tenths always slower that is to much.
But the opel and tt and clk is not big.
But the clk is so good to drive incredible the handling.
1,33,90 with full tank thats a heavy time with 1120 kg.
But lets make then Audi tt CLK and Opel but not A4
Yeah A4 is pretty slow, maybe we could have different reg's for each car for example make A4 more BHP or lighter and clk less PP. Try and get all car as equal as possible it may take a little longer to check reg's before the race, but would be good to see all cars as equal as possible.

What about arranging a spot race just to see how much interest there is ?
Yeah A4 is pretty slow, maybe we could have different reg's for each car for example make A4 more BHP or lighter and clk less PP. Try and get all car as equal as possible it may take a little longer to check reg's before the race, but would be good to see all cars as equal as possible.

What about arranging a spot race just to see how much interest there is ?

yeah im for it pople just dont show up at all 👎
Yes lets try that we start the series in racing series.
I think more people see that here.
Hi guys, just to let you know that I'm reading this. I'm very busy with work at the moment so I still won't be able to run this thing in the short term. But if someone wants to start (and run) DTM VI right now I definitely will join and hope I can manage to free up some time for the races.

Don't know if it's possible to move this thread to the Racing Series forum but I guess JT has to ask for that.

Hope to see you soon on the track guys! 👍