I don't think teaching theory is the majority of the problem. The majority of the problem lies, especially in the US, in the home structure. Some of this is society based. As outlined by this:
My view in a nutshell: Education starts and ends at the home. Learning starts at the child's home at a very young age. When the young child is becoming to be self-sufficient, they can be passed to a professional to learn. What is being taught needs to be reinforced at home.
This isn't what is happening. Potential reasons:
Some parents don't start at an early age.
Some parents don't help a child become self-sufficient.
Some parents don't reinforce what is being taught in school.
Some teachers see the breakdown in the return on their teaching, and don't try as hard.
Some children aren't as proficient. This becomes cyclical with the next generation.
I realize that many people point to testing. Standardized testing seems pointless. Sure, they give comparable numbers. Look at localities and countries. Their success or failure is the ultimate test of education.
I respectfully say that this is bull...
First off, you guys have to realize that education is a system. You keep that system working by conducting maintenance (money, programs, teachers, books). Like any system, if one part goes wrong, the integrity of the system begins to fail. At the same time, the education system is but one part of an immense system, which functions according to other systems.
The people that go through that system are institutionalized into a world that needs a particular workforce to help steer the entire system. This is what happened in the Cold War... money was thrown to bolster college education, particularly in California. Ever wonder why the UC system (a public school) ranks high among the expensive private schools? It's because of the money it received from the State and from the Federal government.
Where has the funding gone? Well, it's no longer there... or at least in the same way it has before. I go to UCLA... the Regents have continuously raised tuition fees because the state of CA decided to de-fund the school system. This has also been the case for K-12. My brother, who's 12, goes to a weakly funded school... so underfunded that he has gone through 2-3 teachers in the entire school year, as the school attempted to shuffle the kids around to compensate for laid off teachers.
In high school, I remember not going to class for an entire week, as the school managed to place me in a class. Just so happened that all classes were overcrowded, and there was no more room for me (and several other students who spent their fifth period at the cafeteria playing their GameBoys or PSPs).
Maybe it's my upbringing, but I have no recollection of something that worked in these schools. Sure, there were good, supportive teachers out there. But they were not enough to make up for a severely impacted school system, because their presence was simply made moot by the lack of money. Good teachers were often fired or sent to other schools. After school programs... very few.
In terms of family... I don't think that made a difference. Through a combination of environment and class, my community fared poorly in terms of education. Let's start with class. In my neighborhood, most people were working-class. You know the working class mentality: work hard, get money, and have your kid go to school to have a better life. Well, that wasn't always the case. Despite parents' desires to have their children succeed, many worked too hard... couldn't be there at conferences, PTA meetings, etc. Some kids understood that, and they managed to make it to college. Others weren't as understanding, and dropped out.
Then there's the environment. Implicit here (or at least in my community) is the presence of another system: the prison system. Alongside the educational system is the prison system, which in CA receives more tax money than schools. Police is consistently targeting "at risk youth" and the justice system is sending them off the prisons. Not to mention the presence of gangs, and a bunch of other bad influences. No community gatherings, whatsoever--work, remember?
Which brings me full circle. It's a system! But how is that system functioning now? In a time where we needed to get more educated people to compete against the Soviets, our educational system was phenomenal... the envy of Europe. But with a restructured economy, the needs of this country have changed. A college degree doesn't get you the same income as before, and this is because the needs of this country don't necessitate the funding of schools, or at least in the same way as before. Which is why you can't look at education and say "oh, it's the parents!" or "oh, it's the teachers." Education is but one part of this thing we call "the state." As the prison system changes gear, it grates alongside the educational system, moving it accordingly. The law, the market, the economy, the population, its demographics (shaped not only by birth rates, but by immigration)... all of these function alongside everything else. You want to know what's wrong with our education? Step back, and look at the entire picture. Don't consider this a problem of individual choice or individual character, cause it doesn't account for much, at least anymore. To not realize this is to still believe in the existence of the mythological American Dream. I say mythological, because it has always been a myth... the conditions were merely different.