Encouraging Illegal Immigration

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by Talentless
, though not all America's successes may be "evil,"

This rant was brought to you by the letter K.

first statement....i take on board what you have said and i agree whole heartetly...

second statement...:lol:

its after midnight....im tired....night night
but what i was thinking about was more like 'giving the poor a second chance' thats why i applaud the statement....

Giving the poor a second chance... that's beautiful. Nasty old me is suggesting that the poor people of the world be shunned away from our boarders and told to starve while we laugh at them.

The poor people of mexico want a shot at the good life in America. We should let them in with wide arms and give them food and houses and licenses to drive. We should give them a second chance right?

How about they get with the program and go through the legal immigration process instead of trying to circumvent and take advantage of the system (of taxes and minimum wage).

You say why doesn't big tough america just take a shot in the arm for poor mexico. I say, we've got our own problems to take care of. We've got to continue making our country great and regulating immigration policies so that we know how many people we're letting in and who they are.

Otherwise America becomes the lifeboat that a few too many illegal immigrants jumped on to.

In other words... if we don't look out for ourselves we could end up not being there to give a second chance to the poor immigrant who is willing to come over here legally.
hey milefile u have my sympathy. so does anyone who's ever had to deal with or had their life affected by immigrants. i live in the UK and absolutely can't stand them. am i racist? no. i have many multi cultured friends. do i hate freeloaders? most definitely.

when they come here, they get a free house/flat, get benefits, their kids go to school, they get free medicines, free milk (for kids under a certain age). they get a UK passport, and they can't even speak the goddamn language.

what REALLY gets me mad is when they start flexing their muscles and demanding things or suing people who have lived here all their lives when they shouldn't even be here in the first place.

not only do i hate illegal immigrants, i hate immigrants in general. our country doesn't need them, and corporations/companies who hire them should be punished so heavily they'd never consider it again. but that doesn't matter cause most of them here don't work anyway.

Perhaps by giving them three-year tax breaks that allow them to establsih themselves within the system rather than encouraging them to remain off the grid.
laughing my ass off. i have spent many years going to school with and working with indians/pakistanis and i know that they will do everything in their powers to tax-scam their way through life and not pay a single penny more than they can get away with. tax breaks? they should all be deported.

before anyone brands me as a racist let me stick up for the one social group that is stereotypically associated with the 'racist', namely blacks. London has many black people and yes i've been mugged twice and twice it was by black people both times but we aren't discussing that now. i'd hazzard a guess that most of the black people in london can speak english. they wear 'white' clothes, i.e. trousers and shirts etc. and as far as i can see they have fully adopted the english culture and enriched it to create a variant of their own.

other cultures rarely bother to learn english, walk around in their towels/shawls and refuse to live in any way that would attract sympathy from residents here.

i'll stop myself before this post becomes incomprehensibly long.

what am i getting at? if someone comes to my country, they'd best learn my language and WORK until they can afford a house/car. and on the first misdemeanour/crime they get deported and never ever come back. i don't see why we need them anyway, i'd deport everyone who can't speak english and isn't a tourist IMMEDIATELY from the uk, no questions asked.
Originally posted by Nightmage82
they get a UK passport, and they can't even speak the goddamn language.

wooooaahhh.....hold up there buddy...they most definatley DO NOT get a British Passport unless they have been through the immigration system and served 5 years without condition or restriction in British society, worked leglally for 3 of those years (PAYING TAXES) and have good moral character as well as passing the newly introduced so called 'Britishness test' which tests thier English, knowledge of British society, history and politics...

Now there has been a lot of crap spouted about Illegal Immigrants but this is utterly mis-informed and its scary to think that people no so little about their countries immigration policy and it quite honestly reeks of paranoia

we do not give out a passport to just any one....i know what i am talking about when it comes to immigration and passport policies of the UK...
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
wooooaahhh.....hold up there buddy...they most definatley DO NOT get a British Passport unless they have been through the immigration system and served 5 years without condition or restriction in British society, worked leglally for 3 of those years (PAYING TAXES) and have good moral character as well as passing the newly introduced so called 'Britishness test' which tests thier English, knowledge of British society, history and politics...

Now there has been a lot of crap spouted about Illegal Immigrants but this is utterly mis-informed and its scary to think that people no so little about their countries immigration policy and it quite honestly reeks of paranoia

we do not give out a passport to just any one....i know what i am talking about when it comes to immigration and passport policies of the UK...
in theory yes, in practice, far from it. i know someone who works in the housing benefit department in a borough of london. there are many people who refuse to sign forms or disclose information about their finances under the pretext of not being able to speak the language. now im not sure if all these people have british passports but they certainly have bank accounts here. if we ARE giving away money to immigrants without british citizenship so that they can live in the most expensive town in europe, why is that?
Originally posted by Nightmage82
in theory yes, in practice, far from it. i know someone who works in the housing benefit department in a borough of london. there are many people who refuse to sign forms or disclose information about their finances under the pretext of not being able to speak the language. now im not sure if all these people have british passports but they certainly have bank accounts here. if we ARE giving away money to immigrants without british citizenship so that they can live in the most expensive town in europe, why is that?

London has the highest cost of living in the world according to the Opposition, that is true indeed...

but all i can say to that nightmage, is if you know something then maybe you should do something about it beacuse it obviously pisses your off greatly....as for not speaking english, i dont think these people you mention are illegal immigrants (the topic of this thread), but they are migrants...and up until a few years ago it wasnt required that black or asian or arabics coming to the UK had to speak english..

right now, they are required...
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
London has the highest cost of living in the world according to the Opposition, that is true indeed...

but all i can say to that nightmage, is if you know something then maybe you should do something about it beacuse it obviously pisses your off greatly....as for not speaking english, i dont think these people you mention are illegal immigrants (the topic of this thread), but they are migrants...and up until a few years ago it wasnt required that black or asian or arabics coming to the UK had to speak english..

right now, they are required...

point taken. i live in a fairly affluent area of london and there's one house on our street that is owned by the council and they dump migrants in there. i dont really care if they are legal or not, they clearly don't work and they have £15,000 cars. cars cost MONEY, for insurance, fuel and whatnot. since the house is opposite mine and they are in my face all the time, it drives me up the wall to know that im paying for them to arse around.

i parked in front of 'their' house a few times and the idiots thought i was infringing on their rights, the guy tried to argue with me but didn't realise he couldn't speak the language so the argument didn't get very far.

oh, and i wish there was something i could do about it, i just feel rather powerless to be honest :irked:
Originally posted by boombexus
But I would definately think that for a company the size of McDonalds, and even Knots Berry Farm for that matter, an American would be losing there job to a legal immigrant. As the size of these companies are large enough that they are closely watched by the INS or whatever other governing body is at work if not only there own internal policies. Thoughts?

All companies are supposed to verify the legal status of their employees. My company does, too. I'm pretty friendly with the HR guy here, and he deals with all of that. We work in the office but the production end of the business is 100% Latino. I would estimate at least 25% of them are illegal. We know this because social security cards aren't printed on bubble-jets. The also tend to change their names a lot. We get calls from the social security administration wanting to know why Oscar Suazo has the same SSN as Betty Smith. The burden on the business is minimal. Simply cough up the phony documentation provided to them by the illegal alien. When he finds out about it he simply changes his name and gets new fake documentation.

NPR has been running a series on this very issue. From what I've heard a huge part of the problem falls on unscrupulous Latinos, particularly in Mexico, the gateway to America for the rest of Central and South America. There is a lot of money to be made lying to immigrant wanabes, promising passage into America.
Originally posted by Nightmage82
point taken. i live in a fairly affluent area of london and there's one house on our street that is owned by the council and they dump migrants in there. i dont really care if they are legal or not, they clearly don't work and they have £15,000 cars. cars cost MONEY, for insurance, fuel and whatnot. since the house is opposite mine and they are in my face all the time, it drives me up the wall to know that im paying for them to arse around.

i parked in front of 'their' house a few times and the idiots thought i was infringing on their rights, the guy tried to argue with me but didn't realise he couldn't speak the language so the argument didn't get very far.

oh, and i wish there was something i could do about it, i just feel rather powerless to be honest :irked:

i get your point too nightmage...

it does get frustrating when you work all day for 14 hours sometimes and cant spend much time with your family only for the govt to take your money and mis-spend it...then see people (who admittedly for the first time in thier lives) live in a bigger house than you and drive a better car than you without paying for it...:irked:
We get calls from the social security administration

There's a tax payer burden.

it does get frustrating when you work all day for 14 hours sometimes and cant spend much time with your family only for the govt to take your money and mis-spend it...then see people (who admittedly for the first time in thier lives) live in a bigger house than you and drive a better car than you without paying for it

That's got to be one of the worst things I've ever heard. I can't believe you support that evil system.
Originally posted by danoff
There's a tax payer burden.

That's got to be one of the worst things I've ever heard. I can't believe you support that evil system.

if thats one of the worst things you've ever heard you need to get a life and get out more...:)
if thats one of the worst things you've ever heard you need to get a life and get out more

Systematically stealing your productivity to support another is one of the worst crimes humanity has invented.

Death is preferable to slavery.
Originally posted by danoff
Systematically stealing your productivity to support another is one of the worst crimes humanity has invented.

Death is preferable to slavery.

i am not stealing anyones productivity man....like millions of people across the world i have no chioce but to pay taxes....therefore i am not supporting any evil system by choice....
I didn't claim that you were. I claimed that your government is in a major way and that what they were doing is one of the worst things I've ever heard. I recognize that you have no choice in the matter and that's what makes it so bad.
i wish there was a way you could vote on your income tax spending each month/week. or maybe all ur tax.

so you have a checklist and you choose what gets the majority of ur spending, health or schools or transport or immigrants.

clearly some departments would have minimums like the health service but others could (if there was common consensus) be starved of funds...
Originally posted by Nightmage82
i wish there was a way you could vote on your income tax spending each month/week. or maybe all ur tax.

so you have a checklist and you choose what gets the majority of ur spending, health or schools or transport or immigrants.

clearly some departments would have minimums like the health service but others could (if there was common consensus) be starved of funds...

thats an excellent suggestion..i have often thought about this and especially council tax...

i will empty my own bin, and keep my own street clean rather than pay £150 a month for the pleasure...
there is definitley something up with the system when an illegal alien can go to i think its 12 states and apply for their driving licence.. LEGALLY.. then by using this driving licence they can VOTE at the next elections !!! and they'r NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE COUNTRY ???????
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
having the freedom to have a say in where you money is spent...wheres the problem?

The problem is:
Once your money is taken it is no longer yours to decide how to spend. You only get to choose how it's spent when you get to keep it.
i will empty my own bin, and keep my own street clean rather than pay £150 a month for the pleasure...

As you point out here. You don't have the freedom to say where your money is spent. You were just complaining about that. I was point out that what you were complaining about is a problem with socialism.
Originally posted by danoff
As you point out here. You don't have the freedom to say where your money is spent. You were just complaining about that. I was point out that what you were complaining about is a problem with socialism.

no, i dont have the chioce over taxes..who does?....thats my point...i just wish i did...
It explains how the government is allowing the illegal immigration problem to continue when it would be easy to find these people and send them back.
nightmage why would immigrants want to go to britian? thier taxes are high as hell. but ya america takes too much time worrying about other countries when we have our own problems. we're in debt billions of dollars and we'll never get out of it. we pay more for imports than we charge for exports. we rip ourselves off. and immigration started getting bad way back in the early 90's and even late 80's. yet theyre just now realizing theres a problem when its too late to do anything about it. i just dont know about america anymore.
Originally posted by SS69
nightmage why would immigrants want to go to britian? thier taxes are high as hell. but ya america takes too much time worrying about other countries when we have our own problems. we're in debt billions of dollars and we'll never get out of it. we pay more for imports than we charge for exports. we rip ourselves off. and immigration started getting bad way back in the early 90's and even late 80's. yet theyre just now realizing theres a problem when its too late to do anything about it. i just dont know about america anymore.
high taxes here? yeah cause we have to pay for those damn free loafers. they don't care cause they dont intend to work a day in their lives. back in lame-o-land they lives in a sand pit, here they have a house, nike airs, and money to buy chicken at kfc. why would they want to waste their time working when they are in heaven?