hey milefile u have my sympathy. so does anyone who's ever had to deal with or had their life affected by immigrants. i live in the UK and absolutely can't stand them. am i racist? no. i have many multi cultured friends. do i hate freeloaders? most definitely.
when they come here, they get a free house/flat, get benefits, their kids go to school, they get free medicines, free milk (for kids under a certain age). they get a UK passport, and they can't even speak the goddamn language.
what REALLY gets me mad is when they start flexing their muscles and demanding things or suing people who have lived here all their lives when they shouldn't even be here in the first place.
not only do i hate illegal immigrants, i hate immigrants in general. our country doesn't need them, and corporations/companies who hire them should be punished so heavily they'd never consider it again. but that doesn't matter cause most of them here don't work anyway.
Perhaps by giving them three-year tax breaks that allow them to establsih themselves within the system rather than encouraging them to remain off the grid.
laughing my ass off. i have spent many years going to school with and working with indians/pakistanis and i know that they will do everything in their powers to tax-scam their way through life and not pay a single penny more than they can get away with. tax breaks? they should all be deported.
before anyone brands me as a racist let me stick up for the one social group that is stereotypically associated with the 'racist', namely blacks. London has many black people and yes i've been mugged twice and twice it was by black people both times but we aren't discussing that now. i'd hazzard a guess that most of the black people in london can speak english. they wear 'white' clothes, i.e. trousers and shirts etc. and as far as i can see they have fully adopted the english culture and enriched it to create a variant of their own.
other cultures rarely bother to learn english, walk around in their towels/shawls and refuse to live in any way that would attract sympathy from residents here.
i'll stop myself before this post becomes incomprehensibly long.
what am i getting at? if someone comes to my country, they'd best learn my language and WORK until they can afford a house/car. and on the first misdemeanour/crime they get deported and never ever come back. i don't see why we need them anyway, i'd deport everyone who can't speak english and isn't a tourist IMMEDIATELY from the uk, no questions asked.