Originally posted by milefile
You say you'd help people who need help. That's good. Nobody will argue with that. But you expand your morality to international affairs and economics. There is no logical justification for this.
If a hungry person knocked on your door you'd feed them. If five hungry people knocked on your door, would you feed them? What if twenty hungry people, ten political refugees and two terrorists knocked on your door? How would you help them all? How would youy know who is good and bad? What if every single day you were inundated with people who have little or nothing to contribute, and only ate all your food?
Your welcome mat and the border between Mexico and the US are two very different things.
yep, i understand milefile and you have a good point....
if 10 people arrived at my door i would feel that they were taking advantage....i suppose that being in europe where we have a lot of countries all grouped togther is different from north america where all you have is the US and canada...
all i can argue is that the european constitution helps in spreading the load of asylum seekers around wealthy countries such as Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands etc...so when they turn up at my door, my 'neighbours' should help out if we have a common agreement...
as for knowing who is good or bad...well we simply dont...but arent we taught to believe that a man is innocent until proven guilty...perhaps a person who exhibits terrorist tendancies while in his home country may feel differently while in the Uk or US when they see that the 'decadent west' is mostly a creation of the media and far from reality, that we as a people are accepting and repect our muslim (for want of an example) brothers and are willing to learn from them and grow with them...
after all...we have plenty of white british home grown racists, bigots and terrorists already here...there is no way to stop a determined killer if he feels the need to kill...
its true that we do feel inundated with incomers as you suggested but the way to deal with that is not to lock them up in a prison and deport them....
when a refugee and his wife and two children arrive here illegally, they are put in a detention centre until thier claim can be reviewed. If failed, the childern and wife are deported back to thier country, where they will be punished for trying to leave in the first place and the father will be held and interrogated by the immigration officers to see if charges are to be brought, this takes months locked in a prison worring about his family and being deprived of his freedom....wehn he is told that he is also to be deported and sent back to certain torture and beating and not knowing where is wife and kids are and even if they are alive...he slams the desk and tells the official 'damn you, this system is unfair'....he's got a point...
i have friends from all over the Arabic world that i meet through my job, from Saudi to Qatar to Lybia and the image that is seen in the media is not of the reality of the intellegent, charming, warm and friendly muslim...far from it...we are too quick to judge from wat we see on the TV and read in the papers...