Encouraging Illegal Immigration

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by Talentless
Man, I wonder when the accusations of racism will start.

i thought about it, but hey, everyone has the right to voice thier opinion, and its that free will that decides wether or not we listen to others opinion. anyways, there is a contradiction to the policy.
IMO the waters there for humanitarian reasons or something.
I live in tx and well in the town that i live in the majority it caucasian, but thats changing rapidly. My only beef with this, is that if they are going to risk it all to come here, at least learn a understable form of english, that way they can somewhat defend themselves. I really dont like it when i see them speaking the most horrible broken english/whatever their naive tounge mix. come on, learn english then come here, if you dont dont bother, you wont get anywhere if you dont know the language.
Originally posted by M5Power
Well, that's stereotypical... still taxed, though. And Phoenix, Tucson, California, and Denver all have a fairly strict emissions programs, so don't expect anything with no muffler to pass.[/B]

Pass what? a smog test? like illegals give a chit about that
California's governor Gray Davis is an idiot. what does he think illegal means!? i cannot express my anger and frustration toward him in words. Davis better hope he never comes close to me.

illegal immigration is a bad thing, theres no two ways about it! it is not good for anything. these assholes come and collect welfare without putting a penny into it. thats bullchit! thay take work away from americans, which can't possibly be good for the economy. open your ****in eyes! it's illegal why should we help people who break the law by allowing them to collect welfare and get driver's licences. the new licence privelages for illegals can only hurt california. explanation: if you are caught driving without a licence, your car will be impounded for 30 days with a cost of roughly $25 a day. illegals probably don't have the money to get their car out of the impound lot, therefore there is one less uninsured (propbably) motorist on the road. my parents have been the victims of three accidents involving an uninsured motorist, which was probably illegal judging by the fact that they couldn't speak hardly any english. and my parents got stuck with the outcome.

davis is simply trying to get the latino vote, if he really cared about california, he would not have sighned the bill into a law.

Originally posted by neon_duke
I've also heard this type of opinion expressed:

"Well, after these people have struggled so hard to make it here, the least we can do is let them in and welcome them."
Sounds like something a woman showing her impathetic side would say.
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
Pass what? a smog test? like illegals give a chit about that
In order to purchase a car in the named cities, it must pass the test (Phoenix, Tucson, Denver = emission test, though since I wrote that Denver stopped enforcing theirs; California = smog test).

Additionally, if once the police actually did decide to pull somebody over for not having a front license plate, and they were past due for their smog test, it's an $80 fine. Fines stack up, and then their car is towed and sold at public auction.
Well the Gray davis thing wasn't what I was refering to but I agree that hes dumb...I mean that arizona is thinking of doing the same thing.....all I'm saying is that if you want cost effective border patrol just give people shotguns and let em loose.
cost effective border patrol just give people shotguns and let em loose.

I'm sure that this will be the official international policy.

9/11 has explained to us carefully that we need to pay more attention to who is entering our country. I think we need a wall. A great wall! We'll call it the great wall of America.
Originally posted by 69Dodge_Charger
impathy does not mean "not pathetic":rolleyes:

Empathy doesn't. Impathy isn't a word. Before rolling your eyes, make damn sure you're right - when you're not, you look like an idiot.
SilverzOne, That's nice to know you have a stance on the subject. Care to back up your reasoning? Or are you simply regurgitating a knee jerk reaction?

I'm all for illegal immagrants. And give them all driver licenses to boot. They need to be able to get to their jobs.

Who ever says that they take jobs away from Americans is wrong. How many Americans want to wash dishes all day long? How many kids in America want to go clean toilets after school. You are so wrong if you think for one second that these illegal immigrants are taking away jobs from us. They are filling the jobs that NONE of us want.

How many here can honestly say that you have lost out on a job because it was being filled by an illegal immigrant?

I'd bet none of you.

I will go out on a limb and say that not a single one of you would want to clean toilets day in and day out. Not one of you! So how can you say that by an illegal immigrant cleaning a toilet is taking a job away from you? You cant! How many Americans are complaining right now that they can't find a job digging holes because all the illegals are filling those positions? None!

Maybe if there was a sudden influx of network engineers comming into America from Mexico illegaly, then you might have a valid issue with saying that they are taking jobs away from other Americans. But they aren't taking away jobs from us when none of us want those jobs that they are filling.

And what about the ones that are here legally? Folks with work permits and green cards. None of them are citizens nor do many of them even want citizenship, but they have been here in America for years now and still can't speak the English language. Then they take the money that they make here and go back to Mexico and spend it there. What about them? How come you and other Americans are not crying about them?
These people are here legally but abuse the system, don't give a damn about America and then spend American dollars in their home countries? To me that is the greater wrong.
And if you don't see that as common place, think again, cus I see it everywhere where I live.

Bring'em on and let'em drive to their dirty toilets.
here in the UK we also have a problem with illegal immigrants, mostly eastern europeans displaced by war and entering in trucks and lorries via the channel tunnel...

like most countries we accept asylum seekers that will be persecuted if sent back to thier home country....this my view...

i believe that everyone deserves the same chance in life....why shouldnt a Mexican enjoy the same benefits as an American just beacsue he was born in a different country...and why a Kosovar refugee be refused entry to the UK just because they are poor....these people enter illegally becasue if they went through the proper procedure and applied for a settlement visa in their home country they would never get it...if they wanted to become economic migrants they would never get past the first interview....ect etc...

the immigration system in the UK is dreadful, i have first hand experience of it....

some people are desperatly poor and need help to get them selves and their families out of it...

if i were to apply for an immigration or green card for the US, i would get it....basically becasue i am British and vice versa....if i were to apply to Australia its the same....but if i have a Lybian passport...i'm knackered no matter how well i am educated and how much money i have....

call it a socialist view (i know you will) but the present system is unfair....
Originally posted by milefile
Whoever said life was "fair"?

your right my friend....life is very unfair...

if a poor man comes to my door asking for help...i wont be so flippant as to say..'hey buddy, who said life was fair?...now beat it before i call the cops'

thats what our governments are saying to the poor and desperate souls that come to us looking for help...
1. sovereign states can make their own laws on migrant acception, following whatever accords, treaties, etc., they have agreed to that doesn't violate their constitution, if they have one.

2. Violations are not by default made null because of empathy.

3. The security issue is obvious, that of uncertainty as to whom gets in. No, I don't know when to use who and when to use whom.

4. Legal immigrants whom work are contributing by working and subsequently aiding their employers in growing their businesses. Spending in this country is not a sweeping requirement.

5. To suggest no menial job would be fulfilled without illegals is like saying that we would have defication on top of defication. Eventually, the jobs would be filled. It makes little sense for them not to be.
Originally posted by Talentless
4. Legal immigrants whom work are contributing by working and subsequently aiding their employers in growing their businesses.
So do illegals.

Spending in this country is not a sweeping requirement.

Obviously, with the amount of American jobs already overseas. It's not a requirement, but spending American money in America, is a good thing.

5. To suggest no menial job would be fulfilled without illegals is like saying that we would have defication on top of defication. Eventually, the jobs would be filled. It makes little sense for them not to be.

Do you comprehend the amount of menial jobs out there that would need to be filled? Millions. If illegal immigrants were to stop coming to America, how would these menial jobs get filled, realisticly?
It makes little sense to say that illegal immigrants don't provide a valuable asset to the US and it makes even less sense to think we could fill those jobs without them.

'Daddy, when I grow up, I wanna be a migrant farm worker.'
Originally posted by milefile
The way you just equated your front door with an international border is very sad.

with respect Milefile....i dont understand that statement...

Originally posted by boombexus
So do illegals.

this may be the case in the US but here an employer can only legally employ someone if it is allowed by the Home Office and a work permit/work visa is issued...otherwise any employment will have to be undertaken on a 'casual' basis and therefore no Income Tax will be paid to the Inland Revenue (govt) and no National Insurance will be paid in order to pay for things such as the NHS..

so people who are illegally employed are helping thier employers but otherwise they are not contributing to state...and since they usually work for a pittance they don't contribute to the national economy either...

this is the UK system...like i say, it may be different than the American way..
