Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
Yo threat The wheelie settings and the 2 billion MPH breakout glitch are completely different tricks, and a "smart" guy like you should know that.
You too were a moron once, or does this not ring any bells?
"i got 840+ last night, but i cant seem to get any faster than that. argh" - Hmm, doesn't that sound kind of like a noob?
or how about:
"exactly what turn and part of the wall do i need to hit? oh, btw i just won a black and blue version of the 90S looks pretty tight hehe" - in a thread started by you, despite the fact that at the time, a little searching would have found you the thread explaining it rather than wasting space.
Give the new guys a break, everyone here needed their a$$es wiped once upon a time, even you.