If you think that hand grenades are part of somebody's culture than I fully agree with you
On a serious note I already agreed with TouringMars about cultural aspect, but would anyone care about immigration if it was only positive experience?
Handgrenades aren't a part of someones culture... I didn'y make that claim you did, this means you have to prove to me this is part of someones culture before you can use it as a fact.
Ever heard of antwerp? We have nates trown in one of the biggest cities in Belgium and they are due to drugcartels fighting each other. The hellhole in Belgium is the place where a nationalistic politician is mayor. I have no recollection of grenaded in Brussel but in antwerp one explodes almost on a montly basis.
So again please what culture has grenades as part of it?
On your serious note, this is complex but let's try. People have bad experiences with other people. Now when that person is an immigrant more people will remember that encounter. Further there is something as confirmation bias. Wich if you believe migrants to be something and news comes allong that confirms said belief you will be less likely to check if it's actually true. (I.e. No go zone's
When you have people using these thing to spread a narrative perception can significantly differ from reality. (I.e.
@PocketZeven showed the perception in the netherland s of a majority of them not working was wrong)
A lot of the bad experiences a mot of people have are actually hear say and not really experiences. And the real experiences most of the time don't differ to much from experiences with the 'real' population.
So if your car gets burned, your house lost value and you can't go jogging outside that's what? ... racist perception I guess 💡
If your car gets burned you have every right to be mad and press charges just as when a 'real' citizen does that. Also since when is.it a common thing for migrants to burn cars?
If your house lost value it's either because you didn't take care of yoyr property or something major changed in regards of road connections to the rest of the country. Which is the most likely explanation. If it's due to migrants moving there, well yeah you might not be but having a neighbourhood valued less because migrants live there is, how to put it, ... rascist? Or off coarse like I said before the immigrants had nothing to do with it which is entirely possible.
You can't go jogging outside? Seriously... my parents are using.this line for as long as I remember yet all my girlfriends where able to go and jog outside without being raped or assaulted by migrants so yes this fear is your perception and if it's because the migrants will hurt you, your perception is rascist...
So that my definition of no-go zone is different from yours, if journalists can't do their work without Police assistence, or paramedics need Police backup, that's pretty much no-go zone. Don't tell me you are taking "no-go" literally.
"The police do not use the term 'no-go zones,' but Gudmundson argued it was a good way to describe a place where, quoting the report, "the public in several instances feel that it is the criminals who run the areas" and where "police cannot carry out their job.""
Ow yeah I'm taking the no go zone litterally that's how it was presented to me. Don't pull a ****ing jordan peterson on me and say something controversial yet laugh at me when I take it as you said it while you didn't define what you meant and didn't allude to it having to be taken less litteral.
Secondly you have to show this is a problem that stems from migration and not some other reason.
Secondly what you describe is exactly what
@TenEightyOne described.
So yeah peoples perception of problems with migrants. I belief you feel it to be true but I've had very similar experiences with 'real' belgians so I do not believe these are specific migrant issues.