EXCLUSIVE GT5:P Spec II - NINTH update (NEW DFGT Wheel Hands-On, April 18)

  • Thread starter amar212
And there is same picture
It's a great game. Not perfect, but that's what GT5 is for (well, that won't be perfect either but you know what I mean). But it's the best driving game I've played for some time.

My only real complaint about GT5 Prologue is the penalty system. It just doesn't work. Online, yes, it makes sense. Offline it's far too arbitrary and inaccurate.

Many, many times have I been penalised when a car hits me. It's not always from the rear either, often when side by side and when I am on the racing line. Or penalties for "shortcuts" when I'm sliding into a barrier!? AI cars are immune to penalties even though there are always some that are erratic or make mistakes.

The AI is much better than in previous GT games but they should be subject to the same penalties that the player is. This, of course, has not been programmed in. And you should see how far off the course they go and how inconsiderate they are when trying to get back onto the racing line you are currently occupying!

Now of course you can get through a race without penalties. But many times have I aborted a race because of a penalty for something I did not do wrong.

I hope and pray that it doesn't make it into the final game because if it does I am going to be very unhappy. If car damage gets rid of the need for this very unbalanced and seemingly partisan penalty system then please let GT5 have damage. This badly hampers the enjoyment I take from what is generally an excellent game.
The Z06 also has the speed enabled on the heads up display on windshield now, nice touch. I also like it how keep it in MPH like the real car, rather to convert it to km/h like my on units settings are.
Yeah, I noticed the HUD in the Vette too. I had the US version preordered, but now I'm on the fence. I'm glad to have the speedo in MPH, the new cars and tracks. I would still like to be able to read the menus and news though... Ergh, it's hard to decide.
The 'Beyond The Apex' movie is not included in any PAL form, blu-ray or PSN purchase. It is obviously for the US release (SCEA did organise it).
the yellow gts viper had white stripes that switched to black with the update, but the interior veiw still shows white stripes, darn it.

sorry for asking this, but i couldn't find anything conclusive.

the online play is region locked for races and worldwide for the records. what about the time trials on the online section? i would assume they are worldwide, but seeing only 58 people with registered times on one of the 500 performance pts event makes me wonder if its reagion locked or not

sorry if this was already being beaten to death...
Don`t know if anyone has tried it,but i had a 2 player race with my girlfriend this afternoon and the PAL version has 2 player replay feature. Anyone else tried this yet?
Don`t know if anyone has tried it,but i had a 2 player race with my girlfriend this afternoon and the PAL version has 2 player replay feature. Anyone else tried this yet?

Yeah, its rather fun. Me and my brother were doing it this morning, me in the F430 him in the DB9. The sound was brilliant, we just kept cruising around. I'll post some video's later.
Yeah, its rather fun. Me and my brother were doing it this morning, me in the F430 him in the DB9. The sound was brilliant, we just kept cruising around. I'll post some video's later.

Is the 2P replay still split in two screens like in GT4 or can you change it to one whole screen and switch between what car you wish to view?
I've won S-5 and S-9 with pro physics and no aids. S-1 still bronze.
I'm trying to win S-2 on pro, but i just hate the penalty system.
I can crash into someone and don't get a penalty, but if i loose a bit of grip in a corner and someone crashes into me, i get a penalty for crashing.

Also the AI doesn't get penalties for shortcutting, while you get them even when you lose control and have to go over the grass ,even if there's no possible way you could get an advantage by using that strip of grass.
I even witnessed the AI miss a corner and shortcut, leading to much frustration on my part.

And why do you get a wall riding penalty when you hit it while driving backwards (crash)?

And another thing: which moron came up with the idea to use the clutch for the panelty system?
There's only a very small chance that you won't crash when the clutch engages in a corner.
Couldn't they just change the engine power to 0 for that amount of seconds?
When I was racing on-line (which is amazing :) ) I noticed that I kept on getting penalties when I was shunted, or I would catch up with a car that was transparant (is that where it is behaving in an unexpected way) and suddenly it would turn normal and bounce me off.

Seemingly some people have already figured out how to optimise the penalty system for themselves...

...to stay on thread, the update worked on the second time for me, but I get a lot of disconnects from the PSN, which is odd because I am a geek and know that my connection to the internet is stable!
I know this was mentioned before, but few of my cars have turned white after tuning them and now I can't get them to go back to normal. At first I was able to do so by setting everything like they used to be but now it doesn't work. Bah I don't want all my cars to become white. :ouch:

name is RE-Xtreme.

Been playing online.

Spec II is Much better than I

Al least no punting in online mode and people have to use the track...!

At last i can actually race people.
Now there's a name from the past. :D

Welcome to the 'Planet. 👍

Hey :)

Long time no see. On GT3 (with Bobkart et al) I used to be a web designer, now I am a history teacher with a PS3 and HD TV.

I have to say that GT5 is amazing, the prologue is great but short. I really like the physics etc but can not stand the on-line racing as you get shunted all the time by people who have less control.
