Expectations for Forza 7 going from FM6.

  • Thread starter SimTourist
I liked Sunset, it felt like a mix between Daytona and the 2.0 mile tracks. Plus the infield course was solid (It was based on California Speedway's infield).
I thought it was alright too, though the trackside decor always felt a bit bleh. I'll admit to liking Sedona more though, just because the road course spilling out of the oval track and onto the nearby drag strip area was a pretty interesting design.

Actually, forget bootleg Suzuka, just bring back some of the fantasy tracks from FM3/4 instead. At least bring back Maple Valley. I miss that one.
Good news for wheel users and particularly Fanatec wheel users!

I have a meeting with the team of Turn 10 this week and we will discuss several things we could do together for their next title of Forza Motorsport.

If you would like to add something, please let me know. Please tell me any wheel/pedal/shifter related issues you have in FM6 and let us know what new features you would like to see supported in FM7.

Please do not list any other things as we will only discuss issues or features related to our products.

This is your chance to change something!


I had a very good meeting with them and I am happy to report that there is a good chance that a lot of things will change for the better in upcoming FM titles. There is a new person who is responsible for physics and force feedback and this is a "wheel guy". He is a real world racer with car engineering background and very familiar with PC simracing.

The PC market seems very important for them and they are aware that this market is dominated by wheel users. Therefore we will intensify our co-operation and get the best out of the games for wheel users.

I cannot confirm at this point what features can be implemented but the interest to do so is very high.

Please continue to give me feedback and I will make sure that you will be heard.

I've been wondering..If Forza Motorsport 7 will be a launch title for Scorpio and if Microsoft is keeping their word that no-one will be left behind, could it be possible that we will see a Forza Motorsport 7 with 2 modes on XBOX ONE?
  • 60 FPS tuned down version
  • 30 FPS with extra graphical enhancements
Could this be an option for Turn10? I know that it always has been about 60 FPS but what IF T10 would like to give the XBOX ONE owners a taste of their new features and techniques used for the Scorpio?
I don't know about the 2 modes, but I'm assuming FM7 will be a launch title. The biggest racing title for Microsoft to help move a new console sounds like a given.

Reading some of the expected features of the Scorpio, I can't honestly imagine how much it'll allow T10 to finally achieve or take the series to a whole new level, personally.
I've been wondering..If Forza Motorsport 7 will be a launch title for Scorpio and if Microsoft is keeping their word that no-one will be left behind, could it be possible that we will see a Forza Motorsport 7 with 2 modes on XBOX ONE?
  • 60 FPS tuned down version
  • 30 FPS with extra graphical enhancements
Could this be an option for Turn10? I know that it always has been about 60 FPS but what IF T10 would like to give the XBOX ONE owners a taste of their new features and techniques used for the Scorpio?

I think the most likely is to keep the standard 1080/60 on XB1 and have 4K on Scorpio. I can't see T10 gimping the XB1 version if parity with the Scorpio is required à la PS4 Pro.
I just wonder how they are going to do it and what FM7 van bring in as a refresher for the Xbox One console. They have a pretty big challenge in front of them.
I wonder what will make the jump across from Horizon this time

Could we see blueprints now feature in free-play mode? Do the AH, Storefront and Clubs make the cut? Will the extreme off-road buggies/trophy trucks make an appearance? Do we think 7 is finally the title for Turn 10 to tackle Rally/RallyX & Off-Road Racing?

In any case it'll be interesting to see the route they do take, especially if it is a Scorpio launch title.
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Could we see blueprints now feature in free-play mode? Do the AH, Storefront and Clubs make the cut?

I would be surprised if any of these didn't get carried over. If they bring Rivals to FM7 though I hope they get rid of the 50 lap limit as that would put a damper on my plans.

Will the extreme off-road buggies/trophy trucks make an appearance?

If they don't add off-road racing I really hope they get added by at least a pre-order pack like the GT3 cars in FH3.
Hopefully we get Kart racing. They specifically mentioned on figuring out the physics on vehicles with very short wheelbases, what use could that be in Motorsport since we won't be getting things like the RZR? The faster Karts like shifters and Superkarts are as fast as some racing cars, so I don't see why they couldn't.

Plus, a shifter Kart with a superbike engine is about the most fun you can have.
I would be surprised if any of these didn't get carried over. If they bring Rivals to FM7 though I hope they get rid of the 50 lap limit as that would put a damper on my plans.

Well I said the same about Clubs coming to FM6 (after featuring in FH2) and they never came... so who knows?

If they don't add off-road racing I really hope they get added by at least a pre-order pack like the GT3 cars in FH3.

Not a bad idea at all actually!
Well I said the same about Clubs coming to FM6 (after featuring in FH2) and they never came... so who knows?


I do have to wonder though if Forzathon and Horizon Edition (obviously called something else) cars will make it to FM7?

I do have to wonder though if Forzathon and Horizon Edition (obviously called something else) cars will make it to FM7?

Yeah I hope something like Forzathon jumps across to FM7, and I guess they'd be called Motorsport Edition cars? Also Upgrade Heroes is something else from FH that'll be interesting to see if it makes across to FM7.
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I've been wondering..If Forza Motorsport 7 will be a launch title for Scorpio and if Microsoft is keeping their word that no-one will be left behind, could it be possible that we will see a Forza Motorsport 7 with 2 modes on XBOX ONE?
  • 60 FPS tuned down version
  • 30 FPS with extra graphical enhancements
Could this be an option for Turn10? I know that it always has been about 60 FPS but what IF T10 would like to give the XBOX ONE owners a taste of their new features and techniques used for the Scorpio?

Microsoft already confirmed that all 1st party titles releasing in the Scorpio timeframe will be 4K native.

Forza Motorsport 7 should easily be capable of 4K 60 fps on Scorpio.

It's important to remember that 4K doesn't require 4x the total power of a console. For instance, The Last of Us on PS4 Pro runs at 4x the resolution of The Last of Us on PS4 yet the Pro is only 2.5~ as powerful as the PS4. Most benchmark you can find that compare 1080p to 4K on the same game and settings show that 4K consumes a little over half the framerate the game is capable of running at in 1080p.

You might be asking, if this is true then why are PS4 Pros new titles only running at 1800p? For a few reason honestly. One, the games themselves are pushing graphical effects that are using enough GPU power to prevent 4K native(it is still only 2.5x~ as powerful after all.). Two, the architecture for the PS4 Pro is more complicated than the Scorpio and even the PS4. What they don't tell you about the PS4 Pro is that it's basically two PS4 GPUs on the same die. This is why it consumes as much power as two PS4s and why they are using checkerboarding for all their new games. It's also why original PS4 games see no improvement on the PS4 Pro. When running PS4 titles the Pro turns off one of the GPUs and lowers the clock speed and runs the title as if it was a normal PS4. The reason for checkerboarding is because, like VR, it's easier to have separate GPUs working on separate projects rather than trying to do the same workload.

When PS4 Pro is being used for VR is tasks each GPU on the die to each eye on the VR device, so in the same way checkerboarding tasks each GPU with rendering each part of the checkerboard then combining the product. Why checkerboarding and not just one left and one right? Simple, if you had one GPU per side and something on the right screen was causing the GPU dedicated to the right screen to struggle then it would bring down the overall performance of the game. By checkerboarding you can spread out the processing power of both GPUs across the screen rather than left and right. VR just has to worry about pushing PS4 quality to each eye so it isn't as much of a problem as trying to maintain 1800p across an entire render.

The reason that 1080p vs 4K games only see a little of half framerate consumption has to do with the fact that resolution isn't everything, resolution does require quite a bit of graphical power but everything else adds up too; including particle effects, AA, polygons, HD textures, lighting and more.

I think it's reasonable to expect Forza Motorsport 7 to run at 4K native with 60 fps locked with large increases to polygon count and particle effects, might even be capable of real global illumination. One great bonus to 4K is that aliasing is mostly negated just from the native resolution meaning that games can run without AA at all and barely have any jaggies. The days of AA eating graphical power are over.

The Scorpio will be 4.58x as powerful as a normal Xbox One(3.3x of a PS4)(Difference between Scorpio and PS4 Pro is 1.8 TF or an entire PS4s worth of GPU power.) Don't be surprised if we see Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, Killer Instinct and Halo Wars 2 patches that make them 4K native.

To answer your question, there will be two versions of Forza 7; 4K 60 fps on Scorpio and 1080p 60 fps on Xbox One. You will be able to play 1080p on Scorpio but it's up in the air if the 1080p version will just be the 4K version downscaled or if you can set it to 1080p on purpose and get more particle effects and higher quality models.
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I do have to wonder though if Forzathon and Horizon Edition (obviously called something else) cars will make it to FM7?
The Horizon Edition cars don't seem any different from the Team Forza cars that came with the pre-orders for FM6; pre-tuned cars with pre-set liveries. I can't see the Skills Boost attributes carrying over though. Seems like something that's more rooted in Horizon's mix of arcade/sim approach than the Motorsport series.
Well, when I made my list of expectations last time for FM7, it was before I knew a few things about FH3 and that FM7 would be on a new console. So, I'm making a revision of my previous list.

1.) Dynamic Time & Weather with 60 fps. I've seen either implemented in the past and on less powerful systems, but it seems more reasonable to me to expect this now since FM7 could be on the more powerful Xbox Scorpio.

2.) Some older models still in the current games get revised. There are still models that are basically ported from the 360 and are missing features that more detailed models now have such as detailed engine bays.

3.) More than 1 car trim on models. I'm sick of the only most powerful models of a car only being in a game, I expect this to change.

4.) More widebody kits and flared wheel arches being added. The ones added to FH3 were a nice start, but I expect more to be added in FM7 to the other cars featured in the game.

5.) More race car types, FM5 & 6 showed a great direction at implementing new motorsport based cars to the series such as Group 5 GT, Indy cars, modern BTCC, & etc. There are still plenty of race cars that could be added to the series along with bringing back some race cars from the past games. I.E. 1990s BTCC, 2010s DTM, 1990s GT, 1980s Nascar, & more.

6.) Factory body part options, being able to apply more factory body options on cars in the series. There has been some nice examples of this being shown already with cars such as the Toyota Celicas, Nissan 350z, and Porsche 930 Turbo. I hope to see more of this. Ex: 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra R (LX bumpers, Saleen bumpers, Police lights), BMW M3 e30 (standard 3-series bumpers), & etc.

7.) More options in Free Play, as said before. I expect this even more so now with how Playground Games implemented the blueprints feature in FH3. I was able to even pick what I exact cars I want to race against. With that said, I expect that to be possible in FM7.
After playing FH3 this is what I'm expecting from FM7

Dynamic Time & Weather - Horizon 3 has great dynamic weather and I think it's about time the Motorsport series got it. Would also be nice to have dynamic time progression for endurance races.

Race Car Conversions - Horizon 3 has a good variety of wide body kits for some cars and I'm expecting the FM7 to follow suit with some proper racing conversions for more cars. For Example: Nissan Skyline GT-R GT500, Maserati MC12 GT1, BMW M3 GTR ALMS, McLaren F1 GTR, Ferrari 550 GTS, etc.

Blueprint - This is an amazing feature in Horizon 3 that allows creating custom grids for all of the games race routes, and having this in FM7 will allow us to faithfully recreate current or previous racing series and give us even more possibilities for custom events.

Forzathon - Having custom challenges set by T10 may not work as well in a Motorsport game as they do in Horizon but they could still work, maybe they could have it similar to rivals where the challenges are for a specific circuit, and include things like maintaining a specific average speed, drift zones and trying to beat a target lap time.

Auction House - Not seen in Forza since FM4, the auction house returned in Horizon 3 and T10 would be stupid not to include this in FM7. Hunting for those special bargains, getting into bidding wars over rare cars and trying to make some profit in cars you no longer need was amazing in FH3 and this definitely needs to return to the Motorsport series.

Forza Edition Cars - These really made me look forward to the wheelspins on Horizon 3, and having specifically tuned cars exclusive to wheelspins (or for hitting certain milestones) would make wheelspins more coveted, plus they're incredibly good money makers on the auction house.

More Racing Classes - Forza 6 had a great variety of different racing classes but I'd like it to be further expanded. I'm expecting the full 2016 IMSA GTLM/GTD grid, Lotus' 2016 F1 car, the best from Super Touring BTCC, McLaren & Ferrari F1 1976, McLaren & Ferrari F1 1988, most of the major 1967 F1 cars, some Group 5 cars, a huge range of Group A racers, all the major Group C proto's, Group B rally and most of the 2016 LMP & GTE cars from WEC.

Porsche - Now that the EA deal is officially over, I'll be dissapointed if FM7 doesn't include at least a few Porsches at launch.

Scalable Endurance Races - Having the ability to ramp up tyre and fuel wear would be great for running mini endurance races, and if they included this, then they should also allow us to scale back endurance races down to 1% length.
Race Car Conversions - Horizon 3 has a good variety of wide body kits for some cars and I'm expecting the FM7 to follow suit with some proper racing conversions for more cars. For Example: Nissan Skyline GT-R GT500, Maserati MC12 GT1, BMW M3 GTR ALMS, McLaren F1 GTR, Ferrari 550 GTS, etc.
I like everything else you're after, but given the Motorsport series is just that, one would assume to just go after the race cars from the start. All those cars have been in the Motorsport series at 1 point.
Alright, I'll bite. Unpopular opinion coming in:

I don't like dynamic weather effects, and I don't feel like it's something that's needed. No game out there so far has managed to convince me it's a good thing. The problem lies with the rain, I feel like game devs go out of their way to include rain in the weather forecast of just about every session you'll take part in, mostly to show how good their wet physics are. To me at least, that's as annoying as poor steering/suspension physics... It rarely ever rains on every session of a weekend during a season, and it never, ever rains on every weekend. SMS and Codemasters in particular are guilty of this, it's like their algorythms are programmed to include rain no matter what the "starting" weather will be in any given race session if you leave it as random. And if you decide un-randomize the dynamic weather and choose to have it a certain way (ie, sunny start but rain setting in in the middle of the race, for instance) suddently it's not really dynamic anymore, as now you can already expect what's coming up and can deal with your strategy accordingly.

TL;DR: Dynamic Weather is a gimmick and I don't think it's needed.
The Horizon Edition cars don't seem any different from the Team Forza cars that came with the pre-orders for FM6; pre-tuned cars with pre-set liveries. I can't see the Skills Boost attributes carrying over though. Seems like something that's more rooted in Horizon's mix of arcade/sim approach than the Motorsport series.

I remembered those shortly after posting. There are also those "good/perfect" stats in FM so I could see T10 making them meaningful and using those along with XP as the bonuses for the cars.
Me and a friend were having a discussion about FM7 & some possible additions/changes to the series and if they were reasonable to expect some of them (not all) or not. Here they are:

- Can T10 finally do dynamic weather and TOD on the Xbone without sacrificing 1080p/60fps/24 cars on track? And would they sacrifice any other those features for dynamic TOD/Weather?
- Will the series finally get some more hardcore sim motorsport features like proper qualifying, a penalty/flag system, a safety rating system for hoppers, adjustable FOV, triple screen support etc?
- Will there be a VR Scorpio experience?
- Will career see any major changes/additions (like Showcases being added in FM6)
- What features from Forza Horizon 3 will make the cut to FM7 and will they be improved upon? Stuff like Clubs, Auction House, Storefront, Lighting model, Customization (widebodies, parts, rims etc), #FORZATHON, Blueprint etc
- Will drivatars still be a thing?
- Will Porsche and VW be in at launch?
- Will T10 finally have a go at rally?
- Will esports be a major focus?
- With MS 1st Party games like Gears 4 & Halo 5 switching to a free maps & microtransaction model, could this be a possibility for the Forza series? I.e No more car packs/track expansions that cost $$?
Will say that Forza 6 was a massive improvement over Forza 5, although there was some areas I do feel it could be better in to match or greater than forza 4 (which still the one i would use)

Some of the cars currently in forza 6 are really interesting like the pre-war grand prix and 60's GP cars, and afew others. though at times I really do think, why are they here when theres nothing for it to race against. like the Aston Martin DBR9 and the Nissan #23 Nismo GT500 Super GT car........they much quicker and powerful than the GTE and GT3 spec cars. so whats the point of adding them in the game when theirs nothing to race against and be over BOP. As for likes the Nascar pack, i think they did what PD did with Nissan (sorry guys but its the truth) the fans can just create the other drivers race car liverys so idk why they gave us the same ford (just an example, but chevy and Toyota are the same) but with different liverys.

Same for tracks as well, its great to see some real life tracks appearing like Lime rock where you would have to either drive the real circuit or be on iracing. though its worry's me that its looses some of the fictional layouts get removed like maple valley (where i picked up a lobby win in a Toyota Prius when i was a touring car event for TORA. LOL)

My other concern as well for real world tracks is what has happened to the Japanese tracks like Suzuka, Tuskuba, Twin Ring Motegi. something has happened to the licencing of these circuits for racing outside of japan. Orginally Project Cars was suppose to have Suzuka on the list (there was videos of it as well) and closer to the date, it was removed.....why......
Like the Nissan GT500 car I said above, there not a single track from that race series it appears in so why add a car, which doesn't race those tracks in the first place. or in other cases, theres not enough tracks to be used like the Indy cars and NASCAR's (well nascar was a late expansion) these cars can run on oval layouts and we only have 2-3 oval tracks. so i would like to either add tracks which we really need.

(and heres a video of me a Fuji speedway for super GT in 2014)

Online lobbies
now for the real turd in the bag........Online.........*sigh*. Ok, I with some of the GT Planet members with this, they is some very stupid people who have not a ****ing clue on how to drive or race properly. which puts me away to avoid online multiplayer from it. and it frustrates me badly. each time i do it i could imagine doing a slam for fun. so I only do online multiplayer, if I have too.
One thing I have noticed that when doing a private lobby, you cant use the ingame chat since that keeps breaking up and you cant hear all the conversations. and for private party chat you only allowed a max of 16 ppl so if you want to do a field of 22 cars you have to use 2 partys and at times you wont be able to know whos going to overtake you in a endurance event like the Daytona 24hrs and lemans 24hrs where communication to each other is vital. so I would like working game chat or increase the party chat numbers so we can communicate better.

Other stuff
There was some stuff back on forza 4 which I really like to see back again, player storefronts, auction houses (well done FH3 to try them). but mainly I want to see back so badly is gifting and sharing cars, tunes and paint jobs. stuff like that was easy to do and useful to stop other ppl using your tune.

that's so far is what I'm think forza 7 needs to work on.
though its worry's me that its looses some of the fictional layouts get removed like maple valley (where i picked up a lobby win in a Toyota Prius when i was a touring car event for TORA. LOL)

I never realized how much I actually liked Maple Valley until it disappeared. I'm guessing it's mostly because it's from a time when T10 could make a fantasy track that didn't suck. :lol:

My other concern as well for real world tracks is what has happened to the Japanese tracks like Suzuka, Tuskuba, Twin Ring Motegi. something has happened to the licencing of these circuits for racing outside of japan. Orginally Project Cars was suppose to have Suzuka on the list (there was videos of it as well) and closer to the date, it was removed.....why......

The rumor at least is that the manufacturer tracks in Japan (Fuji, Motegi & Suzuka) are asking a ridiculous price for licensing (not sure on Tsukuba). Hopefully they at least go after some lesser known Asian tracks if they can't get the big name ones.

I would also love to see racing games give some love to some South American tracks (and cars).
I would love to see more vintage F1 and Indycar/Champcars.... The early, mid, and late 90's produced some of the best looking F1 and Indycar/Champcars ever !!

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The rumor at least is that the manufacturer tracks in Japan (Fuji, Motegi & Suzuka) are asking a ridiculous price for licensing (not sure on Tsukuba). Hopefully they at least go after some lesser known Asian tracks if they can't get the big name ones.

SMS managed to get the licence for Fuji Speedway in Project Cars 2 so there's no excuses for T10.
It is indeed a matter of opinion, I could probably name you 20 more interesting tracks I'd rather see making their way in the game before Fuji.