Expert Level: Ferrari Challenge @ Fuji Speedway F :00 :15 :30 :45

  • Thread starter Patrik
I'm gonna test your Tune with S-3, in Tzayads streetcup. Do you think it needs something else changed too, than HP up?
Hard to tell, not home right now. Would have to try it to know for sure. It will certainly require a more delicate touch of the throttle.
Am I understanding this correctly, you are asking for a less-performing tune or one that is more hard to handle? ;) :lol:

I could do one on S3's though. That would make it faster on the straights, but more of a handful during cornering.

Oh heeeeeelll no, I just wanted a tune for the Ferrari Satan that helped me keep it pointing in the right direction. I tried it on S3 and almost threw my sixaxis at the TV. Not good :P

Seriously though, it was just a whinge, I just need to try harder.

All the best
Well I love the California's handling. Even without tuning it. It was actually a very nice surprise. It feels very balanced in terms of weight, and it just turns in. Without having to resort to big camber, toe and other tuning options.

And when it looses rear grip it power slides nicely.

Maybe it's a bit too much if you are used to run the cars on understeer, but I personally love to be able to turn it in and just worry about the rear grip.

Come to think of it, It may be the only car I drive with 0 or near 0 toe.

But I don't have a real fast tune (only a fast/fun tune), so I will try some of our tuners too. I just can't spend all that time fine tuning a car online :ill:
sorry man dont mean to punt you i did not see you (LAAG?) SORRY MAN

Then I apologise for the accusation. For me the race wasn´t laggy and, therefore, I thought that it runs for everybody liquidly. It happened in the first right curve of the second (or third?) round. I was so rammed that I even still hit in the wall far away :scared:
I drove a yellow 599. 👍
Dammit, really want to get stuck into this event as well.

All the best

So why dont you stuck to this race Maz? We got some T&L tunes wich works ok if you want to try. I'll PM if you want. Do you like over- or understear?
Sorry for taking you out at the xx00 race fair play, and too anyone else i have hit. not played for a few days and am using a normal computer chair with my setup as i've had to send my pyramat chair back. Not an ideal driving position lol. Plus....i'm just pretty crap.

Ok mate, don´t worries about, i had also some problems last night, my DFP sounds and feels very strange since a few days and it´s getting worse:nervous:
So an aplogize to everybody else if i was sometimes not the cleanest driver the last few days....

Update: I´ve just ordered a G25:sly:
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Ok mate, don´t worries about, i had also some problems last night, my DFP sounds and feels very strange since a few days and it´s getting worse:nervous:

Update: I´ve just ordered a G25:sly:

Could you give some specific feedback after you have received and get used to that new G25.

I have driven many years with DFP too, and there is some signs that it has 'enough miles' already. My brake sometimes is littlebit on, and it's very annoying.

I have one friend too, who is maybe doing same invest like you. He would be very glad also...
So why dont you stuck to this race Maz? We got some T&L tunes wich works ok if you want to try. I'll PM if you want. Do you like over- or understear?

Aaaaah so you want to throw some Nordic race tunes my way eh? Well Takk fyrir mig, my friend!

I'll go for a ice cold glass of understeer thank you :cheers:

All the best
Could you give some specific feedback after you have received and get used to that new G25.

I have driven many years with DFP too, and there is some signs that it has 'enough miles' already. My brake sometimes is littlebit on, and it's very annoying.

I have one friend too, who is maybe doing same invest like you. He would be very glad also...

Yes i will, no problem mate. Some friends said to me that it´s much better than the DFP, the biggest different must be the pedals, which should feel much more realistic. And i/they also think, that it´s much quieter and more precisely with his 2 ForceFeedback-motors...
Could you give some specific feedback after you have received and get used to that new G25.

I have driven many years with DFP too, and there is some signs that it has 'enough miles' already. My brake sometimes is littlebit on, and it's very annoying.

I have one friend too, who is maybe doing same invest like you. He would be very glad also...

I've got most of the different weels and have also used the new GT5p weel. The G25 is my absolut favourit weel. Only problem is that PD seems to do anything they can to put the G25 in the shadow. Probably cause they havent got a deal with logitec on this one.

Still i'm sure its the best weel on the marked. The pedals are great and the quality is far better than the rest of the pack. Run to the shop my friend:)

And to Maz: comming your way this evening - hope its ok for the rest of the T&L guys - not nordic by the way: 3 from norway, 1 from germany, 1 from irland, 1 from alaska, usa and THEN one great mate and fantastic racer from Poland.

I have to tell you that I will miss the noices from Fair Plays weel on the Skype during race. Its really funny, special when we take out our overstearing funny rides, to listen to the battle going on with his DFP in germany. Thanks to Fair play for all the great fun...
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thanks for racing tonight. perhaps the problem could be the weight being reset to 100%. that has happened to alot of people after the update.QUOTE]

This happend to me last night,the strange thing is i tuned the california.
Changed it for the 430,tuned that aswell.Then when i got back in the cali all the settings where default.:crazy: I didn't really notice it untill Flash48 pointed it out to me,I didn't expect it so paid no attention to the tune.
Anyone had this aswell?

Well I love the California's handling. Even without tuning it. It was actually a very nice surprise. It feels very balanced in terms of weight, and it just turns in. Without having to resort to big camber, toe and other tuning options.

And when it looses rear grip it power slides nicely.

Maybe it's a bit too much if you are used to run the cars on understeer, but I personally love to be able to turn it in and just worry about the rear grip.

Come to think of it, It may be the only car I drive with 0 or near 0 toe.

But I don't have a real fast tune (only a fast/fun tune), so I will try some of our tuners too. I just can't spend all that time fine tuning a car online :ill:

That was my first impression too,handles like a dream.It seems to have the behavior of an MR car.Not as loose as the amuse s2000 or corvette.

See you guys on track.👍
And to Maz: comming your way this evening - hope its ok for the rest of the T&L guys - not nordic by the way: 3 from norway, 1 from germany, 1 from irland and 1 from alaska, usa.

....and one from forgotten eastern european country of future F1 champion!!

thanks for racing tonight. perhaps the problem could be the weight being reset to 100%. that has happened to alot of people after the update.QUOTE]

This happend to me last night,the strange thing is i tuned the california.
Changed it for the 430,tuned that aswell.Then when i got back in the cali all the settings where default.:crazy: I didn't really notice it untill Flash48 pointed it out to me,I didn't expect it so paid no attention to the tune.
Anyone had this aswell?

after this update i dont trust the tunes, especially with weight changes, so now i go out to the main menu to save game before racing just to be sure i dont lose the tune. still you need to check the weight though...

and to AUTOAKI: i have also had most of the steering wheels since the official GT3 wheel. and the g-25 is by far the best in both quality and performance. the resistance in the pedals is great, and also the wheel. only problem is that not many games support all features. and of course that GT5P doesnt recognise the wheel in options(settings). if you want to use the manual gearbox and clutch you need to press the triangle button after the start of each race to get the clutch working. this is not good work from PD...
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That was my first impression too,handles like a dream.It seems to have the behavior of an MR car.

Seems thats because it kinda is. Apparently the actual definition is 'mid-front', as below. Certainly does make the handling sweet. 👍

Editor’s Note: The correct definition of the engine position in the Ferrari California is mid-front because while the engine is ahead of passenger compartment, the engine sits behind the front axle line and the entire drivetrain is between the axle lines, making it as much mid-engined as the F430, which is defined as a rear-mid engined car.

Full article here
^ Yeah that really explains the handling a little.. I wonder what are the effects of the roof position. Driving top down, when the roof is in the back maybe helps the handling more towards the MR-like handling bringing some weight to the back and lowering the center of gravity. So the car might really be better to drive on a track with the roof down. :)

Ofcourse I'm quessing the roof istn't very heavy but it's still something.