And again, as in the past, I tuned the car (California) in free run and had it really perfect. Nailing everything right, not too tight, not too loose. Only to start a race and find that I was driving a completely different car... for the worst.
Unfortunately, it's the only way to do it. Since physics can be so different (MR cars appear to be affected most), you must test it online. Ofcourse you still needed online testruns, but just to test how it handles in unexpected situations. Before the August 1 update, you could just tune a car in free run and you at least knew it handled the same online. Ofcourse there was RBE, but it didn't affect you when in the center of the grid. Since the August 1 update, there is a difference in how the car handles online and in free run. Period. It doesn't even matter if RBE is running against you or with you or where you are in the grid, the handling is just never the same as when tuning the car and doing free runs. Major poopoo on PD's part IMO. 👎You have to be willing to look like a complete idiot occasionally when it turns out your tune doesn't work well online...
Driving line and outside car view? thats n00b man.
Driving line and outside car view? thats n00b man.
Dont wanna sound like a dork but why do I not have that screen at end of race, all mine shows is finishing order no times.
And how or can I get it. OOPS meant to edit,sorry guess I am a DORK
you will get lap times within the results screen when using a widescreen tv or switching ps3 video settings to aspect ratio 16:9.
I'm a 6-axis user so I use the the outside view when I'm online. My steering inputs aren't super clean like wheel users are capable of, so I try to always be more aware of who's around me by using the chase cam.
Haha, I didn't mean to join the S3 tire challenge, sorryCome on Strittan, throw some DOT legal rubber on that beast!!!!!
Haha, I didn't mean to join the S3 tire challenge, sorry
I'm on S3's now, join me at XX:17 then JvM and Tzayad! Don't think it will go well for me though..
I have my L1 and R1 buttons configured to look left and right, with down on the D-pad to look behind. Have you realised you can configure this?
Thanks Gtp_Undutchable and ASHDTV for the great races. ASHDTV and myself had a great dual, him in the 512 and me in the 599 we ended up both finishing on 10.38. He's bloody fast in that 512.