Expert Level: Ferrari Challenge @ Fuji Speedway F :00 :15 :30 :45

  • Thread starter Patrik
was on last nyt for a few races, managed to stay in the top 5, thanks to mr_volcano, carbonlover and the rest of the gtp guys that were on, catch you all again soon
Does anybody know zabeu or sdomething like that?
I was racing him for first place and when I was overtaking him on the back straight he rammed into me and he waited for me and did it again.. then he got off track, and I got past him but he caught up to me, and I knew he was gonna ram me off another time so I breaktested him. And then I got this message:

"absolutely not OK

You're the worst punter I met wearing the GTP tag, absolutely no class, please apologise for you ramming or i'll file a complaint."

then I sent back: "then why did you ram me first when i was next to you?"

and I got back:
"1. you rammed me at the start
2. you rammed me into the wall when overtaking after spoon
3. apology please or i'll file a complaint
4. and please tone it down, you're way too agressive"

does anybody have the same expieriences with this guy?
Do a search for Zabeu using the search tool above, and you'll find that he has a pretty good reputation here.

That doesn't mean you didn't have a bad experience with him, nor that you would necessarily be the only one. I personally haven't raced him before, and wasn't in your race, and so cannot comment on this incident. However, remember that there are two sides to every incident, people have bad days from time to time, and from his note, it sounds like he felt you were the first to start with the rough driving.

See if you can resolve this between you rather than getting the board involved.
Does anybody know zabeu or sdomething like that?
I was racing him for first place and when I was overtaking him on the back straight he rammed into me and he waited for me and did it again.. then he got off track, and I got past him but he caught up to me, and I knew he was gonna ram me off another time so I breaktested him. And then I got this message:

"absolutely not OK

You're the worst punter I met wearing the GTP tag, absolutely no class, please apologise for you ramming or i'll file a complaint."

then I sent back: "then why did you ram me first when i was next to you?"

and I got back:
"1. you rammed me at the start
2. you rammed me into the wall when overtaking after spoon
3. apology please or i'll file a complaint
4. and please tone it down, you're way too agressive"

does anybody have the same expieriences with this guy?

I know zabeu and can say for sure, that if he's got something to complain, it won't come out of nowhere. After hearing these things from Rudi and zabeu.. you really need to think again about your behaviour on a race.

The fact alone that you admit braketesting him tells me enough about this whole thing. :grumpy: 👎
Thanks sejtur for taking this here because I'd really hate having to send a stupid complaint to a GTP race admin, even more than taking this out in public.

After Spoon, you touched me when passing me. It was a bit of a laggy race so that may have been unintentional. However, you really should have left more room between our cars there given the lag. Since you hit my car close to the rear axle I temporarily lost it as I touched the grass to the right. While trying to regain control I swerved back and forth, eventually turning into your car. I saw you spin in the rearview mirror and waited after 130R, but you immediately rammed me as I was crawling towards the chicane. Afterwards, you rammed me at every occasion - you were simply not allowing us to have a fair race anymore.

You seem a quick guy but you really don't show much respect, and that's a combination I do not like at all. As I said, please tone it down. We all want good racing, and among gentlemen it's not a contact sport, at least that's what I think.

Finally, thanks Vaxen for keeping it cool and Timppaq for standing up for me. :cheers:
In my opinion, Zabeu is quite possibly the finest racer I've experienced on GTP. Fast, fair, pateint and consistent.

Brake testing is for losers.
Hmm, I might have been laggy then. I had no idea I touched you when I was overtaking you before the r130, I didn't get feedback on the wheel, neither saw it. Apparently I left too few room and you spun into me. I thought that was deliberately, because it really looked like you slammed into me. Then after that I came up to speed and we touched again. It wasn't deliberately, and I thought AGAIN that you did it deliberately. After that I was like, "man, he want something from me or something like that." So I thought you was tricking me and bullying me. Then I did something I'm really sorry about, I breaktested you. I shouldn't have done that. I thought you were going to ram me off again... which turns out was both my fault, or at least the first time.

I am not the kind of person that bullys other people on track, just to ruin their race if that's what you think of me. I always try to race clean and respect other drivers, and I've had alot of good races with other GTP members.

I'll try to leave more room for people when I'm overtaking in the future then.
Sejtur, had good races with you too.

Brake testing is the cardinal sin mate.

I'd rather have AIDS than try to resolve a GTP event with brake testing...

...I think people will forgive you for being honest.

Honesty is the best policy for everything...
Is anyone racing then ?????

I am trying to yeah!

Invited my friend ''brayash'' into the game. He will be joining the forum soon, he has a good understanding of motorsport, but is new to online GT5P so please go easy with him.

P.s. Jase - I had a 69' Vitesse. Most fun car I ever owned. It was a mk2 with a slideback vinyl yellow with a white stripe. What a machine...
My lord. This game will probably stop me having my vecation in Spain. Im just so tired of this punting.

I know the feeling, the 2 guys from ES was doing my head in, one ran me of the track, and saw them do the same to others.
So to end this little clash on a happy note: sejtur and me have settled this in peace and I've just had some very fine racing with him, quick, courteous and fair, just as I'd expect from any of the fine racers wearing the GTP tag. 👍

And thanks RPM but you exaggerate :cheers: those virtues are all yours!
I am racing xx.00, 15 30 45. F40 :)

Just had a few good race's hope i did not upset no one.

Same here I'm on now trying to get in a few good races with some other GTP'ers but damn do I hate this track and Ferrari's.:ouch:
Thanks zabeu. 👍 And it was an almost all GTP race! But I just missed the boat for the :30 race, I was a little too late at joining :( but I'll be back at :45, for my last race of the evening.
Good racing last night (Aus time).One of the races (it's really hard to tell),I was going up the back straight and I moved to the inside to overtake,realized it was to tight to make the pass and eased to drop back in behind.I had only moved to the right about 1/4 of a car width,as this was all that was going to be necessary as R130 was approaching fast,and a driver and I made contact and left the circuit.I thought it must have been my fault as I had moved into their path. We both sat there believing that we were the ones at fault.After about 7-10secs he took off and I followed, we got to the chicane and another driver was sitting waiting, as we were coming last ,he was obviously waiting for us. The three of us were all believing we were in the wrong. Sure being gentlemanly about it is all good............ meanwhile the rest of the field had disappeared.We were in the lead 4. One of us was to blame and none of us could tell. Not here to apologize or to point the finger, just saying that on some occasions (I guess because of in car view,or nosecam)It's impossible to tell who's to be the one to let the others go.We were all very calm about it after, all raced cleanly together for the rest of the race.But on the other side it could also have been anyones belief to just keep driving and the other 1 or 2 drivers would have been none the wiser.Maybe some other driver saw it and understands how it went down.

It's all good just another situation:tup:
Oh Zabeu - just wanted you on the inside in the spoon my friend. Thanks for the wait southslider and zabeu. Not easy when all just wants the other to have a good race if you get me.
Sorry about my little mistake at the beginning of the race (:45). Been a while since I have driven on Suzuka with the Ferrari and didn't have time to do a Free Run to feel how much grip the car had. :)
some good racing chaps tonight and what a looser with the fooked up name in the black Cali.

+1. You-are-fooked is his name. Drives like a pussy. Told him as much. Wondered how i managed to get about a 10second lead on all the gtp drivers, until he came along and punted me. He punts everyone, totally destroying the race. Someone should tell his mummy.
well I gave him some of his own medicine back a couple of times so let's see if he calms down and if not ille make it my mission to keep him at bay.
As per the gtp rules, i chose to break early for the first corner, so as not to crash into the cars in front. Not my fault he hit me.
Great racing you too uk86ze, was nice to hang around with the rest of the guys on on the chat between events too.

You-Are-Fooked was a class A jackass. He's pretty fast too, he absolutely doesn't need to smash everything off track to win and I sent him a PM to that effect, didn't change anything though. :) At the end if he ended up behind me I'd try to slow down so he could pass, but he chose instead to smash into me again and send me into the sand.

uk86ze thanks for holding fooked up in that one race. Looked like after letting me pass you immediately got in his way, it was much appreciated. :) He would have had me in the sand within minutes.