F1 2011 WishlistF1 2010-2016 

I don't know where you guys get this stuff from. F1 2010's physics engine is pretty good. Just the poor force feedback brings it way down. Contrasting F1:CE which had excellent force feedback but a relatively poor physics engine.

There are a few things i'd like them to sort out. In the career mode, your off track performance make more of a difference about team's admiration of you than your on track performance. It should be the other way around.

The cockpit view is a bit too small. The wheel takes up the entire screen and there is hardly any height. I know F1 drivers sit low, but not that low. F1:CE did it a bit better. Then there's the "one size fits all" steering wheels. Plus when you're changing the wing angle or the engine mapping on track there's a long delay. I fiddle with the wing angle a lot and this delay has caught me out when crossing the line. Won't matter with F1 2011, I guess.

Then there's the KERS. In F1 2009, there was a sound when you were using it ,which was just plain silly and arcady. Keep it quiet. And for the DRS, i'd like for then to allow us wheel users with clutches to use the clutch to control the DRS. It's not silly, teams right now, Ferrari I know, use a pedal of some sort to control the DRS, and it makes a lot of sense.
Another thing to add to my list is better camera angles in replays. I don't want to see a camera following the car down a straight, or the camera cutting to an onboard camera all of a sudden. F1:CE nailed camera angles perfectly.
Old drivers &cars + create your own team and livery

This this this, a million times this.

I want to be a struggling backmarker struggling with a Cosworth unit because I shelled out for Lola to make me a chassis. Then the next season the team can afford a Mercedes engine and we become a midfield team. Then I don't hit my points target and a couple of sponsors leave. Etc etc.

Cool! :D
1. There must be a "celebration party scene and champagne" after a win in a session.. it would be so inspiring :-)

2. yesh the comentry.... that too misture of voice of 2 different guys..

3.the 1 thing i liked very much is role of interview.. it can be made more impressive

4.there must be the pic of the team owner as well like pic of vijay malya in force india team..

5. of course there should be different faces of crew members in different team
I don't know if its asking too much but i hate always being late for press conference.
Second thing is pit crew - specialy those sitting by the computer center by the track, could show me times board: my position, advantage, laps 'till finish.

They could also be waving hands when i'm crosing the line in top 3.

I don't know what means "live the life" F1 driver. I don't want to by houses or cars (i have tdu2 for it).
Maybe choosing racing suit would be nice.

Oh I know what would be great "live the life" feature... joining events for sponsors and fans.
Like it was in Warsaw recently or Poznan last year when Kubica drove Renault F1 car around Poznan Track.
You know - events to do some show. Drive through or do some donuts and accelerations for people. Crowd cheering all around You ! yes, that's "live the life" i'm talking about :)

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In Race Driver (also from Codemasters) sometimes another driver step into Your pits, when you drove offensive on him. That was great to get into skin of a race driver :)
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A set of basic and advanced challenges for each team, like the ones in F1 2002 (and probably other games as well).
1. There must be a "celebration party scene and champagne" after a win in a session.. it would be so inspiring :-)

2. yesh the comentry.... that too misture of voice of 2 different guys..

3.the 1 thing i liked very much is role of interview.. it can be made more impressive

4.there must be the pic of the team owner as well like pic of vijay malya in force india team..

5. of course there should be different faces of crew members in different team
I do miss the podium celebration that was in F1 2005 (I think or the one that was the first F1 game on the PSP). I wouldn't mind Wet/Dry tracks like Silverstone was Sunday.
I want them to allow you to use both a DS3 and a wheel at the same time for player 1. Just like they do in GT5. Mount the DS3 on the wheel and you have plenty of buttons at your fingertips.

You should also be able to do racing pit stops during qualifying(as long as you are sufficiently fuelled), it takes way too long to get in and out in 2010.