AMs. Caption: "I'm so happy to see Lotus back in Formula One after all these years. And Heikki and Jarno did such a good job last year..."
BPetrov is facepalming, thinking why his team had no KERS.![]()
CVitaly Petrov is disappointed when he learns he is to be replaced by his mechanic's mother.
DOksana Kosachenko: It has been a good start to the season for Vitaly, and I think in this race he proved that he is a top flight driver...
EVitaly: Owww! My arse hasn't been this sore since... Erm... Never mind.
FGuy in middle: "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky..."
GTony Fernandes' List of what to do in 2011:
1-Get into Q2 on merit
2-Score a point
3-Get another Malaysian to race
4-Install bump in the run off of Turn 8 at Sepang
5-Show Renault who owns the name Lotus
HGerard 'Maury' Lopez: "Ok, so the test reults are in.. Vitaly, when it comes to little 2 year old Alexander... You are the father!"
IWell I guess it was kind of a flying lotus, and it the crowd got a kick out of it!
J"...and if we catch you trying to glitch again..."
KVitaly Petrov's reaction to not passing his test to recive a flying license, mum would cheer him up but she is to busy with her Ice Cream Sundae to care.
LPetrov's reaction when meeting his first 'Babushka' pit babe and Aeroflot flight attendant
MWoman: Sorry, Vitaly. For a minute there I thought you was Kimi Raikonnen! Partly because you was flying in the race and partly because you was about to eat my Cornetto.
NKosachenko: Good news Vitaly, I found you that 'attractive Malaysian fan' you wanted to take back to your hotel room...
OPetrov after hearing this song sent to him by Nick.
PVitaly is informed he caused a dry race by striking the sprinklers at turn 8...
QOksana: Looks like the "Air Petrov" meme is taking off.
RGerard Lopez: Listen Vitaly i know it has been 50 years since the first russian went into orbit, but and F1 car is not a space shuttle it won't take you into orbit.
SLopez: Don't look now, but the CEO of aeroflot is coming over here
Petrov: Grrr. I have already told him 3 times that I will not be the posterboy for their frequent flyer program
TLopez: What is it with you F1 guys and rally racing.
Petrov: *sigh*That wasn't on purpose!!!
ULopez: "And that's Alonso passing you there..."
VGerard: Vitaly, you do realize that damage is coming out of your paycheck?
Oksana: Not to worry, dear boy, I've booked you at the "Adonis." They paid in advance to see the "Flying Russian."
WPetrov's mum- I remember he had such a soft bum as a baby, that crash must have coloured it beetroot!
XNick Heidfeld: "Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, you'll be stayin' alive, stayin' alive;
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin' and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive;
Uh-uh-uh-uh, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Come on, Vitaly, get up here!
Uh-uh-uh-uh, stayin' ali-i-ive!"
Y"I hear Vitaly's hanging out with a GMILF."
"Yes, have you met her? /STARE"
ZPetrov's mum: Ah, my little boy is finally flying the nest.
Petrov: I hit a storm drain ma.![]()
AA"Vitaly, for the race in Texas next year we're going to replace your car with an orange Dodge Charger with a large "01" painted on the side to please the good ol' boys who watch the race, thinking that they're going to see NASCAR. Furthermore, when you jump, you are contractually obligated to shout "Yee-haw!" in your best redneck voice as well as honk the dixie horn which will be installed on your car."
BB"When you retire from F1, there's always a space at the national stunt team, Vitaly."
CCManager: Don't worry, you'll always have a place in the Russian Air Force.
DDVitaly hides his face as the sheer shame of his betrayal hits him - how was he supposed to know Red Bull DOES give you wings?
EEVitaly realises people in the paddock are comparing him to Mark not because of raw pace, but because of his natural ability to get an F1 car airborne with the aid of Lotus.
FFPetrov: Crap, my manager's coming! I'll hide. You look away and pretend I'm not here!
Manager: Sigh...
GGLopez: Hey Vitaly, they're showing the replay of your flight up on the jumbotron.
*Petrov facepalms*
Kosachenko: You keep driving like that and this fan will be the only one you have all year.
HHKosachenko: You break everything Vitaly. That car IS NOT A VODKA BOTTLE.
JJVitaly trying to talk to girls but then he realises his zipper is open.