F1 Caption Game 2018: VOTING - RD21 - Open to Mon 17th Dec 1000 GMTFormula 1 


my caption was awful this time around I admit I just had a mental blank.
But then according to previous voting all my captions are awful.:lol:
One each for captions Charlie Charlie, Juliet and Papa, if you please.

CC - 1
J - 1
P - 1

If you're not a horrible, smelly capslock filter.


  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Monday 9th May 0900 BST
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries

"Ok gents, on the count of 3 I want you picture your wife or girlfriend naked"

Sebastian: (Looking at wall behind the press conference) Oh God! Who taught Bernie how to use photoshop?

Mark: Next time you pass Vettel, a bit more to the right, ideally with him flying into the gravel trap, worked a charm when I did it!

(see end for omitted entry that should be here)​

Lewis: So your strategy Mark, was to qualify 18th so you would have plenty of tires to push for 3rd?

Mark: And buy shares in Pirelli mate!

"Ebony and I-vor-eee!"

LH:Hey Mark, did you offer Jenson some of your spare tyres?
MW: Yep, and he fell for it too.
LH: I thought he would turn you down after what happend when you offered Petrov some Wings from Red Bull.

Hamilton: "Did you see Sebastian's face when they told him to move out of the winner's chair?"
Webber: "I know. Priceless."

Webber: "Don't look now, Jenson's just gone into the Ladies toilets"

Lewis: I guess you're not too bad for a number two driver.
Mark: Who are you talking to? Seb or me?
Sebastian: *groans*

"When birds.. Suddenly appear.."

As Hamilton and Webber gazed into each others eyes they knew that no matter the circumstances, they were destined to be together at the end.

Lewis: "Not bad Mark, but think how well you would've done if your team actually cared about your car."

Mark Webber informs Lewis Hamilton that Sebastian Vettel's PSN account has been hacked.

Lewis and Webber laugh at RACECAR's weak attempts to get points

Hamilton: Hey Mark, is there something in my teeth?

LH: 18th to 3rd with no KERS? Not bad for a number two driver.

LH: I bet you a hundred quid that in the next five minutes, you can't thank your team thirty times AND make a snide remark about Seb not winning the race.
MW: Deal.

Lewis tells Mark of how he suggested Jenson 'should have gone to Specsavers.'

No, really, he has it written on his knickers?!? That's messed up, mate. I mean, I know Sebastian is chuffed about winning last year, but he's taking this "Number One" thing too far...

Take my breath away.[/ROMANTIC MUSIC]

Webber: I bet you enjoyed passing Seb, eh?
Hamilton: You bet, you should try it some time!

Lewis: Its turkey next make sure your nice to seb.
Mark: (nervous smile)

Webber: Seb keeps talking about being number 1 and that everything he does is number 1. What he doesn't know is his bottle is filled with my number 1.

*off-screen* "So, how did the latter part of the race go for you, Jenson?"
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Sorry about that, Famine - I've added your caption to the list and everyone who has voted already may amend their vote if they wish 👍

PM sent.
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Did my caption not meet the minimum standards?

Its called the 107% rule or in this case the 7% rule it has to be at least 7% as funny as TM's favourite caption to qualify. (But then Im not one to talk, looking at the points table I should be disqualified every time)
Dont you just hate it when you think of a brilliant caption after the deadline.
That just happened to me.:mad::grumpy::(:banghead::banghead: :banghead:

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