ADi Resta: Just keep looking straight ahead, I'm not being caught by the girlfriend again....
Alguersuari: "Hey there, I'm a F1 driver AND a DJ don't you kn... oh hey there gorgeous, how about you and your friend co... Hel-lo, how YOU doing?..."
BPaul di Resta: "I did not just see Vitaly in a mini-skirt. I did not just see Vitaly in a mini-skirt ..."
Jaime Alguersuari: "Hey, Vitaly!"
Paul di Resta: "... Crap."
C"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man - no time to talk."
DPaul di Resta: "I just stepped in gum didn't I?... This wouldn't have happened if they ordered a king size red carpet"
EPaul Di Resta: "Hum-dee-dum-hum-dee-dum-dee-dum-dee-dum"
FDi Resta: Where's the girl with my name sign?![]()
GPaul Di Resta "I bet Martin Brundle wishes, he was doing THIS grid walk!".
HThe walk of shame with pee stained trousers.
IMurray Walker: And its go! A superb start from Paul Di Resta, Jaime Alguersuari appears to have been distracted which has let Jenson Button get alongside and challenge for second position as the drivers race to the start of the buffet que, today packed with prime rib...
JA few minutes before.
Paul: Jaime, where are we going after this?
Jaime: Japan, Korea, In...
Paul:: *Interrupting* Korea?, aren't they the party rockers?
Jaime: *facepalm*
K"Apparently, this is what happens when you get, according to Adrian, 'sechs' position..."
LDi Resta thinking to himself: OK, for which skirt will I accidentally drop my keys near .....
MDi Resta: Remember what your master told you Paul, use the force. India.
NDi Resta: *talking to himself* 'Relax Paul, you can make it through this, you're not in Scotland now, that's for sure'
OPaul di Resta, currently the most recent person to drink Irn-Bru in Singapore.
PAlguesuari did not get the memo that eye contact in Singapore is subject to a $10,000 fine, plus flogging fees.
QAlguersuari seems blissfully unaware that the grid girls are infact ladyboys.
RPdR: I can't believe these women sell their bodies for such vile acts. They are used as a piece of meat. What kind of monster would use these women for their personal gain?
JA: Hey Tsu, how's it going? How's the back?
S2011 Singapore GP results:
Paul Di Resta, 6th place, 8 points
Jaime Algesuari, DNF, 8 phone numbers
TPDR: If I just look straight ahead and keep walking, nobody will know that I littered.
Girls: "Paul, can I have an autograph?"
PDR: Sip drink, keep walking, I can't hear you, la la la la
Girls: "Lah, lah, lah!"
UThe only time Di Resta sucked all weekend
VWell Bernie, you can say what you like about Silverstone but the queue for the Ladies was never that long
WAfter receiving complaints about the saliva trail left down the grid by rookies at preceding venues, Force India fitted Paul with a special "drool collection device" in preparation for Singapore's grid girls.
Sorry Felipe, it was reported and deemed to be a bit over the line. (It's also been used beforeMine too. Or is it because it was an hyperlink to a video? You can remove it if that's the case.
Yours is option R, isn't it? I remove some formatting so that all entries look equivalent, so perhaps you didn't see it for that reason?Mars I think you forgot my caption.
(Re: pee stain - actually shadow of his hand)
Ever heard of a joke or is that a new concept to you?
I just meant on closer examination it turns out to be the shadow of his hand![]()
What did you think it was before closer examination?![]()
AHmm... which of my PSN accounts shall I buy the new GT5 DLC for?
BOn second thoughts, last night's joke about the race being moved to Fuji might have been an error
CTonio thinks of the best places on the track for allowing other drivers to overtake him.
DWhy can I not a' feel my lips? Was it something I ate at the lunch buffet? Hey, Daniel, paisan... uhhh... what is fugu?
E"The F1 drivers' annual five-a-side tournament gets off to a bad start when the referee accidentally swallows his whistle..."
FBernie: Hey Tonio, this is Kumiko Makoto, the local cat farmer. He would like you to try a Japanese cat egg.
Kumiko: 吸盤は、それは猫のウンチです。
Tonio: Well, I hope it is as smooth and chocolatey as it looks. *Puts in mouth*.
GNot sure if beard or moustache.
I"Those red spots were part of her costume, right?"
JVL: "Where did I leave my dignity?"
KHmm, how should I DNF in a V8 Supercar? Do I spontaniously have a engine failure or a epic shunt? Decisions, decisions.
LTonio becomes the latest casualty to the HRT engineers pranks when his chapstick is replaced with super glue...
M"Just look at what Eddie Jordan has on TODAY."
NLiuzzi does his best to force a smile, knowing that this has got to be the race when Martin Brundle finally starts his grid walk at the back....
OBernie: "Liuzzi, you know full well that chewing gum isn't allowed on the grid!"
Liuzzi: "Sorry, sir."
PBernie selling F1 to sky.
Not sure if trolling.
QLiuzzi: "So when are we starting the qualifiers?"
Crew Members: "Yesterday Tonio."
Liuzzi: "Ah.."
RTonio - Why won't anyone talk to me?
Someone in crowd - Because your 🤬!
SShouldn't Ricciardo be there?
THow am I gonna scrape together $12 for GT5 Spec II?
UTonio is thinking... "Apex, apex, brake, turn, move aside for Vettel, turn, accelerate, 130R, allow Jenson through, brake, turn, apex, accelerate, move aside for Hamilton....."
VReports have emerged that HRT recently sent Tonio Luizzi on a driver training session with the BTCC.
However, ask can be seen from this picture, Tonio studied the wrong Plato
WLiuzzi ponders how he can get DLC to work with his Italian account and Japan based disc.
XTonio Liuzzi: "I do not have a tooth-AUGH!! That ... that was not a cry of pain. It was ... it was a
Roman warrior thing. To ... strike fear into the hearts of my enemies. I shout 'AUGH!!' like I did just
now and they just jump out of the way. It worked on Felipe Massa last year, and I am really not
comfortable with seeing a Romanian dentist because one of my fillings has come loose."
YWho shall I plough into this time??
Z"Come on, me, smile!!! Or has HRT really made me that depressed...?"
AANot sure if that hot girl has a little dog beside her, or just Bernie Ecclestone and wife.