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- GTP_Mars

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- Deadline for voting is Wed 22nd August 1900 BST
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Submitted Entries
APlácido Domingo: "So, Kimi, an astounding race, how do you feel with your 2nd place finish?"
Kimi: "Yes, I am Finnish."
BOne does not simply interview Kimi Raikkonen.
CKimi ponders.. on whether he can successfully parkour the cable in front of him.
DPlacido: "Hola Kimi.... it was a very good race from you. How do you feel about your result?"
Kimi (thinking): "If you keep on babbling I'll feel very wet in my pants.... damn... I gotta pee that much I could fill the hoover reservoir..."
EThe Formula One wax museum's Awkward Wing is now open, with Flavio dressed as a reporter.
FPlácido Domingo: Congratulations Kimi, an excellent finnish and a very well conducted race...
Kimi Räikkönen: I see your jokes have not improved Plácido. Now where is that tenor you owe me...
GReporter: So, how do you feel about 2nd place
Kimi: Bad
Reporter: Okay Kimi, hold it there, no need to go all Shakespeare on us. We get it, you're disappointed, God.
HPlácido Domingo has been trying to get an answer from Kimi for 20 minutes now...
II was a young man when this interview started.
JOver twenty years after receiving his letter, Jim finally fixes it for Kimi to sing with one of The Three Tenors
KKimi: "How did Vijay get up here"?![]()
LPlácido Domingo - So Kimi, after missing a few seasons of F1 to try your hand at rallying, considering the various rule changes, the influx of new drivers, new circuits to the calendar, testing restrictions and other economical restraints, how do you rate your performance since returning to F1?
Kimi - Yes.
MEven after spending several years out of F1, Kimi has not forgotten how to deliver entertaining interviews.
NDomingo: "Kimi now I'm going to sing a song for someone who is very dear to me."
Domingo: ♫ "And I will always love Lewis whoooo hooo..."
OKimi was shown this picture later, but had no recollection of it.
"So was it because the Hungarian GP was very exhausting or you were so overcome by second place?"
KR: "No, I was taking a ****."
PBrian Cox's ventriloquism act was not the success he'd been hoping for.
Q"Welcome to Formula One's annual karaoke competition. Please welcome to the stage our first contestants, Kimi Raikkonen and Placido Domingo, who will be performing Rebecca Black's 'Friday'."
RAfter watching 'Madagascar', Kimi tries to employ the Penguin's motto "Just smile and wave". However being Räikkö-bot, these two actions don't compute.
SBrace yourselves, a one-word answer is coming.
TAs the new "Formula One: Don't Drink and Drive" Ambassador, is there something you'd like to say, Kimi?
UPlácido Domingo tries his hand at rap music with the help of Raikonnen's beatboxing skills.
VI'm sure Éric said three tenners if I drove for him this year...