- 29,442
- Glasgow
- GTP_Mars

- Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
- You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
- Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
- Please read all entries before voting
- Deadline for voting is Wed 11th July 1900 BST
- Good luck!

Submitted Entries
ARoberto Carlos: My free kicks move faster than you drive, and they swerve less too.
BRC: "Yo Massa, Hamilton tells me you had a few "issues" last year..."
A short time later:
"Right, where is Maldonado?"
CMassa: So, you Spanish?
Carlos: No, Mexican.
Massa: How'd you get over the border? Heh, heh, heh.
They never found him after the race.
DMassa wins! (a staring competition)
EYou're right... It sort of does look like Maldonado'seyebrowseyebrow...
FRoberto Carlos: No, I won't change my last name to "Massa".
G"Oompa Massa, doompity doo,
I've got a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa Massa, doompity dee,
If you are wise you’ll listen to me.
What do you get when you play for Anzhi?
Racist abuse and a silly goatee.
Now you've retired you are piling on fat,
What do you think will come of that?
I don't like the look of it!
Oompa Massa doompity doh,
Your curling free kick was 15 years ago.
Your abilities have dropped off markedly too,
Like the Oompa Massa doompity doo."
HMassa checks out Roberto's own take on the Brazilian...
IMassa: Speaking of Carlos, you haven't seen a Ferrari anywhere by any chance?
JFerrari's new tactical race advisor runs through some pre-race drills with Massa:
Carlos: "Atencão Felipe!.., let us practice some flying projectile avoidance skills."
Massa: "Okay."
Carlos: "HHHRRRRKKKKKKKK........SPPT" (right from the back of the nostril, footballer style)
KA Brazilian right back (down the grid) meets a Brazilian left back.
LCarlos is not impressed by Massa's explanation of how to "swerve" in F1...
MMassa: What cha talk'in bout Willis?
NRC: Want me to kick your car at the start?
OCarlos: We are top athletes that are on a very strict diet.
Massa: Hey Carlos been to McDonald's recently?
Carlos: No I haven't.
Massa: Your goatee tells otherwise Carlos.
Carlos: .....
PRoberto Carlos: "My eyes are up here."
QMassa; "Look, nice Dwayne Johnson impersonation, but history says, footballers don't make great actors."
R"Can we swap shirts?"
SMassa: Talk to me, do you think I could win again?![]()
TCarlo Rae Slapson:
"Hey, My name's Roberto
And this is crazy
Luca just told me
To get in your car"
UAfter enduring Roberto Carlos's intimidating stare, Massa's top wasn't the only piece of clothing on his body which was wet..
VThe world is treated to the longest staring contest in history
WRC: Myself and the team don't aprove of your finishing places and will unfortunately have to take care of you. Ferrari ordered it.
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