F1 Caption Game 2018: VOTING - RD21 - Open to Mon 17th Dec 1000 GMTFormula 1 

ROUND TEN - Voting


  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tue 7th August 1900 BST
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries

"Well Lewis, there's good news and bad news... the good news is that Christian Horner has admitted to cheating. The bad news is that it was with your Mum."

"The FIA have come to the conclusion that Vettel's move on Button was illegal and will now proceed to give you a 10 place grid penalty for Hungary and 20 seconds added to your original race distance."

Hello, Is this the AA?

"So you'll install four new tires, check the wings, and inspect the sidepods...and do it in 30 minutes or less? You're hired!"

Yes? Of course I'm interested in short-term high yield investments. Yes. The Nigerian Finance Ministry? Yes. Just half a million pounds? Do you accept credit? Here's my card number...


Yes. The name's Button, Jenson Button. Thank you very much.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

Alonso: Hello Mr. Hamilton. Or as they call you around the garage, Hammy. I want you to make a choice. There's a slow acting poison coursing through your system, which only I have the cure for. Will you disrupt Vettel's race to save yourself, or will you choose to suffer.

"What? Who? I don't know any "Dog"."

Accident Hotline - Have you been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault? Are you looking to claim the compensation you deserve? Well at Accident Claims we can help!

Lewis - When you say it wasn't your fault...

Lewis: "So did they found out who recommended those dodgy cheap tyres? What? No, I've never heard of anyone called 'daan'."

Lewis picks up the phone.
Who the hell is this. *Hangs up* Maldonado again????????????

"What???" "No I don't want to invest in a retirement fund!!!!!" "Who put you up to this?"

"Hey, I just hit you,
And this is crazy,
But I'm Hamilton,
So penalise me maybe!"

"Hi, yes Locite Superglue helpline? Phone, head... help?"

"Hey Michael, it's Lewis... Just how easy was it to spot the Williams coming out of the final corner at the Hungaroring? Did you know it was Rubens?...

"Reason? Curiosity in case Pastor Maldonado comes near my car again...."

"And now in other news, the cause of the O2 network's failure several week back has been traced back to this man. According to his shirt he seems to be a Vodafone member and he was last seen walking away from a damaged F1 car in Germany. Police believe he may be in Hungary within the next few days and are asking the public to be vigilant - this man is a dangerous driver and not be crossed, as he will crash or take you out. He's not to be confused with the driver of a (much faster) similar car called "Jenson"."

Call me, Maybe?

JB: Hey, Lewis, it's Jenson here - could you please do me a favour?
LH: ...what is it?
JB: I need you to get back out on track from your so-called retirement from the race and hold up someone.
LH: Hold-up? You do know the FIA doesn't allow weapons other than Maldonado out on track?!
JB: No, you fool, I need you to slow down Vettel so I can get second place...

He's on a cellphone, calling race control
All of his change has gone to Charlie
Where's his fortune gone, ask Maldonado
There's a penalty for those two.

Hamilton: Of course I have you on speed dial Bernie; you are the first person I call to complain, (cough) I mean congratulate, on another successful Formula 1 weekend !

Determined to prevent Jenson winning, Lewis makes a quick call direct to his pit radio instructing him to switch to "Yellow G2"

Crap, Vettel's coming this way.

*picks up phone*

"Lewis, there's no driving event at the olympic games, but we can put you in a Routemaster for the opening ceremony."

"Yeah I also just heard my Tooned character is hired by Disney/Pixar."
"He earns what .... that's more than I get."

Vodafone call centre:
"Hello, you are through to the Vodafone helpline, we're busy at the moment but one of our expert Vodafone technicians will be with you shortly"... *on-hold music plays for about 3 secs*..... "Hello, how can i help you?"

"Wow!!.. Question, are you any good at changing tyres, and do you want a new job?"
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1 point each:

[EDIT] Changed "A point each" to "1 point each" so it doesn't get misread.
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D - 1
V - 1
W - 1

Less than 24 hours until voting ends, please get your votes in - only 10 voters so far after 25 people played this round... more please!!

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