F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Mark Webber: "... And then you put your hands on your hips, thrust your pelvis out in a wide circle and jump
and turn as the song goes 'Heeeey, Macarena!'. I thought it would be a great victory dance."

Mark: So, Lewis, what do you say we switch teams? Yeah?

Lewis: No thanks

Mark: Come on, a young guy like you must love energy drinks.

Lewis, No....but again, thanks.

Webber: I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here's my handle
And here's my.....

Oh come on you guys! First the wing and now this?!
Um, I'm A Little Teapot was my original entry ... just so you know.

Yep, my apologies. I hadn't looked that far back. I'll be happy to forfeit my entry even though I think it's funnier than yours as he clearly doesn't have a spout in the picture.
Both of you should come up with new ones.
Why? There aren't any other Macarena jokes.

Are there?

Yep, my apologies. I hadn't looked that far back. I'll be happy to forfeit my entry even though I think it's funnier than yours as he clearly doesn't have a spout in the picture.
Oh, I'm not asking you to change it or forefeit your entry or anything if you don't want to. I just thought you might want to know. I remember for the European round last year, someone did the Ezekiel 25:17 speech from PULP FICTION; I ended up doing a longer, re-written version about the "Path of the World Champion is best on all sides by the inequities of the team-mate and the tyrrany of team orders" or some such. I can't remember whether I pulled it or not, but I wasn't happy that I'd gone in the same direction as someone else. Ever since then, I've read all the entries to a contest before posting mine just to be sure. I'd hate for people to decide not to vote for a great caption because someone had posted something similar before them.

But go ahead and keep it if you want to; it's your choice. Even if I han't changed mine, I wouldn't have a say in what you do. I'm just trying to be helpful.
To clarify the editting thing, you can make minor edits (i.e.typos, minor adjustments etc.), so edits are OK so long as it's not an entirely different caption.

Both of you should come up with new ones.

PureAwesomeness's caption will be allowed, but only because interludes had already submitted another entry, otherwise it would have been too similar. That said, it is the oldest caption in the universe and has been used 7 times in this thread already ;)
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LH: Oh no, not the Time Warp again...
MW: Wait until you see my costume.

MW: At least i can look down on people from other teams.

(Thanks TM for the trouble of making the picture work)


Mark: I have a special game that we can play, all you need to do is put my cap on backwards without moving it, and then I'll take over from there!

Lewis Hamilton: I really liked your Flugtag entry.
Mark Webber: Pfft...Virgin isn't the only one who can go into space.

WEBBER: Ha! They removed the nose off "Kate's Horny Mom" and I still won!

HAMILTON: That's funny....they removed the a** off mine and I made the podium too...

Lewis looks on cautiously as Mark announces that, like their cars, Red Bull race suits also contain a 'blown diffuser' at the back end.​


1st= Terronium-12, chromatic9 - 21 pts
3rd: SUPER NUMBBER - 15 pts
4th: daan - 12 pts
5th: Soundtrack - 10 pts
6th= interludes, pippin4652, Smallhorses, LewyOs - 5 pts

Winning Entries


Webber: Not bad for a second pl....

Hamilton: ...Place driver, I know. How many times are you going to say that?

Webber: Eh? I was talking about you, mate.

Hamilton: "What the.. You're right eye is missing dude."

Webber: Yeah I know mate. Seb needed a new eye and since I was 12 points behind it was the best option the team said. Still won though. Not bad eh?

Standings (after Round Ten)

1st: Touring Mars = 99 pts
2nd: pippin4652 = 95 pts
3rd: Smallhorses = 84 pts
4th: interludes = 61 pts
5th: PeterJB = 52 pts
6th: Soundtrack = 50 pts
7th: daan = 48 pts
8th: Omnis = 41 pts
9th: Famine = 37 pts
10th: SUPER NUMBBER = 35 pts
11th: mafia_boy = 29 pts
12th: yeti = 28 pts
13th: Alex. = 25 pts
14th: zed300 = 24 pts
15th: Pescara for GT5 = 23 pts
16th=: Terronium-12, chromatic9 = 21 pts
18th=: peterjford, LewyOs = 20 pts
20th=: PureAwesomeness, TheStig13 = 18 pts
22nd: ExigeEvan = 16 pts
23rd: mipuumal = 13 pts
24th: TS = 12 pts
25th=: BlacqueJacques, ROAD_DOGG33J = 11 pts
27th=: orimarc, Fastas = 10 pts
29th=: NihilismOnToast, RACECAR = 9 pts
31st: Only_in_f1 = 8 pts
32nd=: haitch40, atteiros = 7 pts
34th: Ian Poole = 6 pts
35th: analog = 5 pts
36th=: SaberFire, Seismica, Captain Roh = 4 pts

Congratulations to Terronium-12 and chromatic9 for winning Round Ten of the competition :cheers:

Results Archive updated in the first post

Round Eleven: Germany - will follow on later today​
Round Eleven - Germany



(Picture chosen by chromatic9)

Entries by Monday, 2nd August - 0900 GMT - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. You may also submit your final entry to me via PM if you want your entry to be anonymous.

Full rules available in Post #1
Had a feeling that one would be chosen, don't know why I opted for Vettel and Schumacher. :P

*Slaps self on the side of the head*

"Thank God I found you. This document will become void unless signed by a tiny brazilian man."

Felipe, I'm writing a letter to my gran, but I'm having trouble with a word. How do you spell 'magnanimous'?
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Romain Grosjean: "Don't worry, Felipe. I know how it feels to be in a team that is only big enough for Fernando. I know it
hurts when they tell you to get out of his way. True, I was being lapped at the time, but all the same ... here, take this breath
mint. It may not be the elegant solution to your problem that you were hoping for, but at least it will do something about the
aftertaste when you have to kiss Alonso's arse. And no, I don't mean that figuratively. What, didn't they tell you?"

What do you mean there was no team orders? You guys ordered seven calzones,
five penne carbonaras and twelve large pizzas... so if you don't mind, would you just sign for it, please?​

"Hey Felipe, can you give this to Alonso so he can autograph it for me? Thanks."

Grosjean in the process of getting Massa to give him power of attorney of his finances, since he follows orders so well!

"Jeez Felipe, a #2 driver contract, this document giving me the sponsorship rights to your forehead, do you actually look at what you sign?..."
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