F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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"...aaand you're all set; just remember that when you're done using our toilet, Mr Mallya is waiting outside for his spongebath..."

Fan: Hey Felipe! Can I have your autograph please?

Fan: Please Felipe! Can I have your autograph? Here's my pen. I'll never have this opportunity again. Just sign it please.


Fan: Felipe!! CAN - I - HAVE - YOUR - AUTOGRAPH - PLEASE? Can you confirm you understand my question?

Felipe pulls over to sign an autograph

Massa: Sure my friend. Why didn't you just say so, man?


"Would you be interested in joining the 'Fernando Alonso is Number 1' fan club?"

Final Entry
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Fan: So, have Ferrari got any surprises planned for the German GP?

Felipe: Nope, just the usual!
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Final Entry

Delivery man: Felipe, this is for you! Its a card signed by the Ferrari team commemerating the anniversary of your life-threatening accident. The card reads; "So glad you're still with us Felipe, you'll always be our number two." Apparently you're getting a present too, I think they said something about a pullover.​
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Final Entry


"OK, so, your wheelie bag is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?"
*Felipe lets his bag through, turns it round & pushes it...*
"Good lad. Just stick with it now. Sorry."​
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Fan: I heard ferrari are going to get you to crash in singapore to let Alonso win.
The message will come as
oil is leaking on to your tires can you confirm you understand that message.

final entry
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Felippe: "Here's your pen back, sorry don't have much time, I ordered a cab to take me to the airport which I thought would already be here by now".

Fan: "That's funny, if you were a bit quicker I guess you could've shared the one Alonso just took a few seconds ago".

Grosjean (sp?): So, what did Domenicalli (sp?) say to you after the race?
Massa: Shut my mouth or I'll be sleeping with the fishes.​

Fan: Hey Felipe, could you give me an autograph?
Felipe: Sure, no prob...
Fan: Actually, can you give me back my pen? Alonso is going away faster than you, you should let me get his autograph first.

"OK, so, Ferrari is poorer than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?"
*Felipe signs his own $100,000 cheque over for the good of the "team"*
"Good lad. Just stick with it now. Sorry."​

Felipe baby, hurry up and sign this document stating that you must be number 2 to Fernando Alonso at all times contract.

Fan: Felipe, can you sign this for me please?

Felipe: For sure.

Fan: So Felipe, I suppose what everyone wants to know is....

...do you think HRT were right to stick with Yamamoto for the Hungarian GP?
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A Mike Jagger lookalike trying to chase down Felipe into signing The Rolling Stones Album 'Dirty Work' with such song titles as One Hit (To The Body), Hold Back, Too Rude and, Felipe's personal favourite, Treat Me Like A Fool!

The deadline for this round will be Monday 2nd August, and the vote will take place over the course of next week. Round Twelve - HUNGARY will follow that, so it will be about a week later than normal...

Also, from next week, the voting rules will be changed slightly - you will no longer be able to give a single caption all 3 votes, and therefore you will only be able to vote 2-1 or 1-1-1 in future. Hopefully this won't make a substantial difference.


1st: Smallhorses - 25 pts
2nd: Touring Mars - 18 pts
3rd: interludes - 15 pts
4th=: ROAD_DOGG33J, livemusic, driftking18594 - 10 pts
7th=: LewyOs, chromatic9, PJ-FFL, analog - 3 pts

Winning Entry


"OK, so, your wheelie bag is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?"
*Felipe lets his bag through, turns it round & pushes it...*
"Good lad. Just stick with it now. Sorry."

Standings (after Round Eleven)

1st: Touring Mars = 117 pts
2nd: Smallhorses = 109 pts
3rd: pippin4652 = 95 pts
4th: interludes = 76 pts
5th: PeterJB = 52 pts
6th: Soundtrack = 50 pts
7th: daan = 48 pts
8th: Omnis = 41 pts
9th: Famine = 37 pts
10th: SUPER NUMBBER = 35 pts
11th: mafia_boy = 29 pts
12th: yeti = 28 pts
13th: Alex. = 25 pts
14th=: zed300, chromatic9 = 24 pts
16th=: Pescara for GT5, LewyOs = 23 pts
18th=: Terronium-12, ROAD_DOGG33J = 21 pts
20th: peterjford = 20 pts
21st=: PureAwesomeness, TheStig13 = 18 pts
23rd: ExigeEvan = 16 pts
24th: mipuumal = 13 pts
25th: TS = 12 pts
26th: BlacqueJacques = 11 pts
27th=: orimarc, Fastas, driftking18594, livemusic = 10 pts
31st=: NihilismOnToast, RACECAR = 9 pts
33rd=: Only_in_f1, analog = 8 pts
35th=: haitch40, atteiros = 7 pts
37th: Ian Poole = 6 pts
38th=: SaberFire, Seismica, Captain Roh = 4 pts
41st: PJ-FFL = 3 pts

Congratulations to Smallhorses for winning Round Eleven of the competition :cheers:

Results Archive updated in the first post


Round Twelve: Hungary - will follow on later today or tomorrow​
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The first time I've failed to score since round one, so sod's law dictated that Smallhorses and TM had to come first and second! I need to sort my (caption) life out...
I guess you guys have figured out the secret, which is to play every round! Keep up the good work, this has been the closest competition so far I reckon, and with 8 rounds still left, there is everything to play for. Congrats to the three new entrants to the leaderboard too 👍
That worked for me in the first 3 rounds but I've had an intense lack of inspiration since then!
Bah. I suppose my caption was much too similar to the rest this time around. :P
Round Twelve - Hungary



Entries by Monday, 16th August - 0900 GMT - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. You may also submit your final entry to me via PM if you want your entry to be anonymous.

Full rules available in Post #1

Please note, if you submit an entry, you are expected to vote in the subsequent voting round.
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