niky - 25 pts
Touring Mars - 18 pts
daan - 15 pts
4. TopGearFTW - 12 pts
5. TS - 10 pts
6=. Ian Poole, Smallhorses - 7 pts
8=. driftking18594, Pupik, ADEuk, Famine, pippin4652, BlacqueJacques, Omnis = 1 pt
Winning Entry
Oi, it's Hekki! Quick, pass me another fire extinguisher!
Standings (after Round Sixteen)
2010 F1 Caption Competition Winner
Touring Mars =
197 pts
Smallhorses =
117 pts
pippin4652 =
116 pts
interludes =
99 pts
4th: PeterJB = 74 pts
5th: daan = 72 pts
6th: Soundtrack = 60 pts
7th: Omnis = 58 pts
8th: ADEuk = 53 pts
9th: LewyOs = 51 pts
10th: niky = 48 pts
11th: Famine = 44 pts
12th: SUPER NUMBBER = 35 pts
13th: TS = 33 pts
14th: mafia_boy = 32 pts
15th: TheStig13 = 31 pts
16th=: yeti, Alex. = 28 pts
18th: Pupik = 26 pts
19th: astrosdude91 = 25 pts
20th=: zed300, chromatic9 = 24 pts
22nd: Pescara for GT5 = 23 pts
23rd=: Terronium-12, ROAD_DOGG33J = 21 pts
25th: peterjford = 20 pts
26th: glassjaw = 19 pts
27th: PureAwesomeness = 18 pts
28th: ExigeEvan = 16 pts
29th=: mipuumal, Ian Poole = 13 pts
31st=: TopGearFTW, BlacqueJacques = 12 pts
33rd: driftking18594 = 11 pts
34th=: orimarc, Fastas, livemusic = 10 pts
37th=: NihilismOnToast, RACECAR = 9 pts
39th=: Only_in_f1, analog = 8 pts
41st=: haitch40, atteiros = 7 pts
43rd=: Carbonite, Justin = 6 pts
45th: Raagentreg = 5 pts
46th=: SaberFire, Seismica, Captain Roh = 4 pts
49th: PJ-FFL = 3 pts
50th: Sureboss = 2 pts
Congratulations to niky

for winning Round Sixteen of the competition

And, with three rounds to go, TM seals the 2010 F1 Caption Competition title, and claims the top prize of £1,000,000.

The race for the remaining podium spots is tighter than ever, with just 1 pt between 1st and 2nd in the chase.