CH: So how are you getting home Fernando
FA: Private helicopter
CH: Me too, heard Mark is travelling by plane by to Australia
FA: He'll never get home in time for next season
MW: Huh?
FA: Christian, check out the arse on hat chick over there.
CH: Very nice.
MW: What you guys doing?
FA: Checking out that hot chicks features
MW: That's my girlfriend.
FA & CH:
MW: Check out that babe over there! CH: Mark, you're drunk. That's a shrub. FA: Actually, if you tilt your head about 45 degrees to the right... CH: Aw! Anne Widdecombe! I hate you Fernando!
If anyone wants to know what an Anne Widdecombe is, Google it. The results will not be pretty...
FA: "Mark Webber? I think he is an ugly Australian twa..... Oh God, he's standing right next to me, isn't he?" CH: "Just smile and look the other way, he didn't hear a thing.."
CH:You know that picture of you and a random girl flirting when you were drunk.
MW: What I dont remember this.
FA: Check facebook and you will remember.
CH: Here is your contract Fernando.
FA: Thank you.
MW: Now I'm playing second fiddle to this guy??
CH: Oh no...
MW: Good.
CH: Wait Mark you Don't Understand your fired.
MW: Why?
CH: Cause even those dogs you were showing off to Eddie Jordan and the BBC can drive better than you!
FA: And at least there house trained!
Alonso: My cousin Borat do much investigations in the America and say I am well like in USA and the world. Much love to my homeland of Kazakhstan! I am can't wait to having sexy time with my sister, and maybe also cousin Borat.
Apologies for the massive delay... a combination of a) holidays b) work c) surfing GTP from my phone alot recently and d) forgetfulness led to this thread languishing a bit. However, the BONUS ROUND is now open for voting in the voting thread.